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How Fussy Is Your Oh Pertaining To Dogs Inside The House


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I have only just had time to read the first 2 pages and gosh that was funny.

Mine are all in and out all day long, though always inside at night. My Husband loves to sit up on the couch with the dogs, though he would not often admit it.

I hear him calling the dogs to him sometimes if he hops into bed for an early night.

The other weekend I sent the dogs all out to play while I vacuumed & tidied up. Tinker our Cattle/Staffy female came back in through the door and wizzed around and around my Husband sitting in a single armchair as he watched the Rugby. The more he cheered and yelled the faster Tinker zipped around the chair with a soccer ball in her gob and the helicopter bum going 100 miles an hour. It was the best entertainment Tinker had, had all day.

I just stood there and watched with a huge smile.

After at least four loops Greg noticed, looked at me and said, Tinker’s back inside.

Got to love them.

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It has taken about 27 years, next time :):thumbsup: (never) I'm getting one that is ready to go and does not need hard work.

It's taken 21 years to partially train mine too. :laugh:

As for dogs in the house....it was just the way I was brought up. Dogs have always been inside dogs...even with my grandparents, who always had their dogs in the house.

OH had never had a dog before he moved in with me....so he just had to learn. :) If he didn't want a dog inside the house...tough!

My oldest friend was shocked when I suggested she get rid of her OH, when he insisted their dog not even be on the verandah because she shed hair there. He makes her go into the yard. :) :)

Would I put up with an OH like that...no way! :)

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My hubby and i met through dogs but he still isn't particularly happy with teh dogs inside he gives that "look" hes ok if they sit on their beds he just doesn't like them running around the house the whole time mine only come in after tea when the kids are in bed and we are relaxing watching tv i also have active dogs that i don't think would appreciate being inside all the time the love to run in the 5 acre house paddock.... but they do like their nighly sooks inside but now its getting warmer i have noticed they aren't at the door waiting to come in

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so NO WAY would i tolerate being ALLOWED to do anything in my house or anywhere else TBH.

ALLOWED well that happened when i was a child...as an adult i negotiate and compromise. i have an equal relationship with my partners.

moselle i think you are kidding yourself about your relationship and if you are a psychologist you would know whats going on

BTW what was your PhD in?

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Fortunately, my OH is super cool about dogs/animals in the house. I used to always think that dogs inside the house was gross, then I realised it was just that one particular dog that lived in someone's house that I thought was gross :thumbsup: Luckily, OH is just as happy to have Kyojin inside with us. He's always been so great about my love for animals though. In the year and a half we have been in our house, I've managed to get 2 cats and a dog in. He is a super neat freak, and I am too for the most part. If we didn't have the cats the house would be a lot cleaner though. Kyojin doesn't shed, though he does leave a huge trail of drool/water from his bowl all over the place, and thinks the rug is the best place to eat biscuit bones. We vacuum and steam mop every 2-3 days.

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Hi Moselle, my OH is absolutely fine with the dogs allowing us to live in their house. We wouldn't have it any other way, our doggies have always been our fourlegged kids, and they are tidier than having kids around at times, except for when they leave their fluffy toys around and you accidentally put your foot on one of them thinking it is one of the dogs, and turn around and say sorry to it. My daughters OH is like yours, and she has 2 dogs, a toy poodle, and a BC, and neither of them are allowed in the house under any circumstances, which makes it hard on her as when she was growing up we always had our dogs in the house. I really feel for you.


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so NO WAY would i tolerate being ALLOWED to do anything in my house or anywhere else TBH.

ALLOