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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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Say SD did you see Em's half sister, Sally, on TV last light?

We don't have TV reception but I read on DOL that there was an ESS on 60 Minutes and guessed it was a relative! I bet she was cute and mischievous - seems to run in the family :D Which half, by the way?

Same father

Her "job" is hunting feral cats in the Kimberley. She can certainly cover the ground!!

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laugh.gif how cute is Em.

Don't think I updated this thread with my latest progress. I am soooooo chuffed with Ruby beyond words :D

Might not seem like much to you guys :o but on Friday at training we flung her first birdie from the thrower, landing in a bit of cover, and she promptly found it, brought it back to me, with not even the slightest contemplation of playing with or munching it thumbsup1.gif She looked so damn proud of herself when she delivered, she was leaping about on her toes, but I think my joyous party told her she did something really good! laugh.gif

Next up was dummy in the water. The first one didn't land where it was meant to, which made it a heck of a lot harder for her. She entered the water, couldn't find it, exited, ran around trying to find a better entry, finally decided to go back in where she came from to persevere, swam round the corner and found it. So happy she didn't lose confidence, she just kept on hunting of her own accord! Didn't bring it back the way she went in, however, as she'd already swam round the corner so she hopped out of the bank there and came around to bring it back. And yes, she did bring it back, all the way, no dropping it at the bank to shake :happydance2:

I'm pleased as punch with my girl :D Gosh this retrieving thing is just so much fun :D

Edited by RubyStar
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Great stuff RubyStar :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Awwww, what a cute pic of Em TSD. I am still trying to get my parents cat used to my boys (one at a time!), but my Dad is super protective and I'm unsure we'll ever get there :( Also love the big black and white retriever :laugh: Sounds like you and LL had an interesting training session. I 'lost' a dummy in a paddock today at our own eventful training session!! After working with Polo on his quartering and handling for field we went and did a few retrieves with my friends ESS. Polo had just returned with a dummy when we heard a bang and a car had run off the dirt road into a ditch near where we were training!! The driver took ages to emerge from the car, one of our party had managed to scale a very difficult fence to check her, and thankfully she was OK although very rattled. A tractor was required to get the car out thought. After that excitement I then worked on some water swim blinds. I gave him some fun dummies on the land to warm him up afterwards but he wasn't enthusiastic and then stared crying, was all hunched and then lay on the ground :eek: I was convinced he was bloating :( While working out how to get him to the car and then finding the nearest vet (we're out of town of course) he seemed to get better and by the time I walked him back to the car he was back to normal. I think he may have cramped up from the cold water, I'll be bringing out his wet suit for water work in future!!! I lost one of the fun dummies I threw for him, but it was the last thing on my mind at the time.

Is field Ch. the only field title?

RallyValley there is also the NFD title. From the rules:

The title of NOVICE FIELD DOG (NFD) may be awarded to those dogs which are no longer eligible to compete in Novice Stakes because of wins in Novice or wins or placings in higher classes.


A NOVICE STAKE is a Stake confined to dogs that have not won any Stake other than one Novice or have been placed Runner-up in an Open Stake.

So basically if a dog wins two Novice Stakes or places or wins an Open Stake it can get the NFD title :)

Like retrieving, there is also CM (Certificate of Merit):

A CERTIFICATE of MERIT is not a prize, but may only be awarded at the discretion of the

Judge to any dogs, including prize winners, in an Open Stake or an All Age Stake for outstanding

work during the Stake. The letters “CM” will be added after the registered name of the dog.

and DM (Diploma of Merit):

A DIPLOMA of MERIT is not a prize, but may only be awarded at the discretion of the Judge in a

Championship Stake and the letters “DM” be added after the registered name of the dog.

A dog can also be awarded a Qualifying Certificate, although this is not a title. Polo has received one of these.

A QUALIFYING CERTIFICATE - a dog may be awarded a Qualifying Certificate in a Field Trial

Stake at the discretion of the Judge of the Stake, if the dog has been shot over and shown it is

not gun shy, that it will hunt, face cover, point and retrieve tenderly (i.e., with a “soft mouth”) from

or across water and swim, steadiness not being essential. These Certificates are awarded for

work during and not after the Stake.

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Glad you had a good session RS. 'Tis fun indeed :D

Bloody hell FHRP!!! Two frights in one day is enough for anyone. I'm so glad Polo is ok - poor lad must have felt dreadful. I have heard of dogs cramping up - it's pretty cold where you are I guess. You better buy the boy a coat ;) Give him an extra hug. Sounds like a great training session amidst all the drama. Glad you liked our addition to the retrieving team - she actually tried to pick it up :laugh:

ETA: Patience with the kitty - I understand your Dad being protective. Focus on a settled down from your dogs - also a crate is really useful for calming everyone's nerves :)

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Another productive afternoon with LL - I started at the computer at 7.45am to justify my absence later on :D

We started at the park with various drills - good to have someone else watching to tighten up your hand signals and run over a few things. A bit of talking too ;)

Then we drove to another property close by with a couple of dams. Em retrieved some happy bumpers - funny little thing loves to swim but just needs a bit more confidence on the entries. We finished off with a few walking singles for the youngsters....both of whom did really, really well navigating novel terrain. Em certainly puts the 'spring' back in Springer :laugh:

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Good luck to the DOL trialers (rubyroo, mollipop?, anyone else?) travelling to the Blue Mountains this weekend for the NSW Gundog Society Retrieving trials.

Sounds like another great training session TSD. I can certainly see where the name Springer comes from watching the Springers up here!! :laugh:

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Did mollipop do the Goldie Nationals?? We want to know how you went mollipop :D

Yes, Polo is fine thanks TSD, thanks for asking :) Feral as ever. Am trying to work out when I can get him out in the paddocks this weekend, and where....

