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Trouble Sleeping


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over the last week ike has been having trouble sleepin.. well what i mean by that is when it's time for bed he doesnt seem to want to settle down.

i take him out befor bed for a wee and then pop him on the bed for cuddles and then he just he will curl up in a ball at the end of the bed and fall asleep, but for the last week he has been very resless, walking around, whining... so i put him down on the floor and he bolts straight for the door, so out we go, he does zoomies around the backyard, then wants to go back inside, so in we go. i stay up with him untill he settles down... but nothing seems to work.. even when i put him in his crate, he is whining to come out.

last night i left him outside, untill he started barking uncontrolably, i live in a small complex so i brought him back inside so that he didnt wake up the whole neibourhood.

but he has been doing this for a week so im a little concerned...

has anyone else had this problem ???

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well the last week it's been pelting down with rain for the last week, so the weather has been all over the place.

but when it's been raining at night and even thunderstorms that hasnt bothered him at all

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this last week he has been spending alot of time outside while we have been home doing zoomies, and i take him for walks at night and do lots of training, he doesnt nap when we get home in the afternoon.

\so he should be tired by bed time right?

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this last week he has been spending alot of time outside while we have been home doing zoomies, and i take him for walks at night and do lots of training, he doesnt nap when we get home in the afternoon.

\so he should be tired by bed time right?

Nope :rolleyes:

Since it's been cooler at night, my girl has a lot more energy at night. Last night, I had a 2 hour play session with her (we played tug and hide and seek) before she was calm enough to lay on the bed with a pig ear... even when I turned the lights out, I could hear her chomp away. She wakes up as soon as the sun comes up too...

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Me too.

When its warm all day the sensible boy sleeps and takes it easy. Around 9.30 pm, when the sun has well and truly gone down, he comes to life. He doesn't wait for sun to come up though - first hint of light. I don't mind waking up early, but there's early, and then there's before 6 am early!

I find though as long as he gets a good play, some training, a long walk in the late afternoon/evening he'll sleep. But I have to take away all possible sources of 'stimulation' - dark room, door closed/in crate, no toys, no chews, no noise!

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yeah i no what you mean.. ike is up at the crack of dawn.. ahh death.

but im goint to take eveyones advice and hopfully i will get a good night sleep lol

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You have to put lots of value on his crate, so he just loves being in there. Get hold of Crate Games..dvd by Susan Garrett...you wont regret it. The crate has to become "His" space, his haven & a place that he just loves to run to at bedtime...just like little kids have a bedtime routine...so must your dog.

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