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Act Rspca


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poodlefan, nothing at all is wrong with that. a fence jumper can cause endless problems including heartbreak. ;)

im saying that this whole " No kill shelter" that the general public think is not competley true.

Does the RSPCA advertise itself as "no kill". If it does its news to me. :(

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Why are you all so quick to knock the RSPCA in ACT? They are the only RSPCA who run on a no-kill basis and they do a great job. But I guess you guys do so much rescue yourself so of course, you have every right to sit back and laugh.


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im[sic] not tryng [sic] to b nasty , purely stating my opinion but "the facts" can very eaisly[sic] be tweaked, re written[sic] or straight out lies

Regardless of whether you're trying or not, you appear to have succeeded...

To be honest, I'm not sure what you hope to achieve overall. Clearly you have some sort of personal antipathy towards the RSPCA and that's fair enough because no one says that you should support them, like them or even think about them during quiet moments of peaceful introspection. If your intention was to state that your personal view is that you don't like the RSPCA ACT then you've satisfied that objective - I think we all got it the first time ...

If your objective was to try to persuade people to believe that your views are right or based in any way on verifiable and objective fact, then you're not going to succeed. Given that there are people here who have actually met and worked with ACT RSPCA and are basing their views on their own personal experiences, I'm not sure why anyone would or should be persuaded by posts from someone we don't know, who has offered no substantiation of his/her allegations regarding the ACT RSPCA ...

If you feel so strongly about the ACT RSPCA then perhaps you should go and do something substantive about it rather than wasting your time trying to discredit the ACT RSPCA to people who believe that the ACT RSPCA does more good than it does harm ... If your intention was merely to vent spleen then an angry facebook status update will probably more than suffice. :thumbsup:

Edited by koalathebear
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the pound is not the nicest place, no thats true and the RSPCA trys hard yes that is true but from the begining all i was trying to say was there " funding crisis" is a load of crap with the amount of cash they earn.

Again, I would advise you to go and look at the Annual Report for last year, or even just read my post. It clearly shows that the RSPCA are running at a loss of over a hundred thousand per year. The year before that, before they really got to work on fund-raising, they ran at a loss of over five hundred thousand. Sounds like a funding crisis to me.

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:rofl: Merry Christmas to all at RSPCA ACT .... may your financial worries not be too big (and thank you again to Mita for her interpretation of the media article) and may you continue to lead the way in how RSPCAs operate.

It really sounds as if you are going back to what the RSPCA was intending to be about .... animal welfare and the PREVENTION of cruelty, i.e. education. In an ideal world purebred dog breeders and the RSPCA should be able to get along harmoniously. We once did. But we saw too many things that had a stink, we saw the rorts, the conflict of interests, and many of us walked. Then, when the RSPCA decided that they needed to get governments to bring in jackbooted legislation to try and make criminals out of dog breeders, well, that's when the good ship lollipop really fell apart.

A uniform doesn't have to be hated, it can be respected. Methinks that Michael Linke and his team are gaining respect because of improved policies.

And you never know, but, if you are respected, the donations bucket might just fill up faster!

Souff :rofl:

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RSPCA ACT's funding is HUGE.

I honestly think that if majority of the public knew how much money they get from the government, fundraisers, sales and legacies they would be very surprised and majority would be sending there donations to another cause.

They don’t pay for food as hills supplies ALL of it. The staff work for minimal wage. (apart from the people in the office) the get discounted if not free media coverage.

I mean the idea of saving the animals and all that stuff is great but somewhere along the way it all turned to media and money.

People praise them for being a non kill shelter... The reason they are a "no kill shelter" is because they send everything they don't want/ don’t have room for or fence jumpers straight to DAS!!

They do put a lot of animals to sleep. Anything that isn't deemed suitable for reshoeing ( fails the testing ) is PTS. Sometimes they avoid having the stats by sending the ones they know are not going to be any good to DAS.

The idea of a RSPCA is great but I think we need a better run one and less lies.

Oh and PS - 90% of the dogs that presented with parvo at das came from the rspca.

Your post is so off base you really need to go back and read the whole thread and I can't believe you have said what you have said without doing just that, I said why the RSPCA sends dogs to DAS.

