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Training Problems


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I know for a fact that I will have a hard time with training in the obedience line.

Now I hear you ask what are you on about.

Well it is this, Koda is miles too friendly, he wants to greet everyone and everything that passes him by.

I know this is way better that having a dog that would rip the next thing that came close to threads.

Which was sort of like Lacey our last Red Heeler.

But Koda is so friendly.

I have got him booked in for Oberience training which will commence in Feburary next year.

So this will give me time to get all the basic's out of the way. And all I should really have to do is keep treats in my pocket to keep my new little mates mind on the job at hand.

He is easy to train and I think this will work to my favour, as he is picking up thing's in a couple of days if I presist with it.

But I really don't want to push him too far too quick.

Crickey he still needs to be a puppy.

On the cat front at home this is a slow progress, yep they are getting better.

Just the cat has to learn not to run, and things will be way better.

This is Koda at home exploring in the first couple of days at home.

He has put on 1.7 kilo's since we have had him and that is only 11 days.

Edited by Bushranger
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How very cute he is, Bushranger .... and how cute your story.

Watch how fast he gains weight - too fast, and it can cause joint damage (causes growth spurts that are too fast). In my experience and to my knowledge, about 1kg per week. I'm not a breeder nor a canine nutritionist so others might follow to tell me I'm wrong and I will stand to be corrected. But this is how it was for my boy.

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