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Liver Cancer


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I was here some months ago when my beloved dog Matey had a tumour on his paw,Mast Cell cancer. Here I am again with the dog I have looked after for a friend daily Lochie a King Charles Spaniel 7 1/2 years also a diabetic. Diagnosed after a ultra sound and yesterday the sad news Liver Cancer. My friend cannot afford the few thousand to have this treated and has gone holistic he is trying a product he bought for himself when he thought he had Prostate cancer. Protocel sold in Australia as Entelev.

Wondering if anyone has used this product.

Advised to not feed red meat Lochie will now not eat his vege which he always has the only tiny bit of food he will tempt is some sliced ham or beef against what is supposed to be fed. He has been having Milk Thistle but the authors of this Protocel suggest no other herbal treatments ?

Also he was drinking a herbal tea and is lapping little water. He has been on a fluid drip at the vets this week I feel we will have to squirt fluid into him.

Am going to cook some pumpkin and see if he will lap this.

Any other ideas or advice will be greatfully received. He is unsteady I notice now on his legs but the little darling still gets up to go out for a wee and so I will carry him out.

Hello to all I chatted to before you gave me such tremendous support.

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sorry to hear this. Lochie could go downhill very quickly with liver cancer, I'm sure your friend will do the right thing though. I had to pts my little foxy this time last year because of liver cancer, the vet said she only had about 1-2 weeks but I wouldnt let her suffer as she was in pain.

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I am very sorry to hear this.

A few tips about a cancer diet: dogs with cancer usually have a problem with their fat digestion (which is why the can get so skinny). Adding good quality omega3 oil (flaxseed, fishoil, olive oil, canola oil) is very important. Have you heard about the Budwig diet? Essentially you mix flaxseed oil with cottage cheese and feed that. It's a very good way to feed the omega 3 oil. =) Apart from that the dog shouldn't have carbohydrates or starchy foods. Only meat and a few veggies like lettuce, brokkoli, carrots or fruits (not too much fruits as they contain a lot of sugar) plus 2 serves of liver per week.

I would also supplement antioxidants, selenium, vitamin E, enzymes and cordyceps. You wrote that this treatment you want to use doesn't allow herbal remedies, otherwise I would have suggested Essiac tea as well.

To get your dog to drink more you could make some chicken broth and put some in with his drinking water. Most dogs love it and will drink it happily.

And I personally would try classical homoeopathy. My own dog has been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his face 2 years ago and has been treated with homoeopathy. The tumor has hardly grown since then and hasn't formed any metastases. She is nearly 15 years now. =)

Good luck!

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This is so sad & my heart goes out to you & your friend. Reading your post it sounds like the little dog is in the last stages of the liver cancer & if that is the case is probably in a fair bit of distress. If it were my dog, I would do the kindest thing & have it PTS...I wouldn't be trying to draw out it's life by experimenting with different cures, just in case one worked enough to give it a few more months. It's quality of life has gone, very sad, but please do the right thing by the dog. :rofl:

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I am very sorry to hear this.

A few tips about a cancer diet: dogs with cancer usually have a problem with their fat digestion (which is why the can get so skinny). Adding good quality omega3 oil (flaxseed, fishoil, olive oil, canola oil) is very important. Have you heard about the Budwig diet? Essentially you mix flaxseed oil with cottage cheese and feed that. It's a very good way to feed the omega 3 oil. =) Apart from that the dog shouldn't have carbohydrates or starchy foods. Only meat and a few veggies like lettuce, brokkoli, carrots or fruits (not too much fruits as they contain a lot of sugar) plus 2 serves of liver per week.

I would also supplement antioxidants, selenium, vitamin E, enzymes and cordyceps. You wrote that this treatment you want to use doesn't allow herbal remedies, otherwise I would have suggested Essiac tea as well.

To get your dog to drink more you could make some chicken broth and put some in with his drinking water. Most dogs love it and will drink it happily.

And I personally would try classical homoeopathy. My own dog has been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his face 2 years ago and has been treated with homoeopathy. The tumor has hardly grown since then and hasn't formed any metastases. She is nearly 15 years now. =)

Good luck!

