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What A Fright!


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My Mum has 2 dogs sleeping with her at night- one oldie in her room..and another in the sleepout off mum's room. Gert , the sleepout dog has always been a wimp when thunder is about – but last night things must have been bad (I heard NOTHING !)

Mum woke about 3.30 am to a bang/crash ...and that was as well as the thunder! Gert had hopped up onto the commode chair in the sleepout, and then straight thru the part opened window..thru the flyscreen ..onto the tallboy, knocked all the books to the floor, and jumped down !!

Poor Mum didn't know WHAT had happened for a minute or two :laugh: Seems thunderphobia can worsen with age :)

Edited by persephone
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Your poor mum and poor Gert. Must have given everyone a fright.

My SP Rose (passed away earlier this year, bless her botton socks) never had a fear of storms, but as she got older probably around 11 or 12, she did start to get a bit fearful in thunder. Yes, it can be something that either worsens or appears as they get a bit older and a bit less secure in themselves, sadly.

We do need to be aware that as our dogs age they can become a bit dottery and nervy in some situations.

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