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Open Fontanelle


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My current litter of pups are 11 weeks old tomorrow.

One of the girls still has an open fontanelle. when she went to the vets at 8 weeks for her vacc/microchip, the vet said it should close over. I'm a bit worried it still hasnt at 11 weeks.

What are the chances of it closing still and if not what would you do?

She is a bright and happy puppy,although she is a bit smaller then her brothers/sister. She is showing no signs of anything abnormal, eating and drinking well and playing with her litter mates as well as the adult dogs.

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Not my area of knowledge but go back to the vet & ask their advice on this.

They are the ones to tell you if anything can be done & what's happening here.

Meanwhile best to hang on to puppy & not let it go to new owner until you find out what is going on.

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I presume we are talking about a ShihTzu puppy. A bracy breed. In my opinion and experience you may find that this is an abnormal defect which can crop up in Bracy breeds. Bulldogs being another affected. Usually this reference can also be made to puppies with an abnoramlly high domed head as well

Your vet should have some knowledge of this condition. In an 11 week old puppy I would be starting to get a little worried that it may not close.

This is just from my experience. It may be that the fontanelle may close over time.

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Thanks for the replys.

I should have mentioned, she is booked in to see the vet next week for her second vaccination so will mention it the her again and see what the pups outcome is likely to be. My main worry is that she was an average size puppy born, and seemed to grow as normal until now where as her sister who was extremely tiny born has overtaken her .

stonebridge/christina- yes its a shih tzu puppy.This puppy is my pick of this litter, if it is unlikely to close over, i will have her desexed and she will live her life with me. in 8+ years of breeding this breed i have never had this happen. All my other pups have closed over by 8 weeks.

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