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" Off The Chain"


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Found this today. Found it very interesting to get a perspective from people who fight dogs, and overall this was a nice balanced piece.

It's long and graphic. This is part 1 of 6 parts.


ETA: This documentary talks about the origins of the pit bull, the criminalisation of the sport, has interviews with two dog fighters, numerous interviews with pit bull owners, law enforcement agencies, etc. Talks about the inefficiency of BSL.

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If they loved the breed so much, then why not just breed and show the dog? Why do they need to fight them?

The way they talk about their dogs, its like a car thats been personally built from scratch. But thats all it is, its just a object at the end of it.

This guys 100% believes that the dogs choose to be in the ring fighting other dogs, says its like boxers.

Yeah, if boxers where slaves forced to fight with knives or die.

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This guys 100% believes that the dogs choose to be in the ring fighting other dogs, says its like boxers.

Yeah, if boxers where slaves forced to fight with knives or die.

More like gladiators, who also gave no consent and were forced to fight for their lives.

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This guys 100% believes that the dogs choose to be in the ring fighting other dogs, says its like boxers.

Yeah, if boxers where slaves forced to fight with knives or die.

More like gladiators, who also gave no consent and were forced to fight for their lives.


Not quite. Gladiators were the rock stars of their generation - the best were feted and entertained like celebrities.

And a good one could earn his freedom. There's no light at the end of the tunnel for a fighting dog. :wave:

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A hugely worthwhile documentary - makes you wonder how the creator ever got the access that they did. The bit in video 5 with all the adopted pit bulls and happy owners had me sobbing!

And this from the HSUS rep on the ineffectiveness of breed bans was awesome:

They punish dog owners who are keeping their dogs responsibly.

You will capture some dangerous animals, but you won't capture a whole host of dangerous animals that are out there.

It doesn't matter that you're doing everything right; that your dog has had training and you have taken the time with that animal to raise her in a way that makes sure she is a safe member of your family. You're telling those people that none of that matters, just because she happens to be a pit bull.

*edit spelling*

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Dog fighters telling you how much they love and admire their dogs is like paedophiles telling you how much they love kids. Sickening, criminal behaviour that's morally reprehensible and utterly inexcusable IMO.

x 2


I am not going to watch it as there is nothing anyone can tell me will that will change my mind at all on the fact Dog fighting is very very wrong!

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The thought of dog fighting makes me sick to the stomach and the monsters that do fight their dogs are the scum of the earth and I hope that there is an especially deep pit in hell for them. I am not going to watch the video as the images will haunt me.

The dogs are the victims of crime and I wish that they would be treated as such. The Michael Vick Pit Bulls that were seized when his fighting ring was busted were the first dogs to be rehabilitated rather than being immediatly put down after the court case, 47 out of the 49 siezed dogs were successfully rehabilated thanks to groups such as Best Friends Animal Sanctuary an Bad Rap Pit Bull Rescue, more Fighting Dogs are now being rescued and rehabilitated but dog fighting is endemic in certain parts of the USA and looks .like it will be for some time.

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Thank you for sharing. Although this is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen and made me feel sick to the stomach I also do not believe in "ignorance is bliss" and this was informative at the same time. To see how bad it actually is makes you want to go over there and do whatever you can to help and hopefully when i travel over in 2012 I will have that opportunity to volunteer in the rescue programs. What a poor misunderstod mistreated breed. Those "dog men" read sick twisted sociopaths need to be culled not the poor dogs. How could you.

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Just finished watching all six parts and bawled my eyes out. The poor little bastard that couldn't fight anymore and they electrocuted to kill her. Assholes. Sick twisted assholes.

It really is hard watching but like you Keira&Phoenix I'm glad I watched it. Ignorance certainly is bliss and this needs to be made more public so more people will do what is possible to help.

If I was ever to travel to the US, I too would like to volunteer with the rescue programs.

Does anyone know the extent of dog fighting in Australia?

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