Thankyou Anissa, Yes the cottage cheese and flaxseed is reccommended, have always been careful of fats due to Diabetes will make some chicken broth.

Will also read the Budwig diet ahh the " Budwig Diet" is in the book we have.

I have just given the 3rd dose of Protocell, he has regained a better walking and standing stance, has drunk a lot more water and still gets up to go outside to wee or to sit with me. No food, just sniffed the pumpkin ??


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Im sorry but if one of my dogs had this problem I think I would have them PTS. The poor dog doesn't need to suffer any longer. That's the only advice I can give.
I really do understand where you are coming from and thankyou for your input"


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sorry to hear this. Lochie could go downhill very quickly with liver cancer, I'm sure your friend will do the right thing though. I had to pts my little foxy this time last year because of liver cancer, the vet said she only had about 1-2 weeks but I wouldnt let her suffer as she was in pain.

Lochie has been thoroughly checked by the vet for pain more than once and at this time is showing no symptoms of pain at all if this was the case the decision would have been made. I am sorry for your loss under these circumstances, having been there myself with my own dog last April it just shattered me to the extent I would not get myself another dog and so to have this happen to Lochie has absolutely shell shocked me I cannot stop crying.

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This is so sad & my heart goes out to you & your friend. Reading your post it sounds like the little dog is in the last stages of the liver cancer & if that is the case is probably in a fair bit of distress. If it were my dog, I would do the kindest thing & have it PTS...I wouldn't be trying to draw out it's life by experimenting with different cures, just in case one worked enough to give it a few more months. It's quality of life has gone, very sad, but please do the right thing by the dog. :rofl:

Sheena the strange thing with Lochie is he is not distressed as my own dog was when I had him PTS He sleeps between going out for wees and a drink I assure all we will absolutely do the right thing by Lochie. Thankyou for your reply


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sorry to hear this. Lochie could go downhill very quickly with liver cancer, I'm sure your friend will do the right thing though. I had to pts my little foxy this time last year because of liver cancer, the vet said she only had about 1-2 weeks but I wouldnt let her suffer as she was in pain.

Lochie has been thoroughly checked by the vet for pain more than once and at this time is showing no symptoms of pain at all if this was the case the decision would have been made. I am sorry for your loss under these circumstances, having been there myself with my own dog last April it just shattered me to the extent I would not get myself another dog and so to have this happen to Lochie has absolutely shell shocked me I cannot stop crying.

well if he isnt in pain that's great news. I only had 2 days from diagnosis to pts so I'm probably coming from the extreme.

sorry to hear about your dog but dont rule out getting another ok? my little girl was my heart dog (actually heart and soul) and my whole life. I was devestated but so lonely. I rescued a little jrt x and at first I didnt think I would bond with her

but guess what..... :laugh::thumbsup:

wishing lots of good vibes for Lochie and for you, take care

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sorry to hear this. Lochie could go downhill very quickly with liver cancer, I'm sure your friend will do the right thing though. I had to pts my little foxy this time last year because of liver cancer, the vet said she only had about 1-2 weeks but I wouldnt let her suffer as she was in pain.

Lochie has been thoroughly checked by the vet for pain more than once and at this time is showing no symptoms of pain at all if this was the case the decision would have been made. I am sorry for your loss under these circumstances, having been there myself with my own dog last April it just shattered me to the extent I would not get myself another dog and so to have this happen to Lochie has absolutely shell shocked me I cannot stop crying.

well if he isnt in pain that's great news. I only had 2 days from diagnosis to pts so I'm probably coming from the extreme.

sorry to hear about your dog but dont rule out getting another ok? my little girl was my heart dog (actually heart and soul) and my whole life. I was devestated but so lonely. I rescued a little jrt x and at first I didnt think I would bond with her

but guess what..... :D :(

wishing lots of good vibes for Lochie and for you, take care

Thankyou Gemstone, Lochie has been given 4-6 months by the vet,

Have started the protocel 4 x times daily, he has started eating again thankgod and drinking well at least we are satisfied he is comfortable

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