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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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Yo/Pink pups - near repeat of Chief litter - born early this morning.

ELEVEN. 3 boys 8 girls. ELEVEN!!!!


Good luck with that handful :rofl:

What colours?

RS - I have to put reminders in my calendar so I don't forget to enter trials....don't like hand delivering entries, it's a PITA :laugh:

The embarrassing part is I did do that. I have all the retrieving trials listed in my calendar (which automatically gets sent to my iphone), plus any obedience/agility/rally-o I might want to do. But this one slipped through the cracks, it wasn't in my diary because I lost the club trial schedule :o Oh well! My next trial is on the 27th, and on the 20th we have another RATG :) I might have to miss the trial after it though, as I have an exam the day after so I should study for it instead of having fun frown.gif

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Yo/Pink pups - near repeat of Chief litter - born early this morning.

ELEVEN. 3 boys 8 girls. ELEVEN!!!!


Good luck with that handful :rofl:

What colours?

RS - I have to put reminders in my calendar so I don't forget to enter trials....don't like hand delivering entries, it's a PITA :laugh:

The embarrassing part is I did do that. I have all the retrieving trials listed in my calendar (which automatically gets sent to my iphone), plus any obedience/agility/rally-o I might want to do. But this one slipped through the cracks, it wasn't in my diary because I lost the club trial schedule :o Oh well! My next trial is on the 27th, and on the 20th we have another RATG :) I might have to miss the trial after it though, as I have an exam the day after so I should study for it instead of having fun frown.gif

What about the long weekend trial Rubystar ? Do you feel like going camping ? Actually, they have three bedrooms in the house at Mogumber which people can put their hand up for. Nice & close to shower and toilet and kitchen, and out of the rain/wind etc. The Novice on that weekend may not have enough entries to run it, and even restricted might be battling. I wasn't going to enter "the idiot" but may do so now, just to boost the numbers in restricted.

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Where'd those last 2 pop out from? I thought you said 9 :laugh: That IS a big litter - poor lass! You will be very busy when they start getting mobile :thumbsup:

The last two, were late entries, into the world.

Busy? Two litters 2 weeks apart.................I will be fine (gulp).

Rubystar, all black, as will be the end of May litter.

(They are so cute - must rush back into the kitchen to continue watching them)No training today. Um...maybe a couple of football field walking baseball for my other three and a friends dog staying for training.

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Yo/Pink pups - near repeat of Chief litter - born early this morning.

ELEVEN. 3 boys 8 girls. ELEVEN!!!!

Good luck with that handful :rofl:

What colours?

RS - I have to put reminders in my calendar so I don't forget to enter trials....don't like hand delivering entries, it's a PITA :laugh:

The embarrassing part is I did do that. I have all the retrieving trials listed in my calendar (which automatically gets sent to my iphone), plus any obedience/agility/rally-o I might want to do. But this one slipped through the cracks, it wasn't in my diary because I lost the club trial schedule :o Oh well! My next trial is on the 27th, and on the 20th we have another RATG :) I might have to miss the trial after it though, as I have an exam the day after so I should study for it instead of having fun

What about the long weekend trial Rubystar ? Do you feel like going camping ? Actually, they have three bedrooms in the house at Mogumber which people can put their hand up for. Nice & close to shower and toilet and kitchen, and out of the rain/wind etc. The Novice on that weekend may not have enough entries to run it, and even restricted might be battling. I wasn't going to enter "the idiot" but may do so now, just to boost the numbers in restricted.

That's the one where I have an exam in the holiday Monday so should be at home studying that weekend :(

I'll give you my GRC entry on Sunday!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey thanks RS & ST and well done to Ruby - it will do her the world of good to have a number of success like that. I was soooo tired last night

So I'm going to summarise the runs from the weekend as it's really handy to know what we did well and what we need to work on. The property was great - heaps of water with a good selection of light, medium and heavy cover.


1st run - dog set up in clear ground, nicely sighted mark (right to left) on land, relatively even ground but with a mass of moderately heavy cover and the bird landing just beyond it. Em took a really nice line, tackled the cover without a drama and only took a few seconds to hunt it up when she got to the area of the fall. Scored 43/45 for marking. Delivery was perfect even though my heart was in my mouth :laugh: They remained perfect for the rest of the weekend - no spitting the bird out when my hand got close either which is something the judge was pinging. This was an interesting set up as we walked back to the starting pegs, handed over the game and the gun, could then handle our dog (off lead), take the gun back, about turn (judging started again) and went back for the 2nd run. It was really good as it was a little like picking up 2 birds at once and it was an awesome reward for Em to have another run.

2nd run - firing pegs were at right angles to the 1st run. Em had her body lined up in the right direction but her head kept snapping around to where she'd seen the previous mark. FORTUNATELY I've been doing some double marks with her so one quiet command of "leave" and she locked on straight in front. Plenty of sky behind this mark too (left to right) and it landed up on a hill on bare ground but the dogs had to push through a heap of cover before breaking into bare ground. So an interesting concept when compared with the 1st run. Em took a lovely line straight to the bird, picked it up and ran straight back on the same line. 45/45 for the marking.

