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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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Hi guys, I picked up a couple of "dummies" from Homebase! They aren't top quality, but they aren't bad! They could easily be used against a light background for marks. The tennis ball at the end is easily removed. So keep an eye out at some the the cheapie stores, I've sourced the soft puppy dummies from the cheap stores too.


Hmm. my favourites. :D

Lovely boys :( xxx

spotted devil, wow, congratulations. lovely.!!

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Hi Everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. TSD you are very lucky to have someone like LL, you will learn so much from her, write lots of stuff down while it is fresh so you can check back on it every now and then you can never learn enough.

Love Pollys pink dummy!! Rogan looks as handsome as always :)

Talking about bad throws, I am renowned for throwing one up the only tree in the paddock!! I even managed to line the bumper boy up to shoot one into a tree yesterday, just a perfect shot!!

Im trying to teach doubles at the moment. All is well while hand throwing but shoot them off the bumper boy and all we manage to do is scream and bark and scream!!! it is way too exciting, hopefully a little of the fun will wear off soon so we can concentrate on what we are supposed to be doing.

Hi Annie!! looking forward to some more stories from when you were retreiving, hope to see you back in the near future.

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Thanks for that - what a great training story! You are very lucky to have LL to go train with. Good explanation of walking singles, so thanks for that. Keep having fun with your training, sounds like you and Em are really enjoying yourselves :rofl:

Love the worst throw ever story ;)

I posted a description of walking singles here :rofl: I hope that worked as I'm typing on my phone!

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Talking about bad throws, I am renowned for throwing one up the only tree in the paddock!! I even managed to line the bumper boy up to shoot one into a tree yesterday, just a perfect shot!!

It's not just your throws rr, you have too many trees!!! :rofl: ;) I have lost several dummies up trees, including at your place although I think we did get that one down eventually?? My local training area must rain dummies in the windy weather, not that I ever find them again....

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:) Photos please of these strange birds in trees that you all speak of!

Love that pic FHRP - just gorgeous :)

Thanks Monah....I think she's P.E.R.F.E.CT of course!!! Such a sweet little thing and bursting with enthusiasm :mad

Yes, I'm very fortunate to have LL as a mentor and training partner (and friend!) My head always feels full to exploding with the amount I pick up from each training session but it's the best break from my studies that I could ask for.

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I am having an issue with my youngster ( 11 months GSP) - with delievery to hand/front.

Basically, if I give him a land retrieve, he likes to hoon around with the dummy and does not like coming in from the front, to give it to me.

To counter act this, I've started water retrieves with him, so that he HAS to come in front of me, which is working fine ( yesterday I was actually able to get him to come about 5 metres away from the waters edge and deliver to me - which I was chuffed about). But I am not sure what to do with the land retrieves?

I've started separate hold training and one of his biggest problems is that he hasn't yet made the connection that he can actually SIT whilst holding something :) He is quite happy to walk around and carry things but ask him to sit and he spits it out big time - so right now, I am just focussing on the hold whilst/standing and walking and at least getting him to give it into my hand like that. I did get a 2 second 'sit and hold' yesterday but that was after I'd told him to sit and gave it to him. I am sure with time he will make the connection that he can do 2 things at once (boys!)

I guess the thing with the delievery to front with land retrieves is to have a barrier of some kind, but this just doesn't seem to work - he gets really put off by it. Any other suggestions out there?

Ive been thinking about this a bit over the weekend. How is he on a short lead? can you have him comfortably walking in the heel position and having him sit with and then without the dummy maybe randomising whats in his mouth but keeping a similar routine/exercise?? (automatic sit should relieve a bit of pressure if he is confident with this routine, you would just be introducing a new distraction to the exercise)?? We should get together for a little training session hey :laugh: let me know what you think.

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quote]It's not just your throws rr, you have too many trees!!! ;) :) I have lost several dummies up trees, including at your place although I think we did get that one down eventually?? My local training area must rain dummies in the windy weather, not that I ever find them again....

Thankgoodness for a particular, really windy day :laugh:

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He has the same reaction with the lead - gets put off by it. For some reason, he displays avoidance behaviour with me (but not with hubby??) when it comes to delivery. BUT, I also haven't put much time into him, as yet, especially the past 2 months :rofl:

I am having some success using stairs (of which I have a few!). He seems very happy to come up to me when I am sitting on the stairs and I've been praising him for just coming straight to me at the moment. His avoidance behaviour means that he will come to me but then dances out of reach, or turns away from me and presents me his bum :)

He did really well tonight, with just a ball for practise and quickly caught on that I wanted him facing me and the ball in my hand.

He is much keener to sit with a ball in his mouth, though not overly happy about it yet. Still won't sit with a dummy or dumbell in his mouth yet - I will keep working away - right now I am trying to get the front delievery happening.

