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Judge's Behaviour On Video?

Brennan's Mum

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... :thumbsup: .... Edited???? They are claiming it is edited??? :rofl:

Look, I am sorry, but quite clearly this is accepted practice among a significant proportion of her fellow exhibitors and judges. The efficient, and practised, way in which she wrung that dog out like a dishcloth - let alone the ease with which she located and used the pressure point under its jaw - speak volumes.

I am expecting a cascade of support from her confreres - all stridently claiming that such treatment was perfectly acceptable, and that it is necessary in order to get dogs to stand for examination, and that at such giddy levels of professionalism it is the only way in which to be competitive blah blah blah...

With the amount of interest world-wide this video is generating, maybe we have the chance to change the culture which implicitly believes in cruel and abusive practices in relation to their interactions with dogs?

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.... With the amount of interest world-wide this video is generating, maybe we have the chance to change the culture which implicitly believes in cruel and abusive practices in relation to their interactions with dogs?

Snorts coffee over keyboard. Recovers. Quite an aspiration seeing we are talking about the country that has zero tolerance for anyone who speaks out against the horrors of bull-fighting. Or the well documented treatment of goats prior to private slaughter. Or the treatment of horses in 'training' of fighting bulls (a padded rug does not prevent broken ribs or disembowelling).

I think the cultural okay-ness is the key, and it's sadly too entrenched to change in this generation or the next. They won't set a precedent in one area when the economy is so supported by another. Although I agree with the idea, I just don't think the country of the Conquistadors and the Inquisition will go along with it.

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[Poor Puppies :thumbsup:

Poor Puppies :rofl:

maybe you should stop being so judgemental and wait until you see how it is done, properly, than you can make an informed decision.

I agree Rebanne, I too have used this method & when done correctly it does them no harm.

Turkish You really need to stop condemming what other breeders do until you have seen it yourself, you are implying that those of us the have /do use this method are being cruel to our dogs, I for one take exception to this.

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I agree Rebanne, I too have used this method & when done correctly it does them no harm.

Turkish You really need to stop condemming what other breeders do until you have seen it yourself, you are implying that those of us the have /do use this method are being cruel to our dogs, I for one take exception to this.

I've seen the method done properly and without stress to the dog....HOWEVER that's not what the video is about.

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I agree Rebanne, I too have used this method & when done correctly it does them no harm.

Turkish You really need to stop condemming what other breeders do until you have seen it yourself, you are implying that those of us the have /do use this method are being cruel to our dogs, I for one take exception to this.

I've seen the method done properly and without stress to the dog....HOWEVER that's not what the video is about.

Exactly! It was not done properly in this vid, the reaction of the pup shows that on the run back to the judge - he/she was scared.

I still believe it was not the judges place to touch the dog - the handler should have done it.... IMO :thumbsup:

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Turkish You really need to stop condemming what other breeders do until you have seen it yourself, you are implying that those of us the have /do use this method are being cruel to our dogs, I for one take exception to this.

Hang on, I have seen this done exactly the way described. I think it is not necessary and I am entitled to my opinion.

Whatever happened to positive training ?

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Turkish You really need to stop condemming what other breeders do until you have seen it yourself, you are implying that those of us the have /do use this method are being cruel to our dogs, I for one take exception to this.

Hang on, I have seen this done exactly the way described. I think it is not necessary and I am entitled to my opinion.

Whatever happened to positive training ?

I believe that there are times when a reprimand or a distraction are warranted. Using the rocking method is more of a distraction than a reprimand.

If you are good on the table and stack, you get a treat, if you are naughty on the table and stuff about, you get rocked. Try and run backwards off the table or back up and your back legs fall off.

It doesn't take long for a pup to get the idea.

NEVER is a puppy treated here, the way that judge did.

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Watch the video, or watch people handling their dogs, and if it makes you sick in the stomach, as this video did, then you must say you're against it.

When a majority of people complain about feeling ill, when they see how a dog is treated, or another human being for that matter, then something may get done.

This video is going viral.

It might be time to stop for a while, and think about this poor judge who probably was just doing what everybody else was doing, and now will be pilloried "universally' for simply conforming to expectations.

I think it's a different situation to the lady who put the cat in the wheely bin.

This is why we have our own minds to discern for ourselves what is good.

Let's not condemn the person but the practice

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It might be time to stop for a while, and think about this poor judge who probably was just doing what everybody else was doing, and now will be pilloried "universally' for simply conforming to expectations.

Feel sorry for the "poor judge" who wringed a puppies neck? Hardly!

Who cares what everyone else is doing? If it's cruel, mentally and physically harms a dog for a show then it's a practice that no one should be conforming too.

This judge (and every other judge who mishandles dogs) deserves what comes of this, and I for one hope she is removed off her licence.

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It might be time to stop for a while, and think about this poor judge who probably was just doing what everybody else was doing, and now will be pilloried "universally' for simply conforming to expectations.

Let's not condemn the person but the practice

your kidding right?

Other people do not do this, this is not what is done by normal thinking dog owners.

Damn right condemn the person who took a harmless training method and twisted it into something unforgivable.

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It might be time to stop for a while, and think about this poor judge who probably was just doing what everybody else was doing, and now will be pilloried "universally' for simply conforming to expectations.

I have thought about her.

I have thought that I wouldn't want this woman anywhere near a dog of mine or in any show ring I might enter.

Bad enough that she thought that kind of harshness in training was acceptable, which it isn't, but what normal judge thinks it's their job to train an exhibit on the table?

Edited by Diva
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I don't care what "everyone else" is doing, I simply would not do that to my own dogs let alone someone elses!

The method of swinging a pup over the table sounds a lot worse than it is.

You just lift them an inch above the table and gently rock them, it actually relaxes them and makes it easier to set their legs.

Same with letting them drop over the front of back of the table, when I am training I set them up right on the edge of the table so if they take a step back their leg slips off, of course they never actually fall off the table they just know that in future... don't step back!

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pe withers

It might be time to stop for a while, and think about this poor judge who probably was just doing what everybody else was doing, and now will be pilloried "universally' for simply conforming to expectations.

If you have shown your dogs, you will know that this is not normal behaviour from a judge. Apologies, you do not have a table breed. This is NOT normal. I have never seen a judge do this, the exhibitor has complained about it. She should have.

The whole thing is a scandal. No one condones this, although apparently the judge thinks it is fine. Hurting a dog and frightening it is not the way to win. And those of you who do this to toy breeds, consider whether the dogs show to their best, or if you have spoiled them with your "training"

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Watch the video, or watch people handling their dogs, and if it makes you sick in the stomach, as this video did, then you must say you're against it.

When a majority of people complain about feeling ill, when they see how a dog is treated, or another human being for that matter, then something may get done.

This video is going viral.

It might be time to stop for a while, and think about this poor judge who probably was just doing what everybody else was doing, and now will be pilloried "universally' for simply conforming to expectations.

I think it's a different situation to the lady who put the cat in the wheely bin.

This is why we have our own minds to discern for ourselves what is good.

Let's not condemn the person but the practice

This is really disturbing. What was on the video is NOT what goes on at dog shows, it is an exception to the rule. I really hope this isn't going to become the next PDE, and your comments are not helping PW. That judge was not conforming to expectations, I'm sorry but I find your comment to be offensive to every judge who doesn't do this, which is the vast majority of them. You may have an axe to grind with the show world but please don't try to take innocent people down with it.

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