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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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Where's all the retrieving talk? We disappeared to page two :):o

I took both mine out for some training yesterday morning with a friend and we did good :rofl: Ruby is starting to show she understands how to take direction and is showing good focus on dummies thrown out in front of her for a bit of direction work. Millie is a bit too but is still a bit too enthusiastic (ie. takes off for them before commanded :)) Steadiness I can work on so I'm not too concerned, but gotta love the enthusiasm!!! ;)

Worked them both on a more lengthy single mark with the thrower and both nailed it :) Even did one with a small gully they had to go across and both jumped it ;) Though on the way back Ruby trudged her way down it and back up again.

Started on some blind work with both, setting up a few dummies at a flag and only a couple of metres away and sending them. Hope to build on it steadily.

All in all, had a ball! :)

I am interested in retrieving but have no clue how to train it and I think Mason would be a bit too lazy to be bothered to fetch anything if he thought it was too far. May give it a go with the new pup if he is more keen though.

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I am interested in retrieving but have no clue how to train it and I think Mason would be a bit too lazy to be bothered to fetch anything if he thought it was too far. May give it a go with the new pup if he is more keen though.

I want a new puppy to train :eek:

I don't really know what I am doing, either. That is why Ruby is now 4 and we haven't gotten very far, and I started looking into this before she was 2. But I have started watching and helping out at trials, have started training with a friend every now and then and she gives some nice tips, and I am watching the DVD again that the retrieving club made and sold last season. So slowly by slowly, a few small pieces are starting to make sense and I have a bit more direction to take my training, now. The experienced people at retrieving trials are only too happy to help. One lovely lady sat with me after her All Age run at that retrieving weekend and gave me all these drills to work on. I tried writing down what I could remember when I got home but I think some of it fell out of my brain before I had a chance :D I plan on stewarding at many trials this coming season so if you are interested in learning more, you should come along and help out, too :party: We can share the driving which should help us both out. I'm sure your new pup would love it and I KNOW the breeder would be CHUFFED!!!! :crazy: :D

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It's cold and wet today and I had a very hyperactive puppy (and a Dalmatian who wanted to snuggle up in his bed :thumbsup:) so I've just come back from a training and socialising tour. Firstly we went to a local sports ground and, with no helper, I decided to try something new. I threw one dummy for her just to get her thinking about retrieving and then I walked out with her and was very obvious about tossing 5 dummies in a pile. She was a bit excited, I gave her the command for blind, and then walked her back to the starting point (only several metres so she could clearly see them). I lined her up at heel, gave the command for blind and sent her and she went straight out and retrieved a dummy. We repeated that until the pile was empty, which Em thought was a great lark. Back into the car and to another sports ground, where we did some heel work, sits and downs (at heel and running free) plus a couple of formal fronts. Then it was off to our vet for a weigh-in and social visit, to the pretty village of Olinda for something different and then a free run at a third park on the way home. Yes, she is finally tired and snuggled up on my feet :laugh:

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I'm so enjoying having a couple of days off :laugh:

Went out with Em again today. I did a small pile of baby puppy blinds with her again, which she enjoyed immensely. After a break (and a cuddle!) I tried a suggestion of Lablovers and played the part of the handler and the thrower! Left Em in a sit stay, walked out, called "hey, hey, hey!" and threw the dummy. Returned to Em, lined her up and sent her. WIN! Great option for training alone :) We did pretty short ones to start with as her stays aren't proofed to a great distance - a bit of confusion on the steady part to begin with but you could see the penny drop very quickly. Then it was off to the lake for more swimming practice and recalling off birds.

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Hi Kathq,

I like your dog's breeder would try to convince you to try Retrieving Trials, and to this end I suggest you look up United Field and Retrieving at http://www.unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au/, we are holding a training day on the Southside of Brisbane this weekend and there is a Trial at Bald Hills on the 26th of March which has a stake that would well suit new beginning handlers and dogs. You are not required to join or register with our organization until you have competed in three trials.

If any of your friends are looking for training dummies we import selected Dokken dummies ( http://www.deadfowltrainer.com/ ) that we prefer you to try before you buy if possible.

Regards Jim

Her breeder (gspmadhouse) has convinced me that she would be worth giving it a go with - little did I know this was a sucker punch designed to get me thoroughly hooked :)

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I like your dog's breeder would try to convince you to try Retrieving Trials, and to this end I suggest you look up United Field and Retrieving at http://www.unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au/, we are holding a training day on the Southside of Brisbane this weekend and there is a Trial at Bald Hills on the 26th of March which has a stake that would well suit new beginning handlers and dogs. You are not required to join or register with our organization until you have competed in three trials.

If any of your friends are looking for training dummies we import selected Dokken dummies ( http://www.deadfowltrainer.com/ ) that we prefer you to try before you buy if possible.

Regards Jim

How much would it cost to post a Dokken dummy interstate?

Also I found an awesome blog everyone :thumbsup:http://lumi-laddie-test-series.blogspot.com/ Masses of info there from a guy who uses 2Q (Positive reinforcement/negative punishment (i.e taking something away) no collars no force) to train his dogs with a load of drills, training videos and info! I am also loving his online book http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Lindsay_..._for_Retrievers

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How much would it cost to post a Dokken dummy interstate?

I will check at the Post Office and let you know.


To WA postcode 6056 :mad

And is it cheaper to post several at once to WA as I am also interested :mad

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Hi Kathq,

I like your dog's breeder would try to convince you to try Retrieving Trials, and to this end I suggest you look up United Field and Retrieving at http://www.unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au/, we are holding a training day on the Southside of Brisbane this weekend and there is a Trial at Bald Hills on the 26th of March which has a stake that would well suit new beginning handlers and dogs. You are not required to join or register with our organization until you have competed in three trials.

