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Champa Again...


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So... I get home from work yesterday afternoon in a mad rush - I need to get the house spotless and organised for my son's party on Sunday. Pull into the driveway and a bag of rubbish has been pulled out of the garbage bin and there is rubbish strewn all over the driveway. I cursed the crows momentarily, before realising they couldn't possibly have pulled that out of the bin... Crap, Champa!! Open the gate, sure enough, no Champa. He has jumped the front gate (which is about 6ft high and he is a 9yo dog with a shoulder problem). So I spend 15 minutes driving the streets, knocking on doors, calling his name and then my phone rings. Yep, its the pound. Champa has been impounded. So I drive out to the pound to pick up my stinking dog - who is completely bloated because of all the rubbish he has eaten. $160 later and I have my dog back - who by the way was very excited at being in the pound and not the least bit excited to see me. Merry Christmas Champa - you giant turd-burger!!

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Merry Christmas Champa - you giant turd-burger!!

:rolleyes: Oh dear, what a naughty boy. Do you have an idea why he would have done that? Has he done it before?

Hopefully he won't again! :mad

But glad he is home safe and sound.

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Merry Christmas Champa - you giant turd-burger!!

:D Oh dear, what a naughty boy. Do you have an idea why he would have done that? Has he done it before?

Hopefully he won't again! :(

But glad he is home safe and sound.


He certainly keeps you on your toes!!

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Yep, typical lab. :D

Our lab Audrey (who doesnt even have the excuse of being a young dog) will steal any food she can find. She goes through the kids school bags of an afternoon and takes the empty lunchboxes off for a chewing just to get the crumbs, or if no lunchbox, just shreds whatever food wrappers she can find in there. We must never leave any food on benches - of course we forget sometimes and within minutes she can get it on the floor or carry it out the door. Cakes always have to be stored in the fridge or she will get them and eat the lot. She will steal and eat a dozen eggs, or a packet of dried fruit, or a box of milk powder. The worm farm always has to have its lid on tight cos Audrey knows there are rotten veges and old teabags in there - yum! I cant count the number of times Iv lost a dirty saucepan out of the sink or off the cooktop and found it later, well cleaned, under a bush...

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Sounds like a perfectly normal Lab to me.
Yep, typical lab. :(

No its NOT :D - many dogs of all different breed types are fence jumpers and rubbish bag scavengers. Also most labs would have difficulty scaling a 6ft fence/gate :D

Kirty is your gate padlocked, because if not, someone could have let him out, unless you/your family have witnessed him scaling your gate on previous occasions.

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five words

"secure dog run , with roof "

There's no way on this earth I'd put up with the shit and destruction that dog dishes out. Buy a weldmesh dog run and lock him up when you go out.

I so could not live with that behaviour... not after what he did to your garage last time!!!

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Be So careful with dogs getting into rubbish. My brothers Staffy Lab Cross got into a bag of rubbish that it managed to pull through the fence and got its head stuck in a food tin and passed out. Luckily my brothers mother in law stopped by their place and found her and took her to the vet! She was OK luckily but scary indeed for my brother and fiancee.

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