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Why Are People So Dumb?!

Guest Willow

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Sitting in tha car park at Dominoes last night, waiting for our pizza....a middle aged guy walks up with his off lead entire male staffy, and goes to the takeaway next door. He makes a big theatrical song & dance about getting the dog to sit, and then wags his finger at him & says "Now you stay here till I come back".

Sure enough, the nanosecond he turns his back the dog takes off into the traffic & diappears from sight :(

It's twighlight, it's the day before xmas eve, it's late night shopping and it's one of the busiest shopping centres in Perth.....the dog is gone.

The guy comes charging out of the shop going "WHERE'S ME DOG?" and was pointed in the direction of the now nowhere to be seen dog, although we can now see cars slamming brakes on, so it's a fair bet where he is.

Anyway, he calls his dog who eventually comes back, and as he walk past OH & I who have watched astonished as this unfolded (we couldn't even see where the dog had gone to go find it....we didn't just leave him to go play with the traffic, and it all happened in seconds) the guy walks past us laughing and says "he's obedient really, he just pretends not to be"....

I will leave it to the imagination what my response was, which he ignored & walked off...

FFS....will it take his dog getting killed, or approaching the wrong person, or approaching someone with DA dog on leacsh to get him to do the right thing????

He could have left his dog in his truck cab, with a the window down....but no......

I hsate people sometimes, i really do.

Edited by Willow
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And as the owner of a DA dog these are the kind of dogs I end up yelling at and the reason why my frenchie doesn't get walked. I'm sick of having owners (if they're actually with the dog) telling me their dogs friendly... well just because my dog is small doesn't mean he is friendly.

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Poor dog for having such an idiot owner.

I know someone with a similar problem - although they don't leave them near traffic in town.

They leave them on the back of the ute and tell them to stay there. They hop off within seconds, piss all over the place and I usually go out and yell at them threaten them with death and they stay there. They think they are well behaved and they just are not!

Now they actually tie them up - well mostly! The last straw was when they came into the garage and pissed all over my ironing board which was near the door and pissed all over the quad bike wheels when they were also parked in the garage.

They will also posture at the old Stafford and I will not allow him to get in a fight, so I have to mae sure he is in.

Funnily enough when I took my dog to their place and I let her out of the car for a little run around (on purpose) they ran around flat out trying to catch her and put her back in the car so she wouldn't chase any chooks or doing anything naughty. I called her she immediately came back and hopped in the car.

They insist on taking them EVERYWHERE be it a BBQ, birthday party, quick visit - anything.

Drives me nuts!

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Sitting in tha car park at Dominoes last night, waiting for our pizza....a middle aged guy walks up with his off lead entire male staffy, and goes to the takeaway next door. He makes a big theatrical song & dance about getting the dog to sit, and then wags his finger at him & says "Now you stay here till I come back".

Sure enough, the nanosecond he turns his back the dog takes off into the traffic & diappears from sight :thumbsup:

It's twighlight, it's the day before xmas eve, it's late night shopping and it's one of the busiest shopping centres in Perth.....the dog is gone.

The guy comes charging out of the shop going "WHERE'S ME DOG?" and was pointed in the direction of the now nowhere to be seen dog, although we can now see cars slamming brakes on, so it's a fair bet where he is.

Anyway, he calls his dog who eventually comes back, and as he walk past OH & I who have watched astonished as this unfolded (we couldn't even see where the dog had gone to go find it....we didn't just leave him to go play with the traffic, and it all happened in seconds) the guy walks past us laughing and says "he's obedient really, he just pretends not to be"....

I will leave it to the imagination what my response was, which he ignored & walked off...

FFS....will it take his dog getting killed, or approaching the wrong person, or approaching someone with DA dog on leacsh to get him to do the right thing????

He could have left his dog in his truck cab, with a the window down....but no......

I hsate people sometimes, i really do.

oh geez glad dog was ok idiotic owner hoping it wasn't my local dominos on great eastern hwy??? very lucky dog if so.

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sigh..... they seem to be everywhere don't they. Like the guy I saw the other day attach his dog to the back of his truck by a choke chain.

Thats scary. :p

I keep seeing pups at the park, offlead wearing check chains or running around with leashes still attached. It worries me... :love:

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