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Good on you for investigating Kashing. Even though it turned out to be exhaustion, great to see people actively seeking advice. Its hard not to be paranoid about strange body language.

Beautiful puppy. Ensure you get lots of one on one time with your puppy to make sure your bond is a lot stronger than it will be with the Maltese, this way you will clearly be the leader and you will have a better chance of developing an obedient, well mannered GSD.

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They are both beautiful! Glad your pup is well. That's great advice from chewbacca too about getting one-to-one time with your pup because it looks like the two dogs are bonding strongly already by that photo!

Good grief, that a pretty wild and wide assumption, FFB :thumbsup: ;) . They are sitting together :(:xmascheer: .

Considering how different in sizes these dogs are going to be and already are, I think it is pretty damned important that they have a bond.

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Good luck with him Kashing, I hope you get your discipline issues sorted through puppy school (and further obedience hopefully, is there a german shepherd club near you, as most vets don't allow pups til 16 weeks when they're quite big already). He is very cute!! :thumbsup:

Just out of interest, what's his breeding/breeder?

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Good luck with him Kashing, I hope you get your discipline issues sorted through puppy school (and further obedience hopefully, is there a german shepherd club near you, as most vets don't allow pups til 16 weeks when they're quite big already). He is very cute!! :thumbsup:

Just out of interest, what's his breeding/breeder?

Really, I've attended most training programs with 8 week old pups for years now. Never had an issue.

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Glad your puppy is okay Kashing :thumbsup: ....but remember he will mature slower than the little Maltese so you will need to be careful he doesn't over do things as he grows, especially when it come to running and jumping as his legs will take longer to grow and become strong.

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Good on you for investigating Kashing. Even though it turned out to be exhaustion, great to see people actively seeking advice. Its hard not to be paranoid about strange body language.

Beautiful puppy. Ensure you get lots of one on one time with your puppy to make sure your bond is a lot stronger than it will be with the Maltese, this way you will clearly be the leader and you will have a better chance of developing an obedient, well mannered GSD.

It has a little bit at this moment and my leak of dog knowledge, they living in same room with my these 2 days because I worry the gsd will not get used to new environment and he always wailing. I want to take him for a walk but he just have Protech C2i and Protech C4, is that ok for walking in my garden and outside park?

I have booked the pre puppy school but we are now waiting for response. During the long time what should I do to control him?

He has following :

Sometimes he knows where to go to toilet but sometimes he wee and poo to another place (still in the room)

He's 8 wks old but he always look like very weak, i mean he cant run faster than maltese and he seems cant stand when I put him down, is that normal? As I see the infomations GSD should be very strong.

When should I let him living outside my room? more days? (He arrived at 17/12)

Is that a suitable time for him to train him? Name, sit, down,come.

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Good luck with him Kashing, I hope you get your discipline issues sorted through puppy school (and further obedience hopefully, is there a german shepherd club near you, as most vets don't allow pups til 16 weeks when they're quite big already). He is very cute!! :thumbsup:

Just out of interest, what's his breeding/breeder?

Thanks missmaddy, I will send the breeder to you by pm. Do you know where has puppy school for gsd near Dianella/Morley?

I found and booked one at bedford vet hospital but not only for GSD and they said the nearest class is start and mid Jan, I think it is too late.

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Good luck with him Kashing, I hope you get your discipline issues sorted through puppy school (and further obedience hopefully, is there a german shepherd club near you, as most vets don't allow pups til 16 weeks when they're quite big already). He is very cute!! :thumbsup:

Just out of interest, what's his breeding/breeder?

Thanks missmaddy, I will send the breeder to you by pm. Do you know where has puppy school for gsd near Dianella/Morley?

I found and booked one at bedford vet hospital but not only for GSD and they said the nearest class is start and mid Jan, I think it is too late.

Did you take him to the vet or breeder?

If he cant stand I would get a blood test done asap. Do you have a crate so pup can be locked away for a forced rest?

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Glad your puppy is okay Kashing ;) ....but remember he will mature slower than the little Maltese so you will need to be careful he doesn't over do things as he grows, especially when it come to running and jumping as his legs will take longer to grow and become strong.

Sometimes I see them and hard to think that GSD is a little brother for maltese because of their size, :thumbsup:

You mean his leg will grow slowly if he always running and jumping?