If any of your friends are looking for training dummies we import selected Dokken dummies ( http://www.deadfowltrainer.com/ ) that we prefer you to try before you buy if possible.

Regards Jim

Hi Jim

Thanks for the info and invite but unfortunately I already have a committment for this Saturday, might come along in March for a look see though if that would be okay.

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Rubystar, you are welcome to come down to my training grounds on a Saturday morning (presuming you work during the week). I'd be happy to do a bit with you and Ruby in real trialing grounds. Would have to be early because of the heat we are having. It is about an hour from Armadale. Let me know if you want to do this occasionally, especially while no trials are on.

Regarding teaching a pup to sit to the whistle; I got onto a little trick that you can start from the day you get your puppy. I think most people crate their pups these days, and you use the crate for this method.

In teaching you pup to go into his crate, use food reward. Then introduce a sit when the pup enters the crate. The pup should be turning as he enters the crate to get his food reward, so just ask for the sit as he does that. Then, introduce the whistle with the sit command. You will get a quick and neat sit from this method, eventually eliminating the voice command. Also, regarding whistles, have a couple of spares and I always have two on my lanyard, just in case one gets clogged up and refuses to work.

Some years ago I decided to make my own dummies/bumpers. It worked well at the time and was easy enough to do, but these days I have the knobbly rubber bumpers (3 inch and black and white, and white), and I got a good deal on hexa bumpers (2inch and black & white), getting fifteen of them at the time. The shipping from the US is expensive I must admit, but now is the time to get your supplies while the $ is good.

In answer to an earlier question; the highest achievement from my dogs has been R.T. Champion. This was before the "Grand" was brought in to retrieving trials. Whilst it is great to get the titles, I am more relaxed these days and derive a great deal of pleasure out of competing with my dogs and seeing them enjoy themselves and do, what is a natural born thing for retrievers. If they do well, then it is just icing on the cake.

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Rubystar, you are welcome to come down to my training grounds on a Saturday morning (presuming you work during the week). I'd be happy to do a bit with you and Ruby in real trialing grounds. Would have to be early because of the heat we are having. It is about an hour from Armadale. Let me know if you want to do this occasionally, especially while no trials are on.

Would love love love this :happydance: Thanks heaps! Yes I do work during the week so a Saturday would be fantastic :happydance2:

I'm really keen to get to novice trialling level, I've been dragging it out long enough, so just hope we still aren't years off being ready to trial :happydance2:

I'm thinking about entering the practice retrieving trial coming up (if I haven't already missed the entry deadline) in pre-novice (as I haven't done any birds with Ruby yet and I think I read pre-novice just use bumpers). Maybe with your guidance sometime you can let me know when we might be ready to try birds? :happydance:

Edited by RubyStar
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Thanks for the info and invite but unfortunately I already have a committment for this Saturday, might come along in March for a look see though if that would be okay.

Would love to see you there, we spend a lot of effort to try to get more people involved in Retrieving Trials.

The Post Office was a little taken aback when I wandered in with several new Dokken Greanwing Teal Dummies and asked the postal cost, but they did say that a parcel post satchel either 500gm or 3kg would be the most economical so.

500gm price is $6.00 and could take one or two "teal" or up to three 2'' round dummies or up to two 3'' dummies.

3kg price $11.00 and could take up to six "teal" or probably seven 2'' or five 3''.

We have found the "teal" dummies to last very well and are handled well by dogs of all sizes.

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The Post Office was a little taken aback when I wandered in with several new Dokken Greanwing Teal Dummies and asked the postal cost, but they did say that a parcel post satchel either 500gm or 3kg would be the most economical so.

500gm price is $6.00 and could take one or two "teal" or up to three 2'' round dummies or up to two 3'' dummies.

3kg price $11.00 and could take up to six "teal" or probably seven 2'' or five 3''.

We have found the "teal" dummies to last very well and are handled well by dogs of all sizes.

That postage price sounds very reasonable :confused: Thanks for checking the price of postage (even though it was RallyValley who asked, not me!) How much are the dokkens themselves? As I would be very interested in purchasing a couple if you have enough to sell? :laugh:

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Rubystar, you are welcome to come down to my training grounds on a Saturday morning (presuming you work during the week). I'd be happy to do a bit with you and Ruby in real trialing grounds. Would have to be early because of the heat we are having. It is about an hour from Armadale. Let me know if you want to do this occasionally, especially while no trials are on.

Would love love love this :laugh: Thanks heaps! Yes I do work during the week so a Saturday would be fantastic :confused:

I'm really keen to get to novice trialling level, I've been dragging it out long enough, so just hope we still aren't years off being ready to trial :laugh:

I'm thinking about entering the practice retrieving trial coming up (if I haven't already missed the entry deadline) in pre-novice (as I haven't done any birds with Ruby yet and I think I read pre-novice just use bumpers). Maybe with your guidance sometime you can let me know when we might be ready to try birds? :love:

You just let me know when you want to come down and we can correspond via email with directions etc. I will be pretty busy once the retrieving trials start, so will be better to do this through March.

The entries for the GSP practice day won't close till April 4th I think. Closing dates are usually two weeks prior to the trial. I'm sure we could do some work and have you and Ruby ready for it, and, official Novice trials after that as well. If you want to start this Saturday that would be ok as at the moment I have nothing on the calendar.

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