And yes to some training but not until the New Year for me - haven't yet gotten the all clear from the doctor, but x-rays etc again tomorrow :laugh:

Ive been thinking about this a bit over the weekend. How is he on a short lead? can you have him comfortably walking in the heel position and having him sit with and then without the dummy maybe randomising whats in his mouth but keeping a similar routine/exercise?? (automatic sit should relieve a bit of pressure if he is confident with this routine, you would just be introducing a new distraction to the exercise)?? We should get together for a little training session hey ;) let me know what you think.
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His avoidance behaviour means that he will come to me but then dances out of reach, or turns away from me and presents me his bum :D


Ok, Stinger does this with me aswell at times, not as much as he used to. He is telling you that it is his ball not yours. He needs to establish that it is a priviledge to use one of YOUR toys. I now just say 'NO', 'HERE' and he will turn his head toward me and hand it over. New Year sounds good, Im now around on a Wednesday.

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Just got my January Dog world mag early and in the council notes there is a notice for a Workshop on the new Retrieving Ability tests at Novice and Open level to held at Durack on 20 February..

Better get my butt into gear and get training so I dont make an absolute idiot of myself!

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Just got my January Dog world mag early and in the council notes there is a notice for a Workshop on the new Retrieving Ability tests at Novice and Open level to held at Durack on 20 February..

Better get my butt into gear and get training so I dont make an absolute idiot of myself!

:o No fair!! :(

Make the most of it you lucky duck!!!

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Special package on it's way to you, to help you get started :laugh:

Just got my January Dog world mag early and in the council notes there is a notice for a Workshop on the new Retrieving Ability tests at Novice and Open level to held at Durack on 20 February..

Better get my butt into gear and get training so I dont make an absolute idiot of myself!

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And another dummy up a tree :p god im hopeless!! Trying to get it out wasnt easy. Thought I might stand on the back of the old ute with a long pole and knock it out, no got the ute stuck about 2 metres from where I wanted it, think it might be out of petrol so will be staying there for a day or two. Next try the 4 wheeler, backed it up straight under the tree just short by about 2 cms, so I tied a crate onto the back of it stood on that and finally knocked it out of the tree, hooray :love: what a waste of an hour, no doubt another will end up somewhere high this afternoon.

Hope you are all having a great break!!

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Got my special package form gspmadhouse before Christmas :) and unfortunately the weather up here has only been suitable for those with webbed feet. Way to much water both on the ground and falling from the sky. Blast it!!

Oh well readjust the plans and start next weekend if the damn water stops coming out of the sky. Can hardly wait

Rubyroo maybe you should go out into the middle of the paddock with no trees around. Hope the car gets unstuck soon

edit for spelling

Edited by kathq
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Got my special package form gspmadhouse before Christmas :) and unfortunately the weather up here has only been suitable for those with webbed feet. Way to much water both on the ground and falling from the sky. Blast it!!

Oh well readjust the plans and start next weekend if the damn water stops coming out of the sky. Can hardly wait

Rubyroo maybe you should go out into the middle of the paddock with no trees around. Hope the car gets unstuck soon

How exciting Kath, hope you have lots of fun training!! Im over the rain aswell, it has been dry for a few days and enjoying it very much! You could always resort to inside training to pass the time.

I did manage to throw a few this afternoon and not one landed in a tree :o I was being very cautious. One of the runs he did, he came flying back 100mph and kept looking over his shoulder like someone was chasing him :) pretty good indication that it was one of those yucky things that wiggle and hiss and bite :D :laugh: and could really ruin my day so that was enough out in the paddock and back in the house yard for some handling work.

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And another dummy up a tree :) god im hopeless!!

:) Oh dear rubyroo! You're not aiming the bumper boy into trees are you?? ;)

The only retrieving going on here lately has been this :)


the weave training is going well thoguh :laugh: but that's for another thread ;)

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Excellent Polo photo FHRP!

Well decided to give the girls a run down the local paddock this afternoon as had an early finish at work thinking after two days of no rain it might not be a bog pit. boy was I wrong!!! Nevertheless step one in retrieving training program 101 throw dummie and have dog bring back. Pass with flying colours even very very long throws into boggy water/mud. She had a ball covered head to toe in stinky mud. Doing very nice fronts into the bargain as well - yay for obedience training.

Step 2 have second person to throw dummie and then hide to throw dummie. Hopefully rain will stay away and we can try this on the weekend!

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I have loved reading through this thread! I used to be involved in Retrieving (Hi LL, pleased to read you are on way to recovery, must catch up next time I am down) I trialled originally a Golden Retriever many moons ago....and a wonderful Lab boy and tried to convince my 2nd Lab boy that Retrieving was fun but he really was not didn't seem to enjoy it..........then other stuff got in the way and now I am almost gundogless for the 1st time in well over 25 yrs.

I do have 2 wonderfull Whippets but would really love just one more Labbie in my lifetime!

Good luck to you all, enjoy yourselves and your dogs, it really is a wonderful sport/pastime lifestyle!


I am OK. Some days wonderful, some days woeful. My appetite certainly has not suffered.

Would be fun to catch up when you are next down South.

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