How do you know that 90% of the parvo dogs came from the RSPCA, the majority came through the front doors at DAS. If they came from the RSPCA then they would have been shut down the same as DAS was for all those months.

Of course the RSPCA put the sick, old, aggressive, dogs with behavioural issues to sleep, "so does the pound", they hold the others for as long as it takes to rehome them, unlike a pound who put to sleep after 7 days.

With the fence jumpers, are you saying that the RSPCA puts the dogs through the quarantine period then sends them into the general population, then has the dog out in the runs and the dog jumps the fence and then when they catch it they send it to DAS :rofl:



fyi, i did read the whole thread but i was marely stating my opinion on RSPCA's "funding crisis". please do not tell me what i have and have not done.

How do i know about the parvo? well how do you know that majority came through the doors at DAS? clearly we both know something so do not jump to thinking yours is the correct answer.

yes the pound has a legal way to run in which on the 8TH day they legally own the dog. therefor can do what they wish with the animal wether thats PTS or finding a new home or holding dogs over. i think that is very unjust and unfair to say that they put them down on the 7th day. does that mean that every dog who has been there for 7 days gets pts straight away? i think not.

and no iam not saying that about the fence jumpers i am saying they DO NOT rehome majority of fence jumpers. what do you think the reason for surrender would say on the surrender waiting list " can not contain dog in yard" or something like that? so im sure they jump up and go oh my should we bring this fence jumper in for rehoming or the one that " dont have time to look after in"

the pound is not the nicest place, no thats true and the RSPCA trys hard yes that is true but from the begining all i was trying to say was there " funding crisis" is a load of crap with the amount of cash they earn.

and i think the pound needs to be shown a bit more compassion for what they do, imagine how hard it is for them, having a legal requirement to take ALL dogs wether theres room or not.

you may continue to " bang your head" but b careful you dont hurt your self

fyi, i did read the whole thread but i was marely stating my opinion on RSPCA's "funding crisis". please do not tell me what i have and have not done. I never mentioned the “funding crisis” in my post….

How do i know about the parvo? well how do you know that majority came through the doors at DAS? clearly we both know something so do not jump to thinking yours is the correct answer. I rescue and deal with DAS on a regular basis and have done for 8 years so when another pavro case was detected in the pound the rescue people were told about it….I never said I was correct just saying what we were told by the staff…..

yes the pound has a legal way to run in which on the 8TH day they legally own the dog. therefor can do what they wish with the animal wether thats PTS or finding a new home or holding dogs over. i think that is very unjust and unfair to say that they put them down on the 7th day. does that mean that every dog who has been there for 7 days gets pts straight away? i think not. I never said they put down “on” the 7th day I said after the 7th day, we all know they euth on a Wednesday…..

and no iam not saying that about the fence jumpers i am saying they DO NOT rehome majority of fence jumpers. what do you think the reason for surrender would say on the surrender waiting list " can not contain dog in yard" or something like that? so im sure they jump up and go oh my should we bring this fence jumper in for rehoming or the one that " dont have time to look after in "You never mentioned “surrenders”

the pound is not the nicest place, no thats true and the RSPCA trys hard yes that is true but from the begining all i was trying to say was there " funding crisis" is a load of crap with the amount of cash they earn. Michael is running a lot of programs that none of us are aware of, as he said on the radio last Sunday morning he does not publicize all of them we are sure the money is going where it needs to go.. I said this in my earlier post....

and i think the pound needs to be shown a bit more compassion for what they do, imagine how hard it is for them, having a legal requirement to take ALL dogs wether theres room or not. Rescue have worked with the pound for years and we have a good knowledge of how things run and none of us have a problem with the pound itself and we have never bagged them personally, it is the ACT Govt, like most governments that need to lift their game…..

You obviously didn't read this in my original post either the RSPCA sends dogs to the pound BECAUSE all the impounds go into their quarantine pens on arrival, after that time they then go into the normal pens for rehoming (pending vet assessment) if the quarantine pens are full they can't put any of them in the normal pens, seems very responsible disease management to me and all of us in rescue here in Canberra don't have a problem with that."

