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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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Each year I say I am going to buy new wellies and each year I continue to wear my Kmart cheapies laugh.gif

I am looking at buying a pair of Hunter's online but I am not sure if I should get the original tall Hunter's or a pair of Huntress that have slightly wider calf width and don't go up as high (or so I read!)

Does anyone have any first hand experience/advice about the two types? Would the shorter Huntress be ok for retrieving? Are they still tall enough if I need to wade through some pretty deep water (without the aid of the full leg length kit that I would also like to invest in at some point, but trying to save money!)

Thanks! :)

I have the original Hunters and always have. I like the higher boot and sometimes it still hasn't been far enough to stop water tipping over the edge.

The Huntress are really for women with bigger calves, but as you say, they don't go as high up the leg. Why don't you ask one of the girls who we know have the boots, when they are at agility training, if you could try their boots and see if they suit you. I think from memory you have pretty slim legs RS & if so then the huntress will swim on you. I buy mine from the UK from Amazon and they are cheaper than anywhere else and also arrive in about 6 days.

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Thanks fetchindawgs. How much on average does a pair cost you with shipping? I found a website that will cost me about $100AUD including shipping, which I thought was pretty good. http://www.countryattire.com

I don't have very big calves (thighs are another story, though :eek::rofl:) so maybe the original Hunter's will be fine. I was just concerned about having short legs, the website said the original can pinch behind the knees. Now, what bright colour will I go for?! :D :D Black, nah!!

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Having only done RATG once & that was before the changes, I can offer a little bit of advice. Throwers will be used. I think the competition will very likely use dummys rather than birds. The reason for this is birds cost money, whereas competitors bringing their own dummy costs the club nothing. Secondly, the clubs are trying these comps for the first time, as will several people with gundogs, many never having done retrieving before. These comps are to encourage people to try retrieving in a non threatening environment with less pressure than a real retrieving trial, so it would make sense to have people bring along their own dummy to use with their dog. It is possible that a water retrieve will be part of the comp, but is not compulsory.

Your dog should heel nicely, sit at heel when you halt, stay when commanded, retrieve on command and return to present the dummy correctly. Some comps in Qld used guns during the event, but I honestly cannot remember if we did so for the event held here in W.A.

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The first trial of the year in Victoria was great fun.

I was still debating with myself on Friday lunchtime whether or not I was well enough to attend the trial. Heat especially humidity causes fluid retention. Medication helps a little. Camping on site was not a sensible option.

Rang motel and there were vacancies, packed quickly and we were off. Funky my youngster in her first trial.

Great novice tests fair with wonderful sighted "marks".

Variety of competitors, imported UK working linelabradors, my other bitch (Pink) who lives with another, Funky, imported US field labradors, and of course dear Em with Spotted devil. More than half the field were experienced triallers with a young dog in their first trial.

Pink my girl: 1st

Funky her daughter 2nd Wooo hooo. She emptied her bowel big time in the second run. Bad dog!!

Sunday another great day, for Funky. Emptied her bowel, AGAIN, this time in the first run.

2nd again!!!

Funky's litter sister came second in all age, Sunday.

Good girls!!

NSW, thinking about competing in the Easter trial. Keen again!!!

I forgot to comment on this. Congrats lablover and well done with your girls!!!! thumbsup1.gif

Hope your health is improving :)

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The first trial of the year in Victoria was great fun.

I forgot to comment on this. Congrats lablover and well done with your girls!!!! thumbsup1.gif

Hope your health is improving :)

:o I forgot to comment too, congrats Lablover! You could come to Canberra in March too :D

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Some comps in Qld used guns during the event, but I honestly cannot remember if we did so for the event held here in W.A.

Not sure if WA did use guns, but they aren't allowed in the RATG's now :)

I look forward to hearing about WA's first RATG :thumbsup:

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I am looking on Amazon.co.uk for Hunter wellies, and for one pair the shipping is about $22.

Combining with someone, for 2 pairs, about $12 each.

For 3 pairs, about $8.50 each.

For 4 pair, about $6.80 each.

And so on.

Amazon also currently have a lot of them reduced, plus an extra 20% off. The pair I am looking at will only be about £41 thumbsup1.gif

If any of you WA folk are interested in a pair of Hunter wellies, it sounds like a good deal if we combine an order. Head to Amazon.co.uk and have a look, and let me know if you're interested! Nice bright colours there, too :D

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I will be trying a pair on before I buy of someone whose feet are similar size to mine. They have the Huntress though, and are short like me so Huntress might be the go for me afterall because the originals go too far up behind the knee.... we'll see!

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We need more videos of Em TSD!!! :thumbsup: She sounds like you have been doing a brilliant job. :)

Well ST and I met up with some other Utility Gundog for a retrieving session with 'game' (a dummy covered in rabbit) and some tips for the fieldwork and retrieves. The couple helping us out own and bred GSP's and used to breed Brittany's (their last one passed away a few weeks ago :( ).

