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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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Yes sorry, what I meant is that she takes good lines, wasn't so much a comment about liking the water. But I do agree that they will cheat when given the chance.

So far all my water work with the youngster has been into the middle of a pond/dam so that he comes straight back to me - we've even had real live duck decoys a few times and he's already learned he can't catch them so is ignoring them :laugh:

gspmadhouse, don't think that a water mad dog won't cheat water, especially if they are retrieving mad! Even a water loving dog will want to take the quicker/easier option given a chance!!
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I have a little story, a lesson I have never forgotten.

During one seminar held by an US trainer, asked for volunteers to train on water singles. The set up was significantly cheaty with thick cover and moderate water entries due to high creek banks, but not too long. About 100 yards?

No problem, I grabbed one of my labs who had won two novices.

A person before ran his dog, I was next. The trainer, who knew my dogs, took one look at me, added "Not for him" and called the next person. I was rather put back!

After the particular exercise was over, the trainer asked me. "If your dog had cheated the water and/or had difficulty finding the mark what would you have done?".

I replied" I would have handled". Trainer replied "your dog does not handle sufficiently - sure your dog probably would have performed the set up fine, but what if he did not - you could have trained him for two "WANTED", for a possible "TRIPLE AMOUNT OF" UNWANTED .

Same with doubles too early, same with blah blah blah.

Edited by Lablover
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So LL the moral to the story is "Make haste slowly"

Like most forms of training foundations would appear to be mega important and if we do lots of basic simple stuff until it is fool proof then we will have stuff to base the harder things like water and doubles on. At least I am lucky enough to have a bitch that knows how to learn and loves to retrieve anything.

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So LL the moral to the story is "Make haste slowly"

Like most forms of training foundations would appear to be mega important and if we do lots of basic simple stuff until it is fool proof then we will have stuff to base the harder things like water and doubles on. At least I am lucky enough to have a bitch that knows how to learn and loves to retrieve anything.

Great. What stake do you trial your bitch?

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So LL the moral to the story is "Make haste slowly"

Like most forms of training foundations would appear to be mega important and if we do lots of basic simple stuff until it is fool proof then we will have stuff to base the harder things like water and doubles on. At least I am lucky enough to have a bitch that knows how to learn and loves to retrieve anything.

Great. What stake do you trial your bitch?

We have never done any retrieving trials before. Am planning on starting with the RAT this year. We currently trial at UD level but Coco is a retrieve driven bitch and I have always used this as a jackpot reward (much more effective for her than food). You name it she will retrieve it for you and has at some point in her life :cry:

Her breeder (gspmadhouse) has convinced me that she would be worth giving it a go with - little did I know this was a sucker punch designed to get me thoroughly hooked :mad

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Very excited tonight. Got my parcel from America today with my new dummies. WOOHOOO. Can you believe it only took 10 days from ordering? Have tomorrow of work and if the rain stays away some training is the plan.. Cant wait.

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Very excited tonight. Got my parcel from America today with my new dummies. WOOHOOO. Can you believe it only took 10 days from ordering? Have tomorrow of work and if the rain stays away some training is the plan.. Cant wait.

Ohhh where from? (asks the only person sad enough to hang out in this thread without a gundog :D ... yet :) )

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Very excited tonight. Got my parcel from America today with my new dummies. WOOHOOO. Can you believe it only took 10 days from ordering? Have tomorrow of work and if the rain stays away some training is the plan.. Cant wait.

Ohhh where from? (asks the only person sad enough to hang out in this thread without a gundog :D ... yet :) )


One of the few places I found where I could buy both the canvas and valveless rubber ones.

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Very excited tonight. Got my parcel from America today with my new dummies. WOOHOOO. Can you believe it only took 10 days from ordering? Have tomorrow of work and if the rain stays away some training is the plan.. Cant wait.

Ohhh where from? (asks the only person sad enough to hang out in this thread without a gundog :thumbsup: ... yet :laugh: )


One of the few places I found where I could buy both the canvas and valveless rubber ones.

Was postage expensive?

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I can't believe that came so fast! I am STILL waiting on something to arrive from Hong Kong, that I ordered at the start of December...sigh

Have fun training! :thumbsup:

Very excited tonight. Got my parcel from America today with my new dummies. WOOHOOO. Can you believe it only took 10 days from ordering? Have tomorrow of work and if the rain stays away some training is the plan.. Cant wait.
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Hi guys - I am excited as I have planned to take Kaleb out for his first proper retrieving session tomorrow morning (assuming the current stormy weather goes away by then!). Hoping to do his first intro to a retrieve from a thrower - going to be interesting to see how he goes, I suspect he is going to have a ball! Will let you know how we go :thumbsup:

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Did a few long water retrieves with Polo today, the dams are very full. I was pleased he didn't embarass me :rolleyes: Best part of the afternooon though was meeting little Darcy, a Springer pup that I'm sure is destined for great things.


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Was out yesterday afternoon with mixed success. Coco still hasnt completely got the idea of looking out when told to. Too many years of "pay attention to me not anything else" I think. When I can get her to look out there is no problems with the retrieve part at all. Tried the throwing person being vocal and all that achieved was to look at them not the dummy :birthday:

So what do I try now? Or is it a case of patience?

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Did a few long water retrieves with Polo today, the dams are very full. I was pleased he didn't embarass me :birthday: Best part of the afternooon though was meeting little Darcy, a Springer pup that I'm sure is destined for great things.


Absolutely gorgeous FHRP, How old is he?

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That Springer pup is so cute!!

Kathq, can you please tell me if postage was expensive for your bumpers you bought from that website? I think I saw postage quoted on there at some ridiculous rate, but sometimes when you contact places they adjust accordingly, so just wondering what you paid? :(

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Absolutely gorgeous FHRP, How old is he?

He is nearly 9 weeks old. It was his introduction to water yesterday and he took to it like a duck :(

RubyStar have you looked at Cabela's? They charge 25% of the cost of the item for postage, which with the dollar as it is can still be quite affordable.

eta. Don't get hung up on getting valveless dummies, all my plastic ones have valves and I never do a thing with the valves, we just use them!!

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That Springer pup is so cute!!

Kathq, can you please tell me if postage was expensive for your bumpers you bought from that website? I think I saw postage quoted on there at some ridiculous rate, but sometimes when you contact places they adjust accordingly, so just wondering what you paid? :(

It was $35 which was almost as much as the bumpers were so basically doubled the cost. I know it seems like a lot but then it does have to come a long way. That was the charge for anything under 5lbs. I am knew at buying things online and from overseas so that may be over charging on the other hand they got here quickly.. :D

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Hi guys,

Well Kaleb and I went to boot camp retrieving training this morning! I have a lot of work to do but by the end of the session he had grasped the concept of 'hold' reasonably well, whcih was something I'd been struggling with. I don't think my dog takes me very seriously at times - he's too busy thinking life is a party :thumbsup:

Managed some small water retrieves and some land retrieves with him as well and finished the session whereby I could put him on a sit/wait and walk out a distance and throw the dummy, send him from where he was, and have him come and deliver to me and he held his dummy and delivered to hand (I was super excited with that part!). Did a bit of work on heeling and a lot of work on being quiet and not so exciteable :wave: My biggest problem with this dog is that he has been OTT exciteable with other dogs around but today we had him working off lead and ignoring the other dogs and even being calm when he was tethered and they came up to him - he was almost a different dog.

He did his first marked retrieves into long grass which were a bit challenging for him - something I need to start working on as up to today he's done water retrieves, or land retrieves just on short grass. But he was starting to work out to switch his nose on and did 2 nice retrieves where the dummy was in thick/long grass and he marked it well.

So I think he and I both learned a lot today and I have a few things to work on - hold being the highest priority and then need to get him doing longer marks into some cover. The biggest thing I got from today is that he is keen on this sort of work and the new environment and the bit of pressure he was put under to start holding his dummies properly, didn't deter him at all. And i have to say - it is so nice having a dog that loves water and seems to prefer water retrieves to land retrieves - my other GSPs have been the opposite to him. I think we both had fun and 3 hours of training is certainly a good way to wear a young GSP out too :D

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