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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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Wooohhhhoooo TSD!!! Sounds fantastic! :clap::cheer:

I popped in to ask if anyone's dogs has had an issue with March flies?? On 3 occasions now (the 3rd being tonight), Mars has been too worried about March flies buzzing around to work with his usual gumption. I will make sure to spray him before any training, does anyone recommend a particular 'F off insect spray'?... might get some recordings of buzzing and do some counter conditioning too... really want to nib this in the bud :confused:

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Well done TSD!!! Em sounds like she is doing brilliantly!

We went out in the field Saturday morning, I am seeing improvement for sure, she managed to do a true point on a button quail - I walked up to her and she was steady till I told her to flush it which I am pretty happy with. She is getting more aware of the concept of backing, is constantly looking for quail while in the field and when she does flush one will stop when I tell her to. :)

It's a nice beginning, looking forward to doing more training with her and watching her progress. :thumbsup:

Her retrieves have also come forward a lot! She is much more reliable with her returns to hand and is getting comfortable with increased distances and cover.

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Perdy I can't help you the March flies - they got stuck into me a few weeks ago at a friend's place. Ow!!!!

Sounds like you are having fun RV - do you intend on doing retrieving and field trials?

This week I am working on distance for handling (dog to dummy and me to dog) as her backs revert to overs at a certain point. Plus marks into odd bits of cover - have found a few new parks that aren't perfectly manicured. Good progress yesterday and today. Oh and independent weaving poles for something different ;)

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RV, you're missing out on so much fun by limiting yourself :p

Yep TSD I'll be using trials as paid training runs too :laugh: I really hope the judges don't mind and I don't inconvenience anyone.

As for the bee allergy, Ruby is booked in for allergy testing in a fortnight and then most likely desensitization shots after that every week for 19 weeks! So I'm hoping this will mean she can lead a normal life with minimal worry of bees! She isn't even safe at obedience as she's been stung twice there! Hoping winter in the bush means less bee stress, too :)

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Zora is training for Utility Gundog Field Trials, only dogs that are bred to hunt,point and retrieve can compete. So that's like Vizlas, GSPs, Brittanys or Weimeraners.

The dogs must find the birds in a big paddock, stop still and point at them, wait still until the hunter tells then to flush the bird then flush the bird and sit still when the blank shot is fired over them.

They work in pairs and when the other dog points your dog has to honor that point and stop still. If it runs up and steals the other dogs bird you are disqualified. You then have to do two retrieves, one on land and one in water at the end.

Your dog is scored in its performance and any dog that does not point, back and complete the retrieves does not pass. You must win or place second in a trial against at least 5 other dogs to gain points to become eligible for field titles.

To me Retrieving is not testing the versatility of my dog, just one task it can do. Field training is very time consuming, to train for retrieving trials as well would mean giving up agility or obedience...

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To me Retrieving is not testing the versatility of my dog, just one task it can do. Field training is very time consuming, to train for retrieving trials as well would mean giving up agility or obedience...

Not necessarily, but it might mean giving up your life :laugh:

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To me Retrieving is not testing the versatility of my dog, just one task it can do. Field training is very time consuming, to train for retrieving trials as well would mean giving up agility or obedience...

Not necessarily, but it might mean giving up your life :laugh:

:rofl: Too true! I would like to give field trials a go one day but it is probably easier for Em to get proficient at retrieving first. I'm told that the way she runs so straight to the mark is unusual for a Springer. They normally run short, then quarter and hunt - she actually tends to over run more difficult marks which is a MUCH better problem to have. She needs no encouragement to quarter and hunt though.... getting her to stop on live game might be a whole other story :eek: :laugh:

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So spaniels can compete In those trials too? Just asking as I'm after a Clumber spaniel as my next pup :)

M_G.....I don't know much about Clumbers but I think they are pretty rare in Australia so you would want to carefully research the lines to get something with working capability. Have a look on ANKC for the regulations surrounding field trials for spaniels. They are quite different to Utility Gundog Trials, reflecting the main features of spaniels: quartering, flushing and retrieving :)

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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Hope RV doesn't mind me jumping in :)

MG, there are 3 different types of Field Trials in Australia, each for the different types of Gundogs. RV and myself train for the Utility Field trials which are for the Utility Gundog breeds - Hunt, Point Retrievers (HPR)and the field trials require them to do all three. Only the HPR breeds can compete in these and depsite Brittany's being referred to as Brittany Spaniels, they aren't actually Spaniels but they are a HPR breed.

