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Inside Toilet Training For Adult Dog

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I have a male papillon who is 5 and I have had him since he was three. When I first got him I was pleased that although living in an apartment, it seemed i could toilet him outside without needing anything inside. Apparently he was newspaper trained as a puppy but I have never had success leaving it down when i leave him for a longer stretch of time. In fact he seems to avoid it! in one room where we don't do much living, he ocasionally toilets in front of the fire place, and I can tell he wants to go right away from where we live, that he is choosing the best place. i got some puppy pads but realised it would be the same as newspaper unless i got some scent to put on them...in fact he lay down on it like a mat...

So i am not sure how to go about this. If he was a puppy I would watch him and lift him onto the appropriate thing, but this is more ocasional, when I am not there or asleep and often when it is cold or raining.

I once looked after a dog that when there was a blue puppy pad down she knew she could toilet there...how do i achieve this?

Much thanks ahead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never trained a pup to pee on pads, but no one else has answered, so I'll tell you what I'd do. :rolleyes:

I'd be toilet training him from the very start like a puppy. That means no unsupervised time in the house - crate him when you're not directly supervising him. Encourage him to go on the pad when he's likely to want to pee (after released from the crate/after exercise/after feeding/after sleeping). And when he starts to go to the bathroom in the wrong place, interrupt him gently, stick him on the pad & make a huge fuss of him going in the "right" place.

That's what I'd do.

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bump any ideas?

Dogs don't usually like to soil their den.

One observation with puppies is that they will often choose rough areas like carpet over 'lino' or floorboards.

The way forward then is to restrict your 5 year old Papillion from venturing on to the carpet, and put a blue pad on a rough base, for him to use when he needs to toilet.

Good Luck

Edited by pewithers
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My Daughter had a Pap and she was so naughty to toilet train, She would pee as soon as she hit the grass, bring her back in and she would pee on the carpet...grrrr.

She could hold on all night in her crate, she was just a naughty girl...as much as I hate to say it:((

Lots of people have told me that toys are hard to toilet train, I don't believe that, but after her I WONDER???

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I've never trained a pup to pee on pads, but no one else has answered, so I'll tell you what I'd do. :)

I'd be toilet training him from the very start like a puppy. That means no unsupervised time in the house - crate him when you're not directly supervising him. Encourage him to go on the pad when he's likely to want to pee (after released from the crate/after exercise/after feeding/after sleeping). And when he starts to go to the bathroom in the wrong place, interrupt him gently, stick him on the pad & make a huge fuss of him going in the "right" place.

That's what I'd do.

We are trying this now with a "rescue Cavalier" who is 7 years old and is an ex Puppy Farm dog who has no idea and would like to pee anywhere he likes.

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