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Cars Too High For Dogs To Jump Into

dee lee

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Well we got our long awaited for new car and there is plenty of room in the back for Honey. :thumbsup:

Problem is it is a very high jump for a not so keen and not so agile young Goldie!! :D

I've tried to encourage her, but to be honest, I don't think she will ever be able to do it. She can only just reach it on her hind legs.

Picking her up is not easy for me (she weighs @27kgs- half my weight) so I'm interested to hear what solutions other people have for their dogs.

And pics would be good if you have them. :(

Here is the reluctant subject (pic is deceptive- the edge of the car is much higher than it looks here)


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I've seen somewhere, for sale, ramps for dogs to get into cars. And I've a vague memory about someone saying they use a ramp designed to get motor-bikes onto flat back vehicles.

Hope you find a solution. In the meantime, would a large towel, used as a 'lifter' under the Goldie's tum, allow her to get her front paws over the edge & she can scramble the rest of the way?

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Mine jump into the Xtrail.

I did get a ramp for my old girl. That worked well. The only issue was putting the ramp into the car for getting in and out at the destination. That was a bit of a pain. Got it from Petstock and it cost around $100.

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dee, I use a Solvit pet ramp but be warned, you have to take it with you in the car wherever you take the dog because as long as the dog is getting in and out of the car, you will need the ramp.

Mine is telescopic and quite heavy (it would be 8 to 10 kg although I think they make them lighter now).

I will get a pic for you tonight.

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Put her in the middle, where the seats are!

Just kidding. I like the wooden box idea. We've taught dogs to put their "hands" up, then lift the hind legs ourselves, but they weren't that heavy. She looks like a lovely girl.

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Thanks everyone. :)

Ta! I was hoping you'd check in. :p

Hmm, bit exxy. But I'll look for a plastic one or I could make my own. (or get the OH to work :D )

Til then I think I will try Mita and Greytmate's suggestions. Dont know why I didnt think of doing that already! :(

The boot is filling up quickly with all sorts of crap so I'm not sure I could fit a box in there as well.

Mumof3- She usually does go in the middle :thumbsup: but the kids are getting too big and there's more room for her in the back when they are in the car.

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I would prefer a box to get the dog into the car but my dog doesn't even like stairs and he wasn't having a bar of a box!

A milk crate has holes in it and I doubt a dog will feel confident to use that.

The puppy sees the ramp and gets all excoted, he uses it as a piece of agility equipment, running up and down it :thumbsup:

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Our dogs stand and wait while we lift up their front feet and put them in the car, and then pick up their back half and push the rest of them in.

My mum has a dally that weights a ton (well compared to her) and she has used this method of awhile now. He sits and waits until she says 'okay' and then he puts his front paws up and she lifts his back end in. He just sorta walks forward on his front paws (like you used to do as a kid in those wheelbarrow races).

I think eventually she will have to get a ramp for him, cause they are both getting some arthritis, so it wont be easy for either of them.

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I got the dogs to demo the ramp for me :)



Oh NOICE!!! :thumbsup:

Jules, Brock is gorgeous! :D

I'm not sure Honey would be into stairs or boxes either.

Hmm, actually I probably should test out a few things just in case! Knowing my luck I'll fork out for a ramp and she'll be terrified of it. :(

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