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Microchip And Car

Skruffy n Flea

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I also don't think the council knows about the microchip (at least where I live, it might be different in other states or other councils). The council tag has a number, and the details are registered under that number. And there doesn't seem to be a default register, as when I called the RSPCA the lady told me he could be registered under any one of the registers, and she gave me at least 3 phone numbers to call. I finally found his number on the AAR site, which, of course, was the last one I tried. It makes no sense to me. But maybe a vet can recognize what register it is, according to the number? Or do they have to just try all of them, like I did?

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So there is CAR http://www.car.com.au


National Pet Register www.petregister.com.au/

They are the main two that come up in a google search. So does NSW have their own separate CAR?

i entered my details in both the above and both cannot find my pet. I would have thought the microchip process should be more streamlined. Ie you microchip and it automatically puts you in the database. Looks to me that my dog has a microchip now but its not in any of the database. I just discovered this because of this thread... i always thought he was in a register of some sort :thumbsup:

Makes me wonder how many pet owners out there are in the same boat... they probably like me think its all in the system because their dog is "microchipped" but no where to be found if the dog is lost! ;) When i registered with my council, they didn't tell me i have to go through a seperate process for putting the microchip in the database....my breeder is under the impression that companion form does all the registration for the microchip stuff. So how would i have known if i didn't stumble across this thread?

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There are 2 "CAR" databases:

Central Animal Records - seems to be Vic based

Companion Animal Register - this is the default one all NSW cats and dogs must, by law, be registered on.

This is where the confusion comes in I believe. The NSW registry is not known by the acronym CAR, only Central Animal Records is. Also, the NSW Companion Animal Database records do not show up on the internet search engiine of micorchip databases.

If your dog is only listed on the NSW registry, then you will need to phone you local council and ask them to check the details. You will need to give them either the microchip number of your dogs or the address they are chipped to. They can not search by name to my knowledge, only the number or address.

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So there is CAR http://www.car.com.au


National Pet Register www.petregister.com.au/

They are the main two that come up in a google search. So does NSW have their own separate CAR?

Yes, NSW has its own separate non-linked databse called the Companion Animal Registry. It is not known as CAR even though it shares the same acronym.

Also, to clarify my first post -- if you live in NSW, you can call your local council to confirm details. The NSW database, as I said, is independant to other states.... which we all know is a huge issue but as yet, the DLG have not made any alterations in this regard to the Companion Animals Act which governs registry compliance issues.

Edited by ~Anne~
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totally agree.. they're very very confusing.. if you get one from interstate even more so.

I should collect all this info and put it on a blog or something ;)

Thats an excellent idea! :thumbsup: It is probably just me but i felt the instructions on the pet registry website is not very clear.

By default, when you microchip your dog and register with the council, which register does it go into? If you don't register with the other pet registers and if you lose your dog (knock on wood) and say

1) someone takes it to a vet, would the vet be able to track down the microchip if it is just registered with the council

2) if someone takes it to the pound, could they track it down if it is just registered with the council

If both the above is yes, then what are the other pet registries for?

Don't know about other states, but in NSW, councils enter the details into the statewide NSW CAR. It only lists NSW animals.

NSW Companion Animal Registry, not CAR. :(

If people continue to call it CAR it will continue to cause confusion. The acronym should be avoided when referring to the NSW database.

Edited by ~Anne~
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So there is CAR http://www.car.com.au


National Pet Register www.petregister.com.au/

They are the main two that come up in a google search. So does NSW have their own separate CAR?

i entered my details in both the above and both cannot find my pet. I would have thought the microchip process should be more streamlined. Ie you microchip and it automatically puts you in the database. Looks to me that my dog has a microchip now but its not in any of the database. I just discovered this because of this thread... i always thought he was in a register of some sort :thumbsup:

Makes me wonder how many pet owners out there are in the same boat... they probably like me think its all in the system because their dog is "microchipped" but no where to be found if the dog is lost! ;) When i registered with my council, they didn't tell me i have to go through a seperate process for putting the microchip in the database....my breeder is under the impression that companion form does all the registration for the microchip stuff. So how would i have known if i didn't stumble across this thread?

Have you tried the Australasian Animal Register? That's where my dog is registered, apparently. I also saw a website once that said there were 5 different registries. So there's the National Pet Register, Central Animal Records, the NSW Companion Animal Registry and the Australasian Animal Register. I can't think of the fifth one though. But I think 4 registries are already 3 too many.

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NSW Companion Animal Registry, not CAR. ;)

If people continue to call it CAR it will continue to cause confusion. The acronym should be avoided when referring to the NSW database.

Hi Anne

I think your post is making this a bit clearer for me :thumbsup:

Could you please clarify a couple of things for me.

NSW Companion Animal Registry is the council registration right? If i register here, the microchip # and my details are in the database right?

Then what are http://www.petregister.com.au/ and http://www.car.com.au - are they independently run databases?

Does my pet's details also have to be in the above?

Do the vets have access to the NSW Companion Animal Registry database? So that if i find a dog on the street, i can take it in to my vet and get it identified?

Edited by giraffez
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NSW Companion Animal Registry, not CAR. :thumbsup:

If people continue to call it CAR it will continue to cause confusion. The acronym should be avoided when referring to the NSW database.

