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Gylfie The Owlet!


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An orphaned owlet was handed in to a vet clinic, got passed on to my mother in law when she was there for something unrelated, and then she passed it on to my mum; an owl lover, and mum was down today so I got to meet "Gylfie" and took some photos



S/he is a little owl and is doing well, it's in an old rat cage (minus the levels) at the moment, but now that it's feeding itself from a bowl it'll progress to having the cage out in the sheltered (and cat proof) aviary outside and once it settles it'll have the cage opened to allow it out into the aviary. Eventually it's hoped we can release it, though will continue it leave food out for it until we know it can hunt ok itself!

What a gorgeous lil critter!!!!

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How very cool - what a wonderful opportunity for you & your Mum!

It doesn't look like a Morepork - is it a little owl?

We get injured harriers & falcons in sometimes at the wildlife clinic I volunteer at, as well as moreporks - I love handling them. They're so fierce & so gorgeous.

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How very cool - what a wonderful opportunity for you & your Mum!

It doesn't look like a Morepork - is it a little owl?

We get injured harriers & falcons in sometimes at the wildlife clinic I volunteer at, as well as moreporks - I love handling them. They're so fierce & so gorgeous.

mmm I love pork too ;) but I think you meant to write mopoke :thumbsup: but it's definitely and owl.

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How very cool - what a wonderful opportunity for you & your Mum!

It doesn't look like a Morepork - is it a little owl?

We get injured harriers & falcons in sometimes at the wildlife clinic I volunteer at, as well as moreporks - I love handling them. They're so fierce & so gorgeous.

mmm I love pork too :xmassantawave: but I think you meant to write mopoke :) but it's definitely and owl.

lol!!! no, she meant to write morepork! A morepork is a very similar owl to the little owl, whereas the mopoke from what I can find it an australian nick name for the tawny frogmouth?? Not sure. lol!

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How very cool - what a wonderful opportunity for you & your Mum!

It doesn't look like a Morepork - is it a little owl?

We get injured harriers & falcons in sometimes at the wildlife clinic I volunteer at, as well as moreporks - I love handling them. They're so fierce & so gorgeous.

mmm I love pork too :xmasrudolph: but I think you meant to write mopoke :) but it's definitely and owl.

lol!!! no, she meant to write morepork! A morepork is a very similar owl to the little owl, whereas the mopoke from what I can find it an australian nick name for the tawny frogmouth?? Not sure. lol!

Oh! now that really is funny. :xmassantawave: I now see she's also overseas. My apologies Staranais, seems you were right after all :xmassnowball:

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Ooh, the tawnys and barn owls are gorgeous too!
It doesn't look like a Morepork - is it a little owl?

haha, yes, it's a little owl... hence I said it's a little owl in the original thread :mad lol!

Oh duh, sorry. I was having a dumb moment - I was thinking you meant little owl as in a, teeny weeny owl. How blonde! :rolleyes:

Kirislin, that is very funny! You had me doubting my spelling for a minute...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Gylfie is doing GREAT! He's (we say 'he' cos we just do... No idea of it's actual gender!) living out in mums [secure] aviary outside now, he still has his cage sitting open for him to go hide in, but he's found he much prefers hiding BEHIND it in a tiny lil nook against the wall, up off the floor. We're still leaving food out for him but he's hardly eating much of it and still thriving so we are HOPING it's cos he's catching moths and bugs himself already! The aviary is huge with plenty of room to learn to fly and stuff, and once we know he's flying well then we'll open the door and let him escape if he so chooses, but leave the door open if he wants to come back to roost during the days, and continue to leave food out for him if need be too.

He's very wary of humans, clunking and clacking at our hands if we move near him, though he'll *allow* us to pick him up, he's not happy about it and hides away pretty fast, which really is exactly what we wanted. Don't want him 'tame' and putting himself at risk!

I quietly fished him out for some quick updated photos while I was staying up there...


he quickly ducked into the corner...


and then stood REEEAAALLLLY tall and skinny to 'hide'! LMAO!


I then put him up above his chosen hiding spot so he could go back if he wanted, and took a couple more photos before he scurried away



All in all he's looking great, he's happy to flutter down, though we haven't seen him fly upwards yet, he's still got some downy feathers about on his head, and his tail hasn't come in properly yet, but he's growing up well! :)

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and then stood REEEAAALLLLY tall and skinny to 'hide'! LMAO!

He looks like you've sprung him emerging from the shower in that shot.

I love birds of prey and he's adorable. Hope the release goes smoothly.

eta: I went to a bird of prey rehabilitation hospital a couple of years back, so many raptors get injured due to man, some were even shot at and can't fly anymore but they weren't put down, they were out on stands in a huge barn and get taken outside in the fresh air daily, the volunteers let them catch their food as they were once wild.

They had a barn owl in who was going to be released, just gorgeous. The manager took him outside for me so I could take a photo (I cropped out her hand holding him)


Then they had a snowy owl there, they aren't native to the UK so I'm not sure why he was there, but he gave me this look


when I took a photo of him in his barn.

Edited by Ripley
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