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Good to hear Polo is back to his feral self :laugh:

Just did walking singles and a couple of long-ish blinds at the oval. Mr TSD is getting much better with his throws and Em is mud from head to tail, such was her enthusiasm :D

Calling mollipop :wave:

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You're lucky TSD, a human thrower that can throw!! I'm hopless, even after all this time :laugh: You'll be happy to hear that Springers won both Novice and Restricted in the Blue Mountains today :thumbsup: My friends little girl now has two wins :) I hear that Rubyroo also got through the Restricted stake :cheer:

I have decided on my next breed for retrieving. It's ginger and purrs ;) My parents kitty is a keen retriever! So far it's only on fluffy 'my little pony' slippers, but I reckon I can get him on 2 inch dummies soon ;) He will play fetch and deliver (not quite to hand) for ages!!



I'm a bit worried about his handling of the 'bird' though.


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Go the Springers :cheer: I tossed a couple of blinds out for Em at the agility trial yesterday - some nice cover to work in. Used the big white bumpers so she could see them once she was about half way and that was a huge confidence boost. Ran so hard for one of them that she overshot and ended up at the fence line but retraced her steps and hunted it up. I did about half a dozen scattered throughout the day and then she had some huge zoomies. Clearly wasn't enough, though, as she just ate the button off my new cushion :laugh:

Love the kitty pics, FHRP - Brontë used to do that as a youngster but grew out of it but Dizzy just loves retrieving (and food). He even steals Zig's tug toys and growls if anyone tries to get them back, particularly the rabbit/sheep skin ones :eek: I really should do some training with him....

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Just back Brisbane so didn't trial in NSW this weekend.

We spent 14 hours in the car yesterday so it's good to be home and stretch our legs.

We had a great time - a good National with lovely prizes and trophies.

Molly won open RATG both days but did not qualify - Queensland still have placings so we got some lovely prizes including a fold-up crate for best over the 2 days

On the first day she got very distracted by a muddy puddle on the way to the second part of the double rise.

She got her 3 dummies on the second day but just didn't want to be there and didn't get enough points. There was a photographer in the field with a WHITE shirt which distracted her when she was coming back. He got some great shots though. Check out thepetphotographer.com.au (Brisbane) and look

at the GR show link.

Off topic I know, but if I can brag - my baby puppy bitch from my recent litter was entered in her first show (she was just 2 days over 3 months) as well as her brother that a friend of mine has. Well they both won their classes (huge classes with all the big name breeders out there) and had to run off for best baby in show. The boy won - my girl was so naughty and would not stand still. Just such a huge thrill that a small time breeder like me matched the big names at the Nationals!! I'll stop bragging now.

PS: almost forgot - the girls were still both a bit off on Friday so we went to a local vet. Layla (baby) had a UTI and Molly has pymetra. They are on AB's and off to our vet tomorrow. Layla should be okay but Molly is a worry. Fingers crossed for us!

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Well done Molly girl :cheer::thumbsup: Breed nationals are such fun - seeing so many dogs in the one place. I travelled to Sydney for the Dally Nationals last year and Zig cleaned up between obedience and agility. We are hosting in 2012 :D A shame no-one asked the photographer to put a jacket on!

And of course huge congratulations on your baby puppy win!!!! I hope both of them get well very soon - keep us posted please mollipop :)

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:cheer: :cheer: Congrats mollipop!!! Well worth the long trip by the sounds of it :D So sorry to hear your girls aren't well though, really hope that Layla and Molly are all better soon. Might Molly have to be desexed?

Have had a little look at the photos, although I think the link is http://www.thepetographer.com.au/ :) How lucky to have someone photographing, so nice to have the memory as a picture. A photographer was advertised for last years GSP Nationals and I stupidly assumed they would be there for the Friday of Obedience and GWT. They weren't, they only did the show :(

eta. have looked a bit more at the pics, interesting that lots of white dummies were allowed to be used! I see you had two very nice judges :D

Edited by FHRP
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I was a bit p...ed off about the dummies. I have my absolutely correct according to the rules in a camo type printed fabric.

I was told that they were disadvantaging my dog and that I should make it easier for her.

Someone even used some little bright red ones that would not have made the size or weight regulations.

Thanks for the proper link. I noticed that he has just put an extra folder. The first dog working in that is Molly and the babies are my little stars. That is how they prepared for there general specials. While all the other dogs were locked up in crates to be kept clean, ours were out having fun. They will both do retrieving and obedience.

We were lucky with photographers. There were 3 to cover everything. 1 stayed at the retrieving, 1 at obedience and 1 in the main ring.

Don't know about the desexing - will be guided by our vet tomorrow and will fast her in the morning, just in case.

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Interesting mollipop. I don't see it as you disadvantaging your dog, but the judge giving the others dog an advantage for allowing bright dummies! The red ones don't worry me so much in that regard as dogs do not see red on green well. IMO that handler is giving their dog a disadvantage!

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Interesting mollipop. I don't see it as you disadvantaging your dog, but the judge giving the others dog an advantage for allowing bright dummies! The red ones don't worry me so much in that regard as dogs do not see red on green well. IMO that handler is giving their dog a disadvantage!

Agree with FHRP on the red dummies. We often prefer using black dummies on marks (depending on light) as they are much easier for the dog to see against the sky. Today, the first set of walking singles Mr TSD tossed for us were white dummies - Em did a bit of a banana shaped run and I realised she was probably using Mr TSD as a reference point for where the dummy fell (smart lass!) Asked him to switch to black dummies on the next set and it was like magic - beautiful straight line out and back. Set up a long-ish blind with a 3" white dummy, though, as obviously it's easier to see.

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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