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Good luck with him Kashing, I hope you get your discipline issues sorted through puppy school (and further obedience hopefully, is there a german shepherd club near you, as most vets don't allow pups til 16 weeks when they're quite big already). He is very cute!! :thumbsup:

Just out of interest, what's his breeding/breeder?

Really, I've attended most training programs with 8 week old pups for years now. Never had an issue.

my pup started puppy school 6 days after he got here between 8 and 9 weeks

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Good luck with him Kashing, I hope you get your discipline issues sorted through puppy school (and further obedience hopefully, is there a german shepherd club near you, as most vets don't allow pups til 16 weeks when they're quite big already). He is very cute!! :)

Just out of interest, what's his breeding/breeder?

Thanks missmaddy, I will send the breeder to you by pm. Do you know where has puppy school for gsd near Dianella/Morley?

I found and booked one at bedford vet hospital but not only for GSD and they said the nearest class is start and mid Jan, I think it is too late.

Did you take him to the vet or breeder?

If he cant stand I would get a blood test done asap. Do you have a crate so pup can be locked away for a forced rest?

That pre school is held by Vet hospital . um..it hard to say, he isnt cant stand but I think his weak, he can run and walk but If I push him he will easily down.

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they living in same room with my these 2 days because I worry the gsd will not get used to new environment and he always wailing. I want to take him for a walk but he just have Protech C2i and Protech C4, is that ok for walking in my garden and outside park?

Yes, he definitely should be allowed to go outside into your garden but no, definitely don't ''take him for a walk'' yet. He's only been with you two days and one of those days he was sick, he definitely does not need any more changes or excitement in his life. Take him out in to the garden without the other puppy, sit on the grass (hope it's not raining where you are!) and let him explore and wander about in his own time. When he comes to you praise him, give him a cuddle, then let him wander around again. This is quite enough ''exercise'' for a young puppy which hasn't been well, and will help him get used to coming to you for attention and love. When he lies down and looks tired (which might only take 5 or 10 minutes) he can go back inside and go to his bed for a nap.

There is no way I would be leaving these two puppies alone in the same room together. Playpen for the Maltese, crate for the GSD would be my way of thinking.

I have booked the pre puppy school but we are now waiting for response. During the long time what should I do to control him?

After puppy school I would suggest a good obedience course - and much effort from you. You have bought a puppy of a very intelligent and work orientated breed, you will need guidance to train him as you obviously don't have the experience to do it yourself. Where is his breeder? Are they near you? What trainers do they recomend?

He has following :

Sometimes he knows where to go to toilet but sometimes he wee and poo to another place (still in the room)

:):xmassantawave::xmassnowball::xmasrudolph::xmaswelcome: He's been with you for two days. Persistence and careful observation and you might have him mostly house trained in a week or so. He is much too young to be reliable about this, you need to find some articles about house training and follow ONE system closely, but whatever method you use, he won't be reliable for some time yet.

He's 8 wks old but he always look like very weak, i mean he cant run faster than maltese and he seems cant stand when I put him down, is that normal? As I see the infomations GSD should be very strong.

HE IS A BABY!!!!!!!!!

A Maltese is a much more compact and together type of puppy, don't let them run around together as the GSD could seriously hurt himself slipping where the Maltese would be able to turn and move better because it's a smaller dog and way more in control of itself even at this age.

Is that a suitable time for him to train him? Name, sit, down,come.

You can start training him now - sit before you eat, come here and we'll play etc etc etc. Make everything fun and don't expect him do do anything for more than a couple of seconds.

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they living in same room with my these 2 days because I worry the gsd will not get used to new environment and he always wailing. I want to take him for a walk but he just have Protech C2i and Protech C4, is that ok for walking in my garden and outside park?

Yes, he definitely should be allowed to go outside into your garden but no, definitely don't ''take him for a walk'' yet. He's only been with you two days and one of those days he was sick, he definitely does not need any more changes or excitement in his life. Take him out in to the garden without the other puppy, sit on the grass (hope it's not raining where you are!) and let him explore and wander about in his own time. When he comes to you praise him, give him a cuddle, then let him wander around again. This is quite enough ''exercise'' for a young puppy which hasn't been well, and will help him get used to coming to you for attention and love. When he lies down and looks tired (which might only take 5 or 10 minutes) he can go back inside and go to his bed for a nap.

