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Golden Coat

buckley rog

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Hi Everyone,

I have a general question, not sure if I am posting in the right area...

I have a golden retriever pup... he has quite short hair (getting thicker and longer with some feathering).. not sure if this is normal. Hes about 5months.

He is pure bred and was bought from a registered breeder who has been great.

Just wondering if his coat is normal for his age?

Can't figure out how to post a picture so I made him my profile pic (this is a few weeks ago his coat has improved a little)

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I suggest you ask your breeder and/or google photos of pups at around the same age.

Coated breeds to develop their coats differently at different ages, and coat lengths, thickness and quality can vary even within different lines of the same breed.

I can't see your puppy photo that well in your profile but it looks pretty normal to me.

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He's quite young and its very normal for goldie hair to be this short at his age. Ours had quite short hair too at the age of 1 (people used to ask at the dog park if she's a lab) but now at 18 months her hair is starting to grow and looking beautiful. It can take a couple of years for them to grow into their full coat.

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Their coat depends on their breeding too. Some Goldens have more coat than others, some just take longer to arrive :laugh:

Here is a photo of my boy from the weekend. I know it's a bit far away but you can see he is only starting to get his feathering and he just turned 6 months last week. He also has a very thick coat so some Goldens at his age wouldn't even have as much as him. Excuse his tail and my raincoat, it was pouring on the weekend.


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Thanks for the replys. Guess I was just getting sick of people thinking he's a lab. His coat does look similar to your picture crazy daisy (profile pic is a month old).

Being new to Goldies, I have been shocked at how many people have no idea and think that they are longer haired labs. :thumbsup:

I thought everyone knew about goldies.

My girl has medium length wavy fur, and I have seen a whole range of coats- all in pure bred GRs, all perfectly normal. Then you have the colour discussion. Cream verses deep gold.

To me, they are all beautiful. :D

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