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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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One more idea about delivering the article. I shaped a really lovely front first - sitting down to begin with - and then from every angle standing up. Played the 2 food game to get her running away. When that was really strong I could add "front" to the retrieve and that really helped. Of course I generalised in the field before adding the retrieve - restrained recalls etc. Her reward history was so strong that she was able to put the 2 concepts together relatively quickly. It also seemed to give her much greater confidence once she had a strict criteria for delivery.

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So does anyone have any book recommendations for me for retrieving drills and general info? Borders online have 25% off their books (30% for members) so thought I should perhaps take advantage of it!

I was looking at this book, anyone know if it's any good?

Retriever Training Drills For Marking

by James B. Spencer


Would also love other suggestions if anyone has them!! Thanks ;)

Just bumping this back up :rofl: :rofl:

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Off down south tomorrow for three days of trialing, and camping, alongside a beautiful river.

What could be better than being in the fresh air, with only birds and sheep making noise, being with our dogs and people with the same interest, and enjoying the scenery, companionship and competition.

Anyone else off to Easter trials to compete ? If so, good luck.

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So does anyone have any book recommendations for me for retrieving drills and general info? Borders online have 25% off their books (30% for members) so thought I should perhaps take advantage of it!

I was looking at this book, anyone know if it's any good?

Retriever Training Drills For Marking

by James B. Spencer


Would also love other suggestions if anyone has them!! Thanks ;)

Just bumping this back up :rofl: :rofl:

RS you could have a look online at a site called Dobbs Dogs. There are heaps of articles there that you can sift through for training hints.

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Off down south tomorrow for three days of trialing, and camping, alongside a beautiful river.

What could be better than being in the fresh air, with only birds and sheep making noise, being with our dogs and people with the same interest, and enjoying the scenery, companionship and competition.

Anyone else off to Easter trials to compete ? If so, good luck.

I'll be heading down on the Saturday afternoon. The less nights spent in a tent, the better ;) See you there :rofl:

RS you could have a look online at a site called Dobbs Dogs. There are heaps of articles there that you can sift through for training hints.

Okie doke, thanks!

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Did some retrieving training tonight (at agility training :)) and let me just say again how bummed I am that Associate gundogs are not eligible for Retrieving Trials! I'm at least thankful for the RAT's including associates, but my associate Lab would luuuuuuuurve to partake in a real retrieving trial! More so than my pedigree Lab! Millie is just having a ball with this, and I'm having a ball training her. She goes in with the attitude of "if I do it wrong, oh well! I'll try again!" while my poor, soft Ruby just hates to be wrong.

I was working on blinds with Millie, as well as sit to the whistle and come to the whistle. Sit and come are coming along well (I'm not adding any sort of distraction yet) and blinds are coming along well, too. I gradually increased the distance and she was nailing them, heading off in a straight line. I then went a bit too far and she ran off to the side and started circling, obviously confused, so I called her back with the whistle (:)), took her a bit closer and she half trusted me so headed out a bit, then after a few steps her speed increased to a nice run, straight to the blind :)

Love watching her having a ball! She'd love to do the real thing (after more training obviously!), but she's also a bit trying so who knows what crazy stuff she'd change her mind to doing once out there :)

At least Ruby makes a wonderful travelling companion, so I will enjoy this weekend's trials with her, out with nature :)

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Glad you're making good progress RS!

Another great afternoon of training with LL. Started Em on the bumper boys - the shot sound didn't phase her at all - was lining up nice and straight, good concentration and heaps of enthusiasm. Having trained with 2" dummies and mostly on flat ovals with no cover, the 3" dummies and muddy paddock was new to her but she showed some good persistence and hunting. We were going to try her on pigeons again but we could see she was mentally very tired by the end of the day so I brought the birds home with me.

Good company, good tucker (sandwiches and hot cross buns :)) and great dogs :(

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Hope everyone is having a blast at all the trials :thumbsup:

Headed off to the park this afternoon with Mr TSD in tow in order to do a few walking singles.....plus pigeons :)

2 sets of dummy, bird, bird with a rest in the middle. Em ran hard for all of them - she is still working out how to hold the birds so takes a bit longer to pick them up but she was clearly impressed with them as she looked rather disappointed at the dummy thrown in the 2nd set.

I finished with a relatively long (for her) blind across the oval to a pigeon - not convinced that she could see it (which is great) but perhaps she could smell it as she locked straight on and took a really lovely line to it. More confidence building :) Whilst she's full of beans today she is mentally a bit tired after yesterday so I didn't overdo it. Have re-frozen the birds for next time. Mr TSD wasn't as grossed out as he thought he would be :eek:

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How did everyone enjoy their Easter trials?? I know that mollipop's girl did well and that rubyroo's boy did some nice work over the NSW trials weekend.

I survived my first All Age trial today with my "rent-a-dog", Charlie :laugh: As he was yesterday's AA winner the pressure was on :D I'm happy to say he got all his birds with some very respectable work :laugh: We didn't make the placings, but I did get some nice comments on my handling :laugh: Now to train Polo...

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