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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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:thumbsup: Way to go Rebel!

I have been drilling whistle recalls and sits this week and it paid off (well the recalls, the sits are not quite there!)! Today miss Z and Toby were at my brothers and the neighbours chickens started making lots of noise, the dogs ran off to investigate them but I did my recall whistles and they spun on a dime and headed straight back - jackpot!!!

(Yes Toby is also learning whistle sits and recalls - it's easier to teach them both at once :o )

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Ohhhhhhhh! Norty Rebel :laugh: Good on you for taking advantage of the situation LT - especially handling him to the dummy come what may! Lovely pic :)

RV - you sound hooked already :D Sucker :rofl:

Seeing as I use this thread as a bit of a training diary I wanted to note that Em has had a huge leap of understanding this week. I'm not quite sure what has happened but the value of the retrieve has gone through the ROOF!!! It's not that she didn't value it previously but maybe maturity and confidence amongst other things has taken her training to a whole other level. She is feral in a really good way :D It is absolutely amazing and we are both enjoying it all even more. I am quite dumbstruck actually :laugh:

Had a lovely morning with RubyBlue - tried to explain as much as I could using Em and then we did a few walking singles with her girl who did really, really well. Hopefully RB has been bitten by the bug and will come training again :thumbsup: It was so nice to have someone throw a couple of marks for Em but Mr TSD is now concerned that he'll be obsolete ;)

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Yeah TSD tomorrow I am blowing off a show to take Zora out to have her first live bird expirience! Her and a couple of other pups will be doing some work with quail... we will see how she goes. :laugh: I am hoping she can track and point and not just chase :o

I am also amazed how Zora's expression just lights up and she gets crazed when she sees a wing! I think she will enjoy when she gets to retrieve! I can only imagine how insane your already birdy little girl must be. :D

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It is amazing TSD how their intrest changes, almost like someone turning on a switch. Rebel is a calm boy (especially as he is a Flatcoat) but add a bird to the picture and it is a whole different dog, add the gun and its another level again.

He is a very friendly boy, and thinks he has to say hello to everything and everybody, not sure what he thought about the Kangaroos, while he would have come across their scent at tracking he has not seen one before, hopefully he wont worry about them again.

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Oh, RV, you both will have a ball!

I always feel like I'm "on the outside looking in" when I'm training retrieving - in agility and obedience I am the centre of my dogs' world but Em's level of motivation to "get the birdie" is exhilarating and something I can't dream of emulating - all I can do is control her access to the reward. It's such a privilege to be a part of something so deep and instinctual. It sends me all gooey inside just thinking about it :laugh:

LT - the Flatties would be a different experience again. There are a few over here (Bushman Kennels I think?) but I haven't had a chance to really watch them work. Such a lovely breed and another I have a real soft spot for.

What are your training plans over the summer FHRP?

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Had a lovely morning with RubyBlue - tried to explain as much as I could using Em and then we did a few walking singles with her girl who did really, really well. Hopefully RB has been bitten by the bug and will come training again :thumbsup: It was so nice to have someone throw a couple of marks for Em but Mr TSD is now concerned that he'll be obsolete ;)

Oh yeh....I've been bitten and we're practicing our sits and holds :D

Em is absolutely brilliant!!! Thanks so much for that.

Am now thinking Ill put my trip to Wagga on hold so I can to the RAT day at the end of the month.

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Had fun this morning FHRP, pre dawn start to meet at 0630. The dogs all had three runs.

The first was a planted quail in a mesh basket and when the dogs got close 'Woody' the decoy pointer would pop up :laugh: Zora did ok, she caught onto the scent and sniffed the bird out, got close and stopped... then Woody popped up and she decided Woody was scary and needed rooring at but didn't move. We then took her closer to the quail and she was a bit unsure (It moves mum! :eek: )

Second run through was a quail tied down, she started to get quartering and ranged out further, got near to the bird and halted (I didn't even see it! :laugh: ) We held her still with the lead and the quail's owner released him so he flew up and back down - she went a bit bug eyed and jumped up.

Third run through was most successful, from the start she seemed more purposeful, and was ranging out faster and as far as the lead could go, she got a bit sticky where the quail had been previously then sniffed out the new location, she froze when she saw the quail and again jumped on her hind legs when it was released, when then left her follow it up to the new location, and she was VERY eager, again she froze and the bird was released.

The best part - when I carried her back to the other dogs after the third run she spent the whole time squirming to look back at the quail and just kept wanting to go back there! She got to meet Woody again at the end and was fine with him this time and was obsessed with the little crate the quails were in.

A few more sessions of that and then onto the real field, the adult dogs there had no interest in the planted quail and our mentor told us that after they have experienced wild quail games with wings and tame quail are pointless.

ETA- My summer exercises are definitely woah training and changing direction on command. Her whistle recall was awesome still :thumbsup:

ETA2- No photos :( I had my camera but no memory card. The daughter of the guy helping us had her camera there and said she would email shots, so maybe in a few days.

