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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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The Post Office was a little taken aback when I wandered in with several new Dokken Greanwing Teal Dummies and asked the postal cost, but they did say that a parcel post satchel either 500gm or 3kg would be the most economical so.

500gm price is $6.00 and could take one or two "teal" or up to three 2'' round dummies or up to two 3'' dummies.

3kg price $11.00 and could take up to six "teal" or probably seven 2'' or five 3''.

We have found the "teal" dummies to last very well and are handled well by dogs of all sizes.

That postage price sounds very reasonable :laugh: Thanks for checking the price of postage (even though it was RallyValley who asked, not me!) How much are the dokkens themselves? As I would be very interested in purchasing a couple if you have enough to sell? :)

If you look up our web site http://www.unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au/and go to the "shop" you can see the ones that we keep a limited stock of.

I use dokken DDB1 for pups as they are made of the same stuff as the "Teal" (small duck T200). From memory they are about $10.

In the retrieving trials we use Small Duck Green-wing Teal (T200), Small Duck Blue-wing Teal (T100), Large Duck Bluebill (D200) or Upland Birds 1 Pheasant (F100). These can be seen on Dokken's web site http://www.deadfowltrainer.com/smallducks.htm

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Hi All :eek:

Just wondering how everyones training is going?

We have been so busy trying to get ourselves ready for restricted this winter, boy what hard work so many things to work on. Thank god for the Bumper Boy, I dont know how I could do it without it. I think 'Back' is finallly starting to click, I just have to keep going back to my training DVDs, they are really useful. We have also been doing some double marks, they definately need more work, but doing ok. Our memory blinds have been great, but cold blinds?? oh boy just getting a little nervous as the first trial for the season is in 3 weeks :) My head is going a little crazy! My boy is 7.5yrs and I think he is finally starting to slow down a little??

Who will we see at trials this year? (NSW) Look forward to catching up! Hope you are all having fun training.

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Sounds exciting rubyroo! Good luck in restricted - it's hard enough to handle a dog in restricted (thanks to LL for throwing me in the deep end - how much fun can one person have in one weekend :laugh:) let alone train for it :eek:

We are training nearly every day. Just very short sessions of puppy blinds, some quasi marks/blinds as described earlier and finishing with some "happy" bumpers. She is swimming several times a week at the local lake....keeping her OUT is the challenge now ;) Em is really growing in confidence and I'm having so much fun with her. We are taking obedience nice and slowly but she is giving me lovely focus. If LL and I can match up our timetables we'll catch up soon for some training.

Oh, and I SO :) my new dummies!!!

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(thanks to LL for throwing me in the deep end - how much fun can one person have in one weekend :)) let alone train for it :rofl:

Caught the retrieving illness bad eh? Fun times for all.

But is there a cure????

Some find it too hard - after all it is a lot more difficult than hunting. Travelling, accomodation, training grouds, resources, mentors etc etc etc etc etc.

A little madness helps!!

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Tent - check

Car - check

Mentor - check

Crazy dog - check

Madness - in spades :rofl:

Goodness I remember all the travelling and time you put into running Yo. You are dedicated.

(and mad, no wonder we get along!). I would have to be stark raving, back on the computer all afternoon organising frozen semen from the US. Lordie!!!!

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Tent - check

Car - check

Mentor - check

Crazy dog - check

Madness - in spades :rofl:

Goodness I remember all the travelling and time you put into running Yo. You are dedicated.

(and mad, no wonder we get along!). I would have to be stark raving, back on the computer all afternoon organising frozen semen from the US. Lordie!!!!

And who did you decide on Julie ? What about the new pup, is that happening ?

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And who did you decide on Julie ? What about the new pup, is that happening ?

As I have the four girls, decided to hold off on pup for the time being. Mind you, with the near equal importing costs of frozen semen might change my mind.

Which three boys do I choose...a nice mix of pedigrees. One sire is really young, very unproven but I simply loved his attitude and marking ability.

Better be pups at the end of this saga!!! ha.

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Sounds like the training is going well rubyroo! You guys will have fun in restricted :D Can't wait to see the boy in action again. No training to speak of here :D

Why no training?? Who will be my room buddy on away from home adventures? (I hope you will be there) My head is spinning at the moment, months and months of training and tried to put it all together on the weekend and pretty much fell apart :laugh: Whats Polly up to?

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Sounds exciting rubyroo! Good luck in restricted - it's hard enough to handle a dog in restricted (thanks to LL for throwing me in the deep end - how much fun can one person have in one weekend :D) let alone train for it :D

We are training nearly every day. Just very short sessions of puppy blinds, some quasi marks/blinds as described earlier and finishing with some "happy" bumpers. She is swimming several times a week at the local lake....keeping her OUT is the challenge now :) Em is really growing in confidence and I'm having so much fun with her. We are taking obedience nice and slowly but she is giving me lovely focus. If LL and I can match up our timetables we'll catch up soon for some training.

Oh, and I SO :laugh: my new dummies!!!

Thanks TSD, It is fun, I just cant seem to get enough hours in the day to play! Im glad you are both getting so much enjoyment out of it, will you be trialling this winter?

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rubyroo - not enough hours in the day is right!

Em is only 6 months so this Winter will likely be a bit soon for us. I think Springers mature a little later than some of the other gundogs too so I'm in no hurry. So much to learn too :laugh: She seems to have the hang of sighted blinds now so LL suggested I introduce some handling skills. Threw several bumpers over her head tonight and sent her "back". She looked at me like I was off my tree at first but quickly decided it was a very fine game to play.

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Sounds like the training is going well rubyroo! You guys will have fun in restricted :) Can't wait to see the boy in action again. No training to speak of here :D

Why no training?? Who will be my room buddy on away from home adventures? (I hope you will be there) My head is spinning at the moment, months and months of training and tried to put it all together on the weekend and pretty much fell apart :laugh: Whats Polly up to?

I'm slack :) And I want to try field trials with Polo this year, so I want to aim our training at that for now I think., don't want to confuse us both too much :) I may change my mind after our first try at a trial though...

I'm thinking that I'll have to go to some Retrieving trials anyway to see how you're all going, I miss it!! And I might get to run Polo's daddy in AA when his owner is judging Novice :D

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Well I've entered some RAT's and a retrieving trial at the end of March.

The first RAT is this Saturday evening at the Hornsby trial. I have a girl due to whelp so hopefully she'll hold off til her due date on Monday so that I can actually go.

It's going to be very embarrassing if my very experienced Open girl fails Novice.

Think the club has a good number of entries, especially in Novice.

Is anyone elso here going?

Or maybe to the Gundog Society trial on 26th and 27th March??

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:laugh: fetchindawgs, had a great time on Saturday! I definitely need to find some water to work on Ruby's holds, because working on holds at home she is doing them pretty well! I can tap on the end of the dummy or hold the end and she holds it until I ask to give, but I think she is just feeling too much pressure around water :) She shuts down pretty quickly if she feels I am adding pressure to her. So lots of happy water holds should get her there, just need to find the water :)
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