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Labrador Male Or Female


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i was wondering and wanting to know form all Labrador owners or anyone who has owned a lab which sex do they thinks is the better protector ( letting you know when someone is around or even stop someone from breaking in ) i have a female desexed lab and she is a great protector day & night but i have just had a 2yr black male who i was fostering and he would only bark at night not during the day, so i am buying another lab and have decided on a chocolate one but would like to hear other peoples opions on this and if chocolate ones have any problems different from the golden ones sorry if it sounds silly but i have always owned Staffordshire bull terriers and since losing my 3yr boy to a brain tumor in October this year have decided to not get another staffy but another lab thank you :laugh:

Edited by lab_staff
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Labs arnt guard dogs, if you want something that will guard I suggest looking for a different breed.

My yellow desexed male Lab will bark if someone comes to the door and he took a serious dislike to someone once when we were out walking but I dont think in his case its a guarding behaviour so much as fear, he was a pet store pup so for all I know isnt even pure.

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Agreed- it is very much an individual thing... I have seen both sexes behave very effectively as deterrents :laugh:

slightly off topic.. if buying another dog- you may want to choose a male .. click HERE for more info. on what may occur.

A new pup/dog will also possibly copy/learn from the resident dog ..so you may end up with 2 barkers..hope the neighbours are nice folk :)

Edited by persephone
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As others have said, Labs aren't guard dogs. If you want a dog that will guard, I would look at a different breed :laugh:

People do seem to be more intimidated by black dogs though (colour and appearance) and most dogs will bark or can be taught to bark on command.

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my lab wouldn`t hurt a fly i wouldn`t have her if she did as i use her at training but i do like how she lets me know when someone is around and will bark at someone at my door and has barked at peole once in my house but settles when i tell her it`s ok, i don`t want a full on guard dog that would rip your arm off other wise i would have a german shepherd or rottweiler i will edit my question as i shouldn`t have used guard but i have seen labrodors that are guard dogs and wouldn`t let you a inch near or on there territory i was only wondering in some breeds females are more likely to bark them males and vice versor :laugh:

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This is a "bugbear' of mine as I believe most pet dogs can only be asked to be watch dogs.

That is they alert you to something different.

Some might step up and actually do some protecting but unless you have a professionally trained guard dog you just can't expect too much.

Having said that male dogs can have a deeper bark than females so that can be a deterrent.

But if you already have a female dog I believe that dogs of opposites sexes "usually" get on better together so I would get a male.

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thank you persephone will have a read, yes ive been told to go the opposite sex thanks scarlet i prob will go a male but will be desexing him, my neighbours are cool as as they all have dogs but they only bark when someone is around and thats what my girl does she lets us know :laugh:

Edited by lab_staff
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my lab wouldn`t hurt a fly i wouldn`t have her if she did as i use her at training but i do like how she lets me know when someone is around and will bark at someone at my door and has barked at peole once in my house but settles when i tell her it`s ok, i don`t want a full on guard dog that would rip your arm off other wise i would have a german shepherd or rottweiler i will edit my question as i shouldn`t have used guard but i have seen labrodors that are guard dogs and wouldn`t let you a inch near or on there territory i was only wondering in some breeds females are more likely to bark them males and vice versor :)

Ok - I'll bite :laugh:

I, and I'm sure many others here, take offence at this comment. I own 2 GSD's and 1 GR and the most "protective" of the three is the GR. The female GSD comes to work with me every day and welcomes all customers with a friendly wag of the tail and possible cuddle - no ripping off of arms with my GSD's (or the Rotti's I know either) :)

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here we go i wasn`t having a go at german shepherds or rottweilers but they are used alot for professionally trained guard dogs sorry if you have taken offence to my comment i have nothing against the breed as my dad use to breed and train german sheperds we have a lot come to training and are very nice dogs

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NO breed of dog is guaranteed to be a good guard dog. If you want a guard dog, buy a security trained dog.

Labradors are extremely smart and can easily be trained to give a warning bark which is reasonably intimidating.

I would not rely on a pet dog to protect my home. A dog may scare off opportunisitic burglars or undesirables, but someone who is determined to break into your property will most likely not be put off by a dog and may even harm the dog :)

There is no difference between colour or sex when it comes to guarding tendencies in labs- pretty much they all suck :laugh:

Edited by aussielover
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Most dogs will be territorial but its an individual thing on what they will do if they think someone is up to no good. Our dog - a lab x - is fine with people in fact loves meeting them when out with us BUT she was not happy the day the bloke on the skateboard came flying off right at us (hackles up barking as he came at us - it was an accident and he was embarrassed to stuff up but dog didnt know that), or the day the garage door was open and the ranger tried to knock on the front door (he did eventually but he reckons she had him worried) and she wasnt happy the day they built a pergola on the house behind us as she patrolled all day around the fence. Then there was the time she was sitting there growling at night and when I looked outside a group of uni student age people were settinga huge box of cardboard on fire in the driveway next door.

And most criminals will move on if a dog is at te property as its easier to go somewhere a dog isnt than see how far a dog will actually go defending its proprty.

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My male lab used to bark at people walking past etc at our old house, he cant see out here but even if people come to the door he rarely barks - he is a very quiet dog.

my girl use to be like that but since having to put my staffy down she has changed heaps and now barks at anyone walking past and go`s off if anyone comes to the door but i know she wouldn`t hurt anyone :laugh:

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The sookiest lala dog I've ever had was a huge intact male Rotti... totally useless as a guard dog - or even obedience training for that matter... the big sook!

The scariest thing I've seen with my own dogs is my female gold Lab tearing into the front legs of my Rotti/Pittie cross girl... I have no doubt that my Lab girl could inflict some serious damage on anyone that tried to come into my house uninvited. The Rotti/Pittie cross girl is the doorbell, and gives a very effective display when strangers come to the door, but as soon as I let anyone in, she's just a cuddle trollope...

My girls have also decided they don't want to play nice together any more, and keeping them separated can be a huge PITA... but they are both my babies, so I do it...

Next time I get a new dog, it will be a male...


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The sookiest lala dog I've ever had was a huge intact male Rotti... totally useless as a guard dog - or even obedience training for that matter... the big sook!

The scariest thing I've seen with my own dogs is my female gold Lab tearing into the front legs of my Rotti/Pittie cross girl... I have no doubt that my Lab girl could inflict some serious damage on anyone that tried to come into my house uninvited. The Rotti/Pittie cross girl is the doorbell, and gives a very effective display when strangers come to the door, but as soon as I let anyone in, she's just a cuddle trollope...

My girls have also decided they don't want to play nice together any more, and keeping them separated can be a huge PITA... but they are both my babies, so I do it...

Next time I get a new dog, it will be a male...


DA does not equal HA.

Just because she attacks your other dog, doesn't mean she will be likely to attack a person.

Any large dog can potentially do serious damage to an uninvited guest, they question is whether they actually would attack or not.

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i hope my lab girl doesn`t get like that she is really good with other dogs the only thing ive seen with her is when she tries to but a friends bullmastiff in place very funny but i always keep a eye on her they rear up like horses but when he is facing her she gives him kisses i hope you rotti x pitti is ok i don`t think i will be gettin another female i,ll get a male that way there shouldn`t be any fighting,least you are doing the right thing and keeping them seperated i know alot of dog owners who have had that trouble and always get ride of the one who is causing the prob

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