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(Robbi @ 13th Dec 2010 - 09:49 AM) *

For people who do currently have unpapered Bull breeds in Qld what can they do to protect their dogs other than the obvious(socialisation/obedience/ secure yards etc)

Can they do things such as becoming canine good citizens or the like to prove they are good dog members of society or if they are targeted by those in authority is the battle already lost?

If they want to they can go to any vet in qld and get a statement saying what the vet says the mix or breed of the dog is, that is breed evidence accepted by councils on a state wide level now.

63A Provisions for deciding what is a breed of dog

(1) Each of the following certificates, for a dog, is evidence the dog is of the breed stated in the certificate—

(a) a pedigree certificate from the Australian National Kennel Council;

(b) a pedigree certificate from a member body of the Australian National Kennel Council;

© a pedigree certificate from a national breed council registered with the Australian National Kennel Council;

(d) a certificate signed by a veterinary surgeon stating, or to the effect, that the dog is of a particular breed.

‘(2) However, if a dog is of the breed American Staffordshire terrier it is not of the breed American pit bull terrier.

‘(3) Also, the breed American pit bull terrier does not include a dog of the breed American Staffordshire terrier.’.

Edited by -GT-
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