Hi Anne

could you please clarify one thing for me.

NSW Companion Animal Registry is the council registration right? If i register here, the microchip # and my details are in the database right?

Then what are http://www.petregister.com.au/ and http://www.car.com.au

Does he also have to be on the above?

If you live in NSW, legally he only needs to be on the NSW Companion Animal Register. It is your choice if you also would like to have him included on any other state or national database. If you do want him on additional databases, you will need to contact the adminsitrators of those databases and enquire about registering him with them.

In NSW, you must have your dog lifetime registered (from 6 months of age onwards) and microchipped. If he is desexed, you must show proof of desexing (certificate) and pay a $40 once off fee. This is done through your local Council. If not desexed the fee is higher (not sure what it is though as I only have registered desexed dogs, I think it is about $75 though???).

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NSW Companion Animal Registry, not CAR. ;)

If people continue to call it CAR it will continue to cause confusion. The acronym should be avoided when referring to the NSW database.

Hi Anne

I think your post is making this a bit clearer for me :thumbsup:

Could you please clarify a couple of things for me.

NSW Companion Animal Registry is the council registration right? If i register here, the microchip # and my details are in the database right?

Then what are http://www.petregister.com.au/ and http://www.car.com.au - are they independently run databases?

Does my pet's details also have to be in the above?

Do the vets have access to the NSW Companion Animal Registry database? So that if i find a dog on the street, i can take it in to my vet and get it identified?

Yes, Vets have access to the database but they can not alter details. THey can scan and see the details for any dog listed on the NSW database. Only the local Council can alter details on the databse.

There are many registries across Aust. Most are not government databases. The NSW Companion Animal Register is a Department of Local Government register.

If in NSW, you only legally have to have your dog on the NSW register. Having your dog on other registers is a choice.

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Oh, I just found this:


You can type in the microchip number and it tells you what register it's on. At least that makes it a bit easier.

nope. can't find the number at all. This should tell me he is on the nsw companion animal registry since he is registered with the council but nothing is returned. :thumbsup:

No - the NSW Companion Animal Registery does not come up on any other database searches. The only way to confirm if he is on the NSW registry is to enquire with your local Council if you are in NSW.

This is why there are issues with microchipping and the NSW database. It is strictly controlled by the NSW Dept of Local Government and no-one, not even the RSPCA can alter or amend the details it contains. It is not accessible by any other state to my knowledge.

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Oh, I just found this:


You can type in the microchip number and it tells you what register it's on. At least that makes it a bit easier.

nope. can't find the number at all. This should tell me he is on the nsw companion animal registry since he is registered with the council but nothing is returned. :thumbsup:

No - the NSW Companion Animal Registery does not come up on any other database searches. The only way to confirm if he is on the NSW registry is to enquire with your local Council if you are in NSW.

This is why there are issues with microchipping and the NSW database. It is strictly controlled by the NSW Dept of Local Government and no-one, not even the RSPCA can alter or amend the details it contains. It is not accessible by any other state to my knowledge.

Yeah, I had a suspicion it wouldn't come up if it's on the NSW register, since apparently that's a government database. If you look on the petaddress website, down the bottom are all the sponsors, and it seems all the others are on there. Sorry, giraffez, I didn't realize you were in NSW. Sounds like you might have to check with your council, just to be sure.

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National Pet Register is a national data base run by the Lost Dogs Home

Central Animal Records (Vic) is AVA approved and is a national data base. We use them and find them very good with their follow up on lost dogs.

CAR NSW as said before is a NSW only one. Any animals we get on that database we transfer to CAR so it covers interstate moves. Even being able to check on Pet Address that your dog/s are appearing on the CAR there is a bonus.

It's a real pain both have the same names as it causes a lot of confusion. In theory any data base can check with the others but it doesn't seem to run as smoothly as that.

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thanks all. sounds like NSW is singled out. So i guess in summary, if i have my council register it i should be fine. I hope the vets in NSW can access the same database that the council uses.

Not planning to send my dogs interstate so don't see a need to be put onto the rest.

One more thing, just out of curiousity, if you picked up a lost dog with no tag on its collar, do you take the dog to the nearest vet, rspca or council?

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In Victoria you are obliged to hand the dog in to your council pound or telephone the ranger. Everyone knows that people who find a dog in an area where the council tender is held by a high kill pound may take to another area because they don't want the dog to be killed if not claimed. We advise people of the legal position. It is one of the problems of having such a difference in shelters.

For microchipped dogs it isn't such a problem. For those that aren't and have people looking for them it makes it more difficult.

On the weekend you should take the stray to the vet to be scanned. They will look up the chip and usually ring the owner. However even if the dog isn't chipped they will often not allow the finder to take them back. This has caused distress.

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she gave me at least 3 phone numbers to call. I finally found his number on the AAR site, which, of course, was the last one I tried. It makes no sense to me. But maybe a vet can recognize what register it is, according to the number? Or do they have to just try all of them, like I did?

Did you do that just recently? When I rang National Pet register, they were able to tell me that he was registered on NSW Companion.

And it was also printed out on their registration paper that in addition to National Pet, this pet is also registered with NSW.

ETA: I just remembered that the NP is run my LDH which is the council rep for Melbourne. so it might have been searched through the council's system.

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