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Maremma Attacks Toddler


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Just read this in the local.


Good grief what is wrong with people who let their toddlers around dogs!

I feel for the family, BUT a small kid can look like a toy to a dog. Poor dog being "euthanased".

Why do some parents not take some responsibility!

We have a "grandma" at our local leash-free with 2 labs. She routiinely lets her toddlers play around the dogs at lead off time. ANY dog might approach, and might result in a bad outcome. My young Kelpie almost bowled one of the toddlers over whilst playing rough with another young dog, I ran in to come between the kid and the dogs, her comment was "Oh don't worry he's used to dogs' !!!!!! :rofl:

\haven't these people got some reponsibility legally, in a leash-free time at least?

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Well sallyandtex

You certainly seem to have the correct attitude about dogs and children.

Children should never be left unsupervised when around dogs.

Quote: "Dogs don't see children as people." end quote.

Good grief what is wrong with people who let their toddlers around dogs!

Poor dog being "euthanased".

Not quite my sentiment, being a Maremma "owner."

That is a horrendous situation that should engender the greatest outrage.

Leaving dogs and toddlers unsupervised condemns both the child and the dog, however my sentiments are with the child.

You might note that the Maremma pictured is a cross-bred. With ears like that it has some 'rogue' elements in it.

Maremmas' are wary of strangers and being a guardian breed and will also defend against a perceived threat, child or not.

Why do some parents not take some responsibility!

Why indeed! There is no place for complacency when dogs and children are concerned.

This story is clearly a case of carelessness and neglect. It's not the dog that should be euthanased. :rofl:

haven't these people got some reponsibility legally, in a leash-free time at least?

You can bet your little cotton socks they do.

They wouldn't let their children play on the highway, or then again maybe they would.

Poor baby, I hope he will be OK

As a final note.

I once knew of an obese, lethargic, necrotic old mongrel that spent it's time wallowing in decrepitude who was left alone with a 'rug rat'.

Guess what. It mauled the baby's face to shreds.

Best lesson. Your dogs with other people: strictly a No No!

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Well unfortunately for the press there was no way they could label that one a bully breed lol so had to pick something else. I just got a new kitten, and so have just been through the whole process of trying to carefully introduce a powerless and foreign thing to my large and very powerful doberman. You can tell when they're going to be ok alone together - and I'm a believer of that, but that said, if I didn't have places where I knew the cat could go and be safe from the dog, I probably wouldn't be entirely comfortable leaving them together.

I'm guessing this particular dog, being owned by grandparents, didn't have a whole lot of experience with young children, and with any protective breed, particularly one that protects the territory, well I don't know what was going through their minds when they thought they could just leave the dog to do its usual job and have some foreign thing in its territory without offering any guidance or supervision...

Poor child, but I can't really blame the dog for this one. I would be blaming myself entirely.

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I dont think the dog in the photo is THE dog.. probably just a very poor stock photo of a 'maremma'.

I thought that too. I mean it's not as if the offending dog would sit nicely and pose for the journalists like that.. no doubt he was locked away, or worse :rolleyes:

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Yes, you're right PF. I knew it looked like something but couldn't put my finger on it.

Maremmas are a guarding breed - no doubt the toddler scared it and it was doing its job. Shame for all involved. :rolleyes:

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I don't think it looks like a wolf. Eyes are too different. Face and muzzle are too broad and round. Just mho. As someone has said, likely as not it is a generic photo anyway. I mean who puts a dog who has bitten a child, in the middle of land with no collar and lead for the sake of a journo photo?

Edited by Erny
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