Edited by RallyValley
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Great to hear RB - will let you know what I'm doing in terms of training next week so we can catch up again :)

RV - that sounds like so much fun. Isn't it amazing watching that instinct come out. Please keep the updates coming, particularly as I know nothing about field work and find it very interesting.

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Sounds great RallyValley! :thumbsup: Polo's litter sister will not point planted birds either, and she's a very good field dog. I know Polo did (had to for the UG test) and I think he still would even after all the time he's had on wild game, but maybe not!!

Keep up the updates, your training sounds very different to ours, very intersting to hear of other ways to do things (especially as I still know next to nothing :)).

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What are your training plans over the summer FHRP?

:laugh: Who knows!? I haven't done a thing since our last field trial, have had other things taking my time. No field work over Summer, that's for sure. Only retrieving will be water work. Maybe I'll just spend the Summer enjoying my dogs. I'm kind of over dog competitions at the moment.

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Sounds great RallyValley! :thumbsup: Polo's litter sister will not point planted birds either, and she's a very good field dog. I know Polo did (had to for the UG test) and I think he still would even after all the time he's had on wild game, but maybe not!!

Keep up the updates, your training sounds very different to ours, very intersting to hear of other ways to do things (especially as I still know next to nothing :)).

Will do FHRP!

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Hey all - so I was one of the other pups at training with RV. Our experience was similar to RVs. "Woody" was scary, the birdies were interesting (Lulu was play bowing at the bird in the mesh cage). With the pegged bird the second run was the same as RV - she tracked down the scent to where the bird was first, and then found birdy - she stood, though, no hind legs like a brittany! The hardest thing was getting her to range out a little - I know it's a typical weim thing... they tend to stay closer and work a lot slower than other HPR breeds but with Lulu i think it was a confidence thing (although our mentor did mention we need to stop working on obedience heels!).

Was a fantastic experience and i cna't wait to do it again!

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I decided last night to do a little bit of training out the back, 2 birds and he has been getting really good at leaving the second one even when they have been tossed very close to him.

Well last night I was not sure what was going to happen as I tossed the 2nd dummy it hit him on the head as he was coming back in, but he was excellent, while he turned just to check to see where it landed he came in still with the first one.:thumbsup: Not so long ago he would have gone for the second one.

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Hey, that's great work Livertreats! Can't believe you hit him on the head :laugh: I'm not sure Em would forgive me in a hurry for that one!!!

FHRP - nothing wrong with just hanging out with your dogs for a bit. Sometimes it's good to get a new perspective.

ST - must be sooooo cute watching baby Weims learn the ropes....all those legs :eek::laugh:

It's been warm here the last few days so started doing a few non-cheaty water retrieves. Em has gone from being a bit hesitant in her entries to the funniest, high leaping, super confident ones. I think she would get at least a 9/10 from the Olympic diving judges for artistic interpretation :rofl: Desperately trying not to get carried away with our enthusiasm and keeping it very easy and limited to only a few retrieves.

Drills on the oval are going really well - again, just so much enthusiasm bubbling over and she's trying so hard. Loving walking baseball now - starting to increase distances - and up to 4 white and 2 orange bumpers in the wagon wheel. Lined her up on a hot blind and she handled really well to it after being pushed off course by something or other (wind?) Need to go training with LL again....just so much work on at the moment it's hard to find a spare day.

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TSD - it is definitely entertaining - it's the feet more than anything... they are big and heavy at this age and she struggles to keep up with the Brittany's and she certainly doesn't have their grace. On top of that, the large flapping ears do her no favours! zora looks like a little supermodel, and Lulu looks like her ugly large sister

I really enjoy reading your entries about how Em is going. She sounds fab. Do you have plans to trial her next year or are you holding off?

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TSD - it is definitely entertaining - it's the feet more than anything... they are big and heavy at this age and she struggles to keep up with the Brittany's and she certainly doesn't have their grace. On top of that, the large flapping ears do her no favours! zora looks like a little supermodel, and Lulu looks like her ugly large sister

Oh the ears :rofl::love: You'll have to get some video as they don't stay that norty and cute forever!!!

I really enjoy reading your entries about how Em is going. She sounds fab. Do you have plans to trial her next year or are you holding off?

Thanks :) It's nice to read back sometimes and see how far we have come.

I definitely plan to trial next year. I was thinking about entering her at the end of this last season but I am SO glad I didn't. She has suddenly matured and her attitude towards training, whilst already pretty good, has gone through the roof. We need to do a lot of water work but everything else can keep chugging along. I'm doing agility modules with her as well and preparing for Novice obedience so we are pretty busy! She loves the variety though and it seems to give her more confidence and make her even more keen.

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Your Em is coming along very well TSD. I think it does them good to be doing more than one sport, something they find easier and I find if I have been working on something new and he is finding it a bit difficult if I give it a break do something else and come back he gets it.

I went to the K9 grounds this morning and did walking baseball as well, very pleased how he did, so had a play and finished.

Got Miss T out and did some obedience with her and some of her DWD moves she was very keen and did some nice work.

Then decided I would do some obedience with Rebel as well, not done any at K9 in a long while, he was terrific. Also played the two food game, he just loves it and it certainly speeds up the going out and coming in.:laugh:

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