There is no way I would be leaving these two puppies alone in the same room together. Playpen for the Maltese, crate for the GSD would be my way of thinking.

I have booked the pre puppy school but we are now waiting for response. During the long time what should I do to control him?

After puppy school I would suggest a good obedience course - and much effort from you. You have bought a puppy of a very intelligent and work orientated breed, you will need guidance to train him as you obviously don't have the experience to do it yourself. Where is his breeder? Are they near you? What trainers do they recomend?

He has following :

Sometimes he knows where to go to toilet but sometimes he wee and poo to another place (still in the room)

:):xmassantawave::xmassnowball::xmasrudolph::xmaswelcome: He's been with you for two days. Persistence and careful observation and you might have him mostly house trained in a week or so. He is much too young to be reliable about this, you need to find some articles about house training and follow ONE system closely, but whatever method you use, he won't be reliable for some time yet.

He's 8 wks old but he always look like very weak, i mean he cant run faster than maltese and he seems cant stand when I put him down, is that normal? As I see the infomations GSD should be very strong.

HE IS A BABY!!!!!!!!!

A Maltese is a much more compact and together type of puppy, don't let them run around together as the GSD could seriously hurt himself slipping where the Maltese would be able to turn and move better because it's a smaller dog and way more in control of itself even at this age.

Is that a suitable time for him to train him? Name, sit, down,come.

You can start training him now - sit before you eat, come here and we'll play etc etc etc. Make everything fun and don't expect him do do anything for more than a couple of seconds.

Than you very much you are helpful :champagne: Unfortunately there is a very long distance(42km) from me to my breeder and what she recommend is much more far away from me, I live a bit north (Dianella) but they are deeply south.

My garden has some ants and other hexapod, and some grass, I am not sure the grass include flea or not. Forgive my english, I know I am bad describing but I hope you can understand.

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Than you very much you are helpful :) Unfortunately there is a very long distance(42km) from me to my breeder and what she recommend is much more far away from me, I live a bit north (Dianella) but they are deeply south.

Ask them for recommendations closer to you, the dog world is a small place and they will be able to find out from other breeders about clubs and trainers closer to you (I am assuming they are registered breeders involved in the dog world)

My garden has some ants and other hexapod, and some grass, I am not sure the grass include flea or not. Forgive my english, I know I am bad describing but I hope you can understand.

No matter - he needs to be outside, you can fix fleas.

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I would take this puppy to the vets for a blood test and full check up, pups dont usually"fall over" and he sounds unwell to me. it is better to be safe than sorry :)

good luck with your pup, I am sure all will be well but h is only a baby and needs lots of rest and love :xmassantawave:

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he isnt cant stand but I think his weak, he can run and walk but If I push him he will easily down.

Exactly how old is this puppy? In another topic I remember you saying that your new puppy would be 8 weeks old at Christmas which would mean that at the moment he's just turned 7 weeks. Now you are saying that he's already 8 weeks??? A GSD is a large breed and when they're very young they're all over the place and lack coordination and I'm not surprised that you can push him over. This puppy is a BABY and if he's only just turned 7 weeks he should still be with his dam and littermates not playing for hours with another dog.

As for toilet training if he's only 7 weeks he will have very little control over his bowel and bladder so when they they feel the urge to go it just happens. You need to put him outside immediately after sleeping, after eating and after playing and about every hour in between. Stay outside with him until he urinates and then give him lots of praise, don't just put him outside and leave him there. When you can't supervise the pup indoors confine him to a crate or pen, but don't leave him in there for so long that he's forced to soil his crate, no longer than an hour to start with.

I certainly wouldn't be leaving these two pups together unsupervised, although they're both small at the moment it won't be long until the GSD towers over the maltese and the maltese could be seriously injured if the GSD decides to play a bit rough, it probably won't be intentional but when you have such a huge difference in size and weight it could easily happen.

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Kashing how old is your puppy? Just that something you wrote at another time said that the pup you are getting will be 8weeks after Christmas so you will be getting the puppy after Christmas.

You need to take your Gsd Puppy to an animal hospital if you haven't already.

(The OP may have gone to the vet and left DOL open on their computer)

8weeks old yesterday, I took him earlier.


No reputable breeder would let their pups go one day short of 8 weeks old!!!

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