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Not much point in making a thread on the RSPCA on DOL and expecting balanced discussion. There is a vocal cohort of people on DOL that have their minds made up that RSPCA deserves only criticism and will hear no good of the organisation. Their veiws are not strongly reflected outside DOL however and the RSPCA remains a respected organisation in the broader community, and it is widely recognised that it is staffed by people who genuinely care about animals and do their best for them. In so far as the RSPCA enjoys broad popular support, it can be seen that their policies that attract some of the most vitriolic criticism on DOL, are at least tacitly supported elsewhere.

Important to remember that DOL is a very small community of people with a particular narrow area of interst in common. Within DOL the RSPCA-haters are a narrower group again. Just having the loudest voice doesnt make a veiw mainstream.

Just in case anyone missed it the first time... :laugh:

Seasons greetings to all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I havent read the whole thread (as always very long :laugh).

I just wanted to add that I think the goverment should help support the ACT RSPCA. Why because the RSPCA does some of the work for the goverment. The RSPCA takes in all puppies (under six months) and all cats and kittens as DAS does not have the facility for this. If the RSPCA closed imagine! Oh and they are the local wild life group too.

Im not a supporter of everything RSPCA these days but I do know here they do a major service for the ACT. They also do their best to be a no kill shelter - and have been working on ways to improve this. Their stats show the great work they do.

I do know what goes on there :) lucky me. So the fact that they are running so low is sad. However the RSPCA does have to act like a bussiness in some forms and this is one of them when they need to ask why. There are always ways to improve.

Again I certainly think the goverment should be stepping up here. Not even just for the RSPCA but from what I see of DAS I think they could use some more training and funding too. Such a shame that they put our pets as such low priority.

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Oh and RSPCA does not send any problem dogs to DAS :) what a silly idea! Dogs that are sent to DAS are usually done so as they dont have the room. All dogs sent are recorded in numbers and why. So no they dont suddenly decide after a week its not working ;)

They do try work with dogs with issues. BUt lets face it and be realistic they have limited time and space. Not every dog is going to be rehomable. fence jumpers - depends on the specifics, but it certainly isnt going to help the dog is it. Why is the dog jumping, how high can they jump? If they cant say jump a 6 foot fence then they have a good chance as it can be added to the dogs profile they must go to a home (which is checked) that has 6 foot fences. If the dog can easily jump the 7 foot fence... then its not so good.

DAS also sends a number of animals to the RSPCA. After all they dont have the facilities for some.

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Im certainly not going to give a tick to everything the RSPCA do but the inspectorate and powers given to them via state laws are a mile away from the shelters.

I doubt very much that anyone could seriously be having a personal go at Michael who has never shown anything other than genuine care for the animals. Give credit where its due - He has done a good job and much of what he has introduced is innovative and working. Its impossible to sit on a forum and decide you know better on what policies will and wont work because there are so many variables and issues - including thise which are relavant in one area which isnt in another.

To bring up crap about where donated food goes whether it was years ago or yesterday or several other things being said here serves no purpose and very few on this forum have much concept of what is needed to co ordinate or manage the things they do anyway.

However, I do find it a little :confused: that this call for more funding comes around the same time as calls for more laws.

If the more funding is to go to the shelter then I hope they get all they need and then some.

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Please make sure that you know the organisation thoroughly before criticising it.

RSPCA ACT are a great organisation who try very hard to improve things for animals in need in the ACT community. They definitely stand out on their own with their forward moving ideas and strategies. They are worthy of public contribution.

Whilst many may have other views on RSPCA's australia-wide, and I am unable to comment on those, in my view the RSPCA in ACT has the best interests in the animals at heart.

We see them personally trying to make a difference to the dogs on death row. They went in and parvo tested, washed and checked dogs for rescue when the parvo outbreak was at DAS. I have seen first hand some of the great assistance they give to dogs that need a bit longer to find the right homes rather than send them to rainbow bridge. I have seen them step in and help dogs that no other rescue had chosen to do.

For those that are just criticising for the sake of it - go find a more worthwhile tree to bark at .


Raelene, unfortunatley dogs will always be dogs, some just need a bit of training!! Too much bark and no thought process!! :confused:

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