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Leopold Wildlife Shelter


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Hey guys

If anyone has a couple of dollars to spare and you're in the Christmas spirit, Leopold Wildlife shelter would be happy to take donations especially coming up to summer. I took them a donation of feed today and I can tell you they're swimming in baby parrots, injured animals and rehabbing individuals!

If you would like to make a cash donation I don't handle people's money, contact them directly which will help with costs such as bills and fuel for the car :thanks:


Otherwise if you're near a feed store:

Equus Total horse mix

Grass hay bales

Wombaroo mixes (nectar/insectivore/lorikeet etc)

basic veterinary supplies like bandages, disinfectant, etc

Bird seed mixes made for native birds

Diets for natives

fruit and vegetables for the mammals and birds

whole creatures for the raptors and owls (if you're into hunting)

Egg and Biscuit mix for the baby birds

Divetelact milk powder

If people have an old caravan, old cages and aviaries, kayak, bird nets, flood lights, spotlights, UHF radios, box trailer etc they want to get rid of they will take it as well :)

I drive past them at least 3 times a week so I would love it if people who were not close write a Christmas card with their well wishes and I'll take your donation and card to them on your behalf :) I went to visit them today with a donation of my own and OMG they are surrounded by the most darling creatures! All of them are so healthy, happy and well cared for it was just magical to be there :)

Edited by Nekhbet
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