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Omg The Stupidity!


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So a family friend posted a video of his 16 week old husky puppy with a bone.

Being SERIOUSLY aggressive. They look at her, she growls, one stop closer, she increases the growl. They pat her and shes got full hackles up, snarling, try to touch the bone and she lunges at them snapping.



In what world is a aggressive dog funny. I sent them a message and so did my mum. I listed a whole bunch of trainers, the reasons why it was not funny at all and basically implored them to do something before someone gets bitten and the dog is killed.

These are people with a lot of family, small children, younger kids, all coming over quite often. And they're persian which means there is gonna be food everywhere.

Anything else I can do other than send names of trainers and try not to throttle them for their stupidity?

Mum says its just ignorance, they don't connect the cute puppy growling with the attacks you see on the news.

Im just, there are no words.

Edited by lovemesideways
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I put up a FB status with a whole bunch of news links to articles about dog attacks on children.

I'm just really shocked that someone would find this funny! I can understand vaguely how you could, but its not fake. Its reality, that dog will grow, huskys are not small. They are already very strong willed without adding food aggression into the mix. Jesus christ I hope they do something.

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they think it is funny because they are bullies

and they are arrogant so they probably wont believe you.

the only thing you could do is to find pics of children who have had facial bites and ask them is it worth it them being wrong and you being right...or ask them if they should just cut the odds and stop stirring up the dog and get a trainer in.

Edited by Jaxx'sBuddy
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I messaged one of the owners of the dog, I tried to withhold on the anger and just explained everything calmly.

He messaged me back saying they knew it was a problem and thank you so much for any and all help you can give us. I linked all the trainers I know around my area that are awesome and can deal with this sort of thing. I'll be staying on this though, I would rather have someone get mad at me over being "nosey" than see a story in 6 months over husky getting put down due to biting someone.

The dog is owned my 2 young guys from what I understand, 1 of them made the video, the other is the one I messaged.

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I hope so too.

I can't even see it being cute in a puppy. Its not like a puppy biting you doesn't hurt! Its bad enough when they're just mouthing!!

How does this idea that small things growling is funny come about? Is it cause they're so cute that we forget they grow into big strong dogs?

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Can I just say that if one of my Sibes, let alone a 16 week old pup displayed that kind of behaviour, they would not be living at my house! Aggression like that is not a trait of the breed and to be honest, I would be worried about what learned behaviour this pup has developed and why :confused:

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There are vids like that all over youtube. It scares the crap out of me.

I did lots of work with Quinn when I got her and in all the time I've had her she has quietly growled once at me around food. The other dogs were hassling her and then I came over a patted her from behind and I don't think she relised it was me. h was a bit snatchy and not keen on me coming near her food but we worked through it and now don't have issues. I could never make a joke of even a quiet growl.

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Can I just say that if one of my Sibes, let alone a 16 week old pup displayed that kind of behaviour, they would not be living at my house! Aggression like that is not a trait of the breed and to be honest, I would be worried about what learned behaviour this pup has developed and why :thumbsup:

The fact she is so young is what has me so worried!

I would have though that because of their independent nature, something like resource guarding would be seen in sibes a bit. You say its not at all natural for a Sibe?

I'm pretty sure they got this dog from a BYBer...

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Can I just say that if one of my Sibes, let alone a 16 week old pup displayed that kind of behaviour, they would not be living at my house! Aggression like that is not a trait of the breed and to be honest, I would be worried about what learned behaviour this pup has developed and why :thumbsup:

The fact she is so young is what has me so worried!

I would have though that because of their independent nature, something like resource guarding would be seen in sibes a bit. You say its not at all natural for a Sibe?

I'm pretty sure they got this dog from a BYBer...

Rarely have I seen it and when I have, it's been in rescue dogs that were abused or dogs that had dominated over their owners. I have owned three Mallies and eleven Siberians and NOT ONE of them has ever resource guarded where humans are concerned. I would die if any of my Sibes acted like that :D

That pup needs to be taught some serious manners, better still, her owners need a boot up the backside for encouraging that sort of behaviour and probably need some serious training themselves!!

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Can I just say that if one of my Sibes, let alone a 16 week old pup displayed that kind of behaviour, they would not be living at my house! Aggression like that is not a trait of the breed and to be honest, I would be worried about what learned behaviour this pup has developed and why :thumbsup:

The fact she is so young is what has me so worried!

I would have though that because of their independent nature, something like resource guarding would be seen in sibes a bit. You say its not at all natural for a Sibe?

I'm pretty sure they got this dog from a BYBer...

Rarely have I seen it and when I have, it's been in rescue dogs that were abused or dogs that had dominated over their owners. I have owned three Mallies and eleven Siberians and NOT ONE of them has ever resource guarded where humans are concerned. I would die if any of my Sibes acted like that :D

That pup needs to be taught some serious manners, better still, her owners need a boot up the backside for encouraging that sort of behaviour and probably need some serious training themselves!!

My Sibe is essentially a BYB and has never resource guarded food or toys. I can take anything off her and she knows that it's mine. And there is no way she will be allowed to resource guard when we have the new puppy.

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Can I just say that if one of my Sibes, let alone a 16 week old pup displayed that kind of behaviour, they would not be living at my house! Aggression like that is not a trait of the breed and to be honest, I would be worried about what learned behaviour this pup has developed and why :thumbsup:

The fact she is so young is what has me so worried!

I would have though that because of their independent nature, something like resource guarding would be seen in sibes a bit. You say its not at all natural for a Sibe?

I'm pretty sure they got this dog from a BYBer...

Rarely have I seen it and when I have, it's been in rescue dogs that were abused or dogs that had dominated over their owners. I have owned three Mallies and eleven Siberians and NOT ONE of them has ever resource guarded where humans are concerned. I would die if any of my Sibes acted like that :D

That pup needs to be taught some serious manners, better still, her owners need a boot up the backside for encouraging that sort of behaviour and probably need some serious training themselves!!

My Sibe is essentially a BYB and has never resource guarded food or toys. I can take anything off her and she knows that it's mine. And there is no way she will be allowed to resource guard when we have the new puppy.

What I meant by the BYB comment is that maybe she has learned this behaviour through a lack of interaction when younger? Having to defend food from pack mates? No idea, was just a though that it could be something along those lines.

From what I understand, resource guarding is technically a natural canine behaviour. Just one that is in no way desirable.

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