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Do Dogs Get Lonely (and Are 2 Dogs Better Than One?)


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Yes, I think some dogs can get lonely. They are pack animals and all.

It all depends on the elderly dog... if he still active and likes other dogs, then maybe get a second dog.

If the elderly dog isn't... probably not a good idea. Puppies or younger dogs can get annoying.

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A dog that is getting sufficient time with their owner will not get lonely. A dog that gets left alone for long days all of the time will get lonely. A dog needs companionship, but not necessarily the company of another dog.

Don't get your dog a dog (which is what your post suggests). A second dog should only be added if the owner wants a second dog.

Some elderly dogs will get along with some puppies, and some won't. Some elderly dogs will help you raise the puppy, and some will need to be protected from the puppy. Granny might hang with the teenager, but she might hide under the covers and shake. And when the puppy reaches adulthood, the relationship will change, and there could still be issues then, when your elderly dog is ancient.

Sorry, no black and white answers from me.

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We 'got our dog a dog'. MASSIVE mistake.

We went from having one very well behaved 9 month old puppy to having two out of control puppies who bonded better to each other than to us.

It took a massive amount of work to restore the balance (Like about 18 months worth) and in the mean time we had the 'power shift' thing happen and several fights. Not so serious in the scheme of things, but still not pleasant.

I know you are talking about an older dog which will make things potentially a little more stable, but there will still be issues to manage.

That said we have just added a third to our pack - older two are 4 and the younger one is a pup. We have not had too much trouble, but the pup was not allowed to run with the older dogs until it would come back to me in preference to playing with the other dogs. We have still had a few little issues, but are also a bit more experienced and can handle them more effectively this time.

Be prepared to seperate your dogs if you do introduce another.

More dogs = more fun and more cuddles, but more work and more headaches as well.

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