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Rising Stars For 2011

Bilbo Baggins

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Guest Panzer Attack!
  Paptacular! said:
Entering the ring in May are pups from my first litter:

Paptacular The Fluffinator (Tyson)

Paptacular Pink Ribbon (Coco)

Yay! :) Is your mum going to be handling Coco? How exciting!!!!

And here's my first ever (as yet unproven :)) showie, Paptacular Miles Per Hour (Scooter):


I'm so excited and nervous to have a really nice dog! (Not that Bam and Tucky weren't/aren't nice, just in different ways)

E x

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  Panzer Attack! said:
And here's my first ever (as yet unproven :)) showie, Paptacular Miles Per Hour (Scooter):


I'm so excited and nervous to have a really nice dog! (Not that Bam and Tucky weren't/aren't nice, just in different ways)

E x

Toy Dog Club show is coming up Panz! :)

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Dexter: "Aimfor Can U B Swayd" owned by myself and SWAY was awarded BABY IN SHOW today at the Cairn Specialty :thumbsup: He was the only dog I had entered as my other bitch was in Sydney for a mating! (typical :D )

Ive been poked to add: Hes also won 1x baby in SHow, 6 x Baby in Groups and 2 x 3rd in Sweepies.. ;) there SWAY!

Edited by Missymoo
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  Missymoo said:

Dexter: "Aimfor Can U B Swayd" owned by myself and SWAY was awarded BABY IN SHOW today at the Cairn Specialty ;) He was the only dog I had entered as my other bitch was in Sydney for a mating! (typical :D )

Ive been poked to add: Hes also won 1x baby in SHow, 6 x Baby in Groups and 2 x 3rd in Sweepies.. :D there SWAY!

Blondie says thanks ! It's all in the folder ready to go to school for "show and tell" tomorrow.

She even marked the catalogue to show the kids the 9 other baby names. :thumbsup:

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  SwaY said:
  Missymoo said:

Dexter: "Aimfor Can U B Swayd" owned by myself and SWAY was awarded BABY IN SHOW today at the Cairn Specialty :D He was the only dog I had entered as my other bitch was in Sydney for a mating! (typical :love: )

Ive been poked to add: Hes also won 1x baby in SHow, 6 x Baby in Groups and 2 x 3rd in Sweepies.. :D there SWAY!

Blondie says thanks ! It's all in the folder ready to go to school for "show and tell" tomorrow.

She even marked the catalogue to show the kids the 9 other baby names. :thumbsup:

Yah for Dexter and connections. Has he left any ribbon intact for Blondie to take to school? ;)

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  Rebanne said:
Yah for Dexter and connections. Has he left any ribbon intact for Blondie to take to school? :thumbsup:

She did ask why this one was wet and had teeth marks. ;)

Perhaps after this effort he will give up chewing?


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  SwaY said:
  ophnbark said:
Huge congrats Missymoo, Sway and the adorable Dexter :):laugh::cheer:

Blondie says you should get a Cairn :)

No chance Blondie, we'll just enjoy Dexter's antics and achievements from the side lines :) I also meant to say a huge congrats to Blondie as well :cheer:

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Is Abby still a rising star for 2011? I'm not sure if this is just for puppies, but she's still my rising star :cry:

With only a few shows left in Junior before we move to intermediate, I'm very proud of what Abby has achieved so far. Placing in two of the three specialties in Sydney of the Easter weekend. Last weekend getting BOB over her half brother who is a Gr Ch and a BIS winning boy (whom I love), and getting short listed for group and Junior in Group. I'm hoping I can get her showing better without the pulling.

I just love this photo of Abby from the specialty:


All these new babies are very cute! Making me very puppy clucky, especially with all the beagle babies around at the moment.

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