This is their older bitch Chelsea (a field trial Ch and retrieving titled) strutting her stuff;

and Zora racing around with the dummy (which she returned... after a victory lap first)


It was both bitches time having a dummy launcher used and they quickly caught on, it really hyped Zora up hearing it being wound up and they both were raring to go. :thumbsup: I am also a bit proud because even though Zora was a bit cheeky I was told she is showing good promise.

Look at her go, she is doing a great job :thumbsup: Looks like she is really going to enjoy her retrieving. How funny she did a victory lap first. It is funny the things they do in training. Took Bella to a training day once and we were doing water retrieves. He got Bella to do a water retrieve and took the dummy from her really quickly, before she was properly out of the water. Bella thought she had dropped it in the water, went back in searching for it and wouldn't come out, he had to throw it again for her, funny girl.

Edited by helen
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Thanks TSD, very glad the Brittany standard specifies that the dog should be thin, have a clear waist and no roll in the loin. I always love to see Em in such excellent condition too! Would love to see Em and Zora meet up at some stage, maybe the retrieving national this year ;) (Not that Zora will be entered!!)

With a Brittany, they should be cobby, when you look down at them you should see plenty of round ribs, and width, no thinness. If they don't have a waist that just means they are overwieght, like Tilly gets if I am not careful, now that she is older, and such a guts LOL. You can get coby, and plenty of width and spring of rib without the dog being overweight.

The breed standard says this:

Back: Straight, short and rigid, well coupled.

Loin: Short, broad and muscular.

Hips: Very slightly slanting, broad and muscular.

Chest: Let down to elbow level, broad with ribs well sprung but not barrel chested. Sternum wide and scarcely rising towards the rear. The rearmost ribs long and supple.

.....Built harmoniously on a solid but not weighty frame. The whole is compact and well knit, without undue heaviness, while staying sufficiently elegant. The dog is vigorous, the look is bright and the expression intelligent. The general aspect is cobby, ........

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The only National we will be doing this year is the agility one :laugh: I'd like to get across to WA as a spectator though but will see how I go time wise. Lot of pressure on at Uni this year - hopefully my last as a student for a while!!!

I miss this now my dogs are older :) Have fun and good luck

ETA - congratuts on Ems trial. I am just catching up on this thread :)

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Hope your health is improving :)

:o I forgot to comment too, congrats Lablover! You could come to Canberra in March too :D

Thanks Rubystar and FHRP.

Specialist confirmed yesterday, I am doing well.!!!

I am so lucky thus far, given the lung cancer surgery in July 2010.

Canberra eh? Good idea+++++. Returned home via specialist appt, after a week away from home training. I cannot be happier with Funkie my youngster.

Was planning on implanting one of my four US frozen boys(hundreds of hours choosing those studs I tell ya, plus an extra flight over), next season..but thinking training and trialling might be a more fun option.

Decisions decisions decisions, glad to be around, to make 'em!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Em and I have had a wonderful 2nd weekend of retrieving trials.

Saturday was rather warm but there was plenty of shade to be had and it was quite lovely near the water. First run was a mark from left to right - the dogs had a clear sight of the arc but lost sight as the mark came down in heavy cover. Em took a bit of time to settle at the peg but followed the line of the gun. I think she saw it pretty well in the end. She headed off and was put off by the very tall grass. When she continued she kept veering right - something a lot of the dogs did - I couldn't see her at all and, as I suspected she was way off course, said as much to the judge. He had a better view than me and told me she was through the fence! I called her in and sent her again and she did exactly the same thing. Apparently that is a common pattern for an inexperienced dog when they miss the fall and, in fact, happened a week ago when I was training with a friend. So clearly some more practice needed on that concept. The (very patient) judge told me to walk her out to the mark, which was interesting in itself as the game had landed in a thick tuft of cover - Em was hunting within half a metre of it but couldn't pick up the scent because the breeze was going straight over the top. It wasn't until she sighted it that she picked it up and trotted back with me - she was as pleased as punch so that was a nice note to end the run on. Around half the dogs went out on that run! We were allowed to do the second run (water mark) and she picked that up with a little encouragement to get in the water - it was full of heavy lilies, which spooked her a bit but got there in the end. I opted out of the 3rd run as I suspected it was too much for her - instead I grabbed a couple of birds and tossed them in lots of different environments including the water lilies, thick mud, weedy areas and over logs until she was really, really enjoying herself. In the process, I managed to break her delivery - the game was pretty yuck by then and she wasn't keen on delivering to hand but I can fix that. The payoff was her increase in confidence. LL won the trial with her girl :cheer:

