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Lol, I just lifted something & a lizard about a foot long flew out.

It beelined for Trim who jumped about a foot into the air before launching into my arms.

Shine was very interested but maintained about a 2 metre distance, crouching & circling.

Peppi just launched at it, pounce, grab & proceeded to make it a toy.

The lizard is now safe & all 3 dogs are back to lazing around.

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How's your heart rate? :)

nah, it's good, we have a heap of lizards, they look & move very different to snakes.

I do worry about peppi though. I feel sure she would have the same reaction to a snake.

I am comforted that the girls did not join in her game. Shine has seen a snake & had a very different & reassuring reaction.

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Bet you jumped, too!!

It's on occasions like this I will roar/make noise etc .. so the pups think lizards/snakes are to be well avoided :thumbsup:

(and if your dog has already grabbed the lizard.. it is probably badly injured :) AFAIK.. they cannot 'bruise' externally, so bleed internally...or get infections if there is a puncture )

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Yes it is a worry, do you often have snakes at your place Vickie?

I'm just glad Moths aren't deadly because my two are constantly catching and killing them!

I did have a giggle about Trim jumping into your arms though :)

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Yes it is a worry, do you often have snakes at your place Vickie?

no, not often on our property, but they are certainly around.

The only ones we have had here have been when we have returned from being away for a few weeks.

I think they are too scared of my noisy kids to hang around while we are here :laugh:

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Lol. Thankfully Buster stays away from scaly things, Mac's terrier comes out in her though and I worry about her with snakes.

Yesterday we found a half grown bush turkey in the yard. Quinn proceeded to bark her box off at it in terror and Buster came zooming out of nowhere to take it out. Thankfully he stopped when we yelled and it made haste getting out of the yard.

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