There are also Spaniel and Retriever Field Trials which as the name implies is open to all Spaniels (not Britts) and Retriever breeds and would be the field trial that a Clumber could compete in. These trials are mainly run on rabbits, but can be on feather and requires the dogs to work close the handler (within gun range) and to flush game (without pointing), be steady to the flush and shot, and to retrieve the game. These trials seem to be dominated by working English Springers but all dogs with Retriever or Spaniel in their name can compete.

The third is the Pointer & Setter field trials, open to all Setter breeds and the english variety of Pointer. They are very similar to the Utility Field trials with the dog hunting and pointing game. They have the option on shot game to either retrieve or "seek dead" where the dog is sent to relocate the fallen game, however does not pick it up but points it again. They do not have a water retrieve and if run in a shooting state, they do not have a seperate retrieve the end of the trial either.

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:rofl: Too true! I would like to give field trials a go one day but it is probably easier for Em to get proficient at retrieving first. I'm told that the way she runs so straight to the mark is unusual for a Springer. They normally run short, then quarter and hunt - she actually tends to over run more difficult marks which is a MUCH better problem to have. She needs no encouragement to quarter and hunt though.... getting her to stop on live game might be a whole other story :eek: :laugh:

:laugh: Getting Polo to not chase birds when flushed wasn't too hard, but we're still struggling with 'fur'! Apparently our training paddocks are full of Hares agian this year :eek: I have only seen one S&R trial, but if you get Em to retrieve to hand you're doing better than most I saw ;)

Can't wait to get back out in the paddocks... not long now!

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No problem FHRP, I only know about Utility Gundog Field Trials ;)

I guess I am lucky as Zora will stop and point at the wild bunnies that live here, but she has also been known to give chase if they run past her or even once has caught one and just gently held it until my mum lifted her off it.

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I guess I am lucky as Zora will stop and point at the wild bunnies that live here, but she has also been known to give chase if they run past her or even once has caught one and just gently held it until my mum lifted her off it.

Polo has pointed fur, but it's the steady to flush we struggle with :laugh: It doesn't help that the boys chase and catch rabbits (which are then presented to me) at the local dog club :o:mad

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See, I reckon retrieving to hand is the easy bit!

:thumbsup: So do I. I just don't think it's where the emphasis has been on the dogs training... Interstingly I'm told the quality of work on the dedicated retrieve tests in the Utility Field trials has improved over here a lot in recent years when dogs that also compete in retrieving trials started raising the bar.

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So spaniels can compete In those trials too? Just asking as I'm after a Clumber spaniel as my next pup :)

M_G.....I don't know much about Clumbers but I think they are pretty rare in Australia so you would want to carefully research the lines to get something with working capability. Have a look on ANKC for the regulations surrounding field trials for spaniels. They are quite different to Utility Gundog Trials, reflecting the main features of spaniels: quartering, flushing and retrieving :)

I know a breeder who will be breeding her Clumber in the future, trouble is I won't be getting another dog for many years as I have 2 and can't afford 3 nor o I have the time for 3 :) her dog works real well :)

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You could come to Canberra in March too :D

Motel booked!! We are coming!!

Had a nice second trial of the year last weekend. Only competed with Funkie: 1st in Novice Saturday, and 4th Sunday (she did not see 2nd and 3rd birds on Sunday), luckily been working on blinds/straight lines so she kept going, as I pondered whether to blow whistle and help.

Her litter brother won Restricted.

Her litter sister won All Age.

Her other competing litter sister, in All age, finished on Sunday also.

See ya in Canberrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaa

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