3rd run - very sodden underfoot at the firing pegs, dogs could see the top of the arc on this mark (left to right) with the bird landing in water beyond very heavy reeds and sticky mud. Watching the first dog run through the water I knew Em would probably have to swim :laugh: Once she ran beyond 2 metres from me I completely lost sight of her until I noticed her bounding through the very heavy cover air scenting. She was right off line which I thought was weird. I had to call her in to get her in sight, casted right then casted back. Off she flew but did the same thing and the judge said to call her in. Now the judge thought that Em didn't trust herself but the thrower (very nice guy) said that she took a really nice line and was running flat out in exactly the right direction when she caught sight of him out of the corner of her eye and it completely startled her. She just couldn't push past him to pick up the bird after that. She can be a spooky little thing but hasn't done that for ages. Knowing that she marked it correctly and didn't spook at the cover made me feel much better though. Really positive comments from the judge about what a pleasure it was to watch her run.

The guy on the thrower later threw some birds for her when we were finished and she didn't give a monkey's :laugh: Also ran her on a couple of hot blinds, using the Restricted runs and she lined straight out and straight back so great confidence builders. Also went out on the thrower for a Restricted run which was great.


1st run - I think it was tougher for the handlers to get to the starting pegs than it was for the dogs to pick up the bird! Gumboots definitely required. Nice long run through moderate cover to pick up the mark (left to right) in open ground. A good warm up for a very cold morning!

2nd run - an interesting run through moderate to heavy cover and through a gully with enough water that the dogs wouldn't have known they could run through it before they hit it. Ample cheating opportunity. Then out the other side through more cover to pick up the bird (right to left - good sighting). Em took a lovely line, didn't hesitate at the water, just kept running hard (all I could see was a pair of Springer ears flapping around), picked up the bird and took the same line back. Really good run. Even the judge said "gee she goes alright doesn't she" :laugh:

3rd run - another tough one for the vertically challenged dog! Mark was coming from the opposite side of the body of water (decent size) directly forward and it's not something we've done much of. Between me and the water was a huge wall of reeds but a fairly well beaten path if the dogs took the correct line. Em sighted it well, took off like a shot and I immediately lost sight of her. I actually heard her hit the water hard (which made me smile) and then she took the most perfect line straight across the dam and got out the other side!!!! Clearly she was up wind of the bird and, with the forward mark and all the anti-cheating work we've been doing, she was sure it was up on the bank. I let her hunt for a bit as she was really determined and I was hoping she'd get a whiff of the bird but eventually I had to call her in until I could see her, stop her and cast her right through heavy reeds and into the water. She took it all really well and the thrower said as soon as she took the cast she picked up the scent and ran/swam straight to it. I, of course, couldn't see a damn thing and the judge was clearly enjoying himself when he said quietly "if you had a decent sized dog you'd know she had the bird" :rofl: Anyway, she took the same line back to me and I could see she was desperate to shake and was going to try to do it without dropping the bird. So I quickly relieved her of the bird so she could shake.

No more training on Sunday - she'd done more than enough so some free running to warm up and then snoozing in the back of the car in the sun whilst we waited for AA to finish. As well as winning Novice she picked up the Fort Wrangham perpetual trophy for the highest scoring Novice dog over the weekend. I gave it back to the club for engraving so will pick it up at the next trial :) Looking forward to hanging it on the wall for 12 months!

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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We had a great day of retrieving on Sunday. 9 out of 10 in Novice finished, and the little Toller that won did a fantastic job. Two Goldies were 2nd and 3rd. Saw some very good work from several of the Novice dogs and all owners should be proud.

Yes, had a win in restricted with crazy dog. His second win and he worked better than he has for quite a while, but still room for improvement. He hasn't another trial for about 6 weeks so we'll see how he is after the break.

TSD congrats on your little dog's performance, you must be chuffed. Wish we had springers competing over here; they are a delight to watch.

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:eek: How did I miss this!!!! Congratulations TSD & Em :thumbsup::cheer::cheer: Fantastic result :) For some reason the Novice and Restricted Sunday results haven't been posted on AWRC so I assumed there were no finishers :o A greta weekend for the 'non-Labs' across the gundog sports around Australia :thumbsup:
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Thanks so much - I'm really proud of the little rascal :D

Nice work, fetchin' with your lad - don't want to get that 3rd win TOO quickly :laugh:

FHRP - yes, they've forgotten to post the Novice results. I will ring and ask perhaps as I need to see it in print so I can believe it lol. Restricted was cancelled due to lack of entries which is a real shame but I think there was a field trial on the same weekend.

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TSD thanks for posting your runs in detail - it's really interesting to read! it seems quite a few people delight in picking on your choice of retriever!! :laugh: but lovely to read that she held her own and took out a 1st place!

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