Sunday wasn't quite as hot but became a bit humid as the day went on. The cover on the property was heavy, lots of trees and LOTS of prickles/burrs so it wasn't easy for the judge to find novice runs - especially on land. The first run was a land mark - very, very short cover so that part was easy. Lots of trees but the dogs could sight the arc of the fall above the tree line and hear the thump to the ground. I was thrilled with Em. She was incredibly excited but was steady as a rock and flew straight out, picked up the bird and bolted straight back. Not unsurprisingly she dropped the bird a bit out from me but I persisted in telling her to fetch it up and present it. I wasn't at all bothered because I knew that the extra training on the Saturday had caused it. The judge was really good actually - chatted to me for quite some time after our run and said some really nice things about Em and some constructive criticism about my handling. So! Into the next run - a big thing for a newbie handler :D The judge continued to come out with some classic one liners to keep us all laughing and finally it was time to start the second run. I wasn't sure how we would go.....between the pegs we were instructed to treat it like a proper hunting expedition and were required to take the long route and pause several times to look for game. After we stopped the 2nd time Em was exasperated with me :laugh: but it probably did her the world of good to build up more excitement/frustration. We were low down (in a classic hunting scenario apparently) and the thrower was on the high side, the bird thrown from right to left into the water. I had my heart in my mouth - how would Em react to the long swim, water lilies and what seemed to be logs under the water line? Lots of factors for her to overcome. The dogs had a good view of the mark but the bird was difficult to see in the water. The run was set up so the dogs had to trust their nose with the breeze blowing the scent beautifully towards them. Em took off like a shot, entered the water confidently, swam straight through the lilies, scrabbled over the logs, kept swimming hard, picked up the bird (I couldn't see it at all in the water) and headed straight back. I asked the judge if he would take marks off if I swore :rofl: He thought that was most amusing and then gave me an even harder time when my eyes welled up with pride. By the time she brought the bird back (after dropping it ;) ) I was in tears of joy :laugh: Little devil was SO pleased with herself. A couple of comments from the gallery about the wake that formed behind her as she powered through the water - most of the dogs could leap through the water but Em had to swim the whole way. The third run was a mark landing over the river - the dogs could run through the water but the bird landed in the mud, the dogs had to run through lots of mud and there was a lot of timber in the water too that sucked the dogs in. Em took off straight through the mud but the timber was like a brick wall and she just couldn't work out how to get through. I tried pushing her back but it was just a bit too much and I ended up calling her in. Had some constructive feedback from the judge as to how to handle the gun better to help the dog out and all in all I was wrapped with our day. The judge gave us an encouragement award - for the vertically challenged dog who had an epiphany in the 2nd run and the teary handler who was mentally challenged between the pegs :laugh:

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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TSD, thanks for sharing your weekend! That sounded incredible! Well done little Em and to you! What a star! :cheer:

I think I'd cry too if Ruby completed just one run for me :laugh: That's all I'm hoping for one day when I start competing, just for one little birdy and I will be overjoyed! I will be using our trials as training runs basically, to boost her confidence in marking and heavy cover, and to get a grip on depths as I don't get a lot of opportunities to practice this. Bringing a birdy back would just be the icing on the cake! Have to admit though, I am having doubts about entering her. Her bee allergy has gotten worse so I worry this sport might not be the right one for her :( I'll be armed with AH's and an epipen when we venture out (we're not at the epipen stage yet, but better to be safe than sorry!) and if it gets out of hand, we will stop and just stick to obedience.

I can't wait for the retrieving training/trialling season to start here! Not long to go, now! :D :D

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Thanks gals - it was a really good weekend. It is a really steep learning curve, that's for sure and it isn't easy being at the bottom of the knowledge tree all over again!!! I managed to catch the last run of All Age on Saturday which was fabulous and just a couple of dogs running AA on Sunday. I had Em in the gallery and her eyes were just popping out of her head seeing all those lovely marks - well, they were lovely from that angle :laugh: Something to aim for, that's for sure!!!

RS - I treat the trials as a paid training session :laugh: Especially as a newbie getting a handle on running a young dog in trial conditions, let alone the stuff you didn't dream would confuse them. There are more scenarios than my brain has room to process at the moment. Hopefully bees won't be an issue in the cooler months for Ruby and she will learn to out run them :D

I meant to say also that Em didn't even look sideways at the thrower all weekend - it did confuse her at the first weekend of trialling and she got a bit spooked by all the new people. I swear she is a bit hormonal at the moment too and am surprised she didn't come into season on Saturday morning. I'm playing LAT with anything that is spooking her and it is really, really effective. By the end of the weekend she was trying to smooch up to everyone and was much better free running with a couple of the big dogs. Oh, and I had to ask LL to hide when we were running because Em just adores her and thinks she is going to throw dummies. LL walks past my car and all she can hear is thump, thump, thump from Em in the back :)

There were so many positives that came out of the weekend......not to mention that Em kept me warm enough at night so as not to have to unroll my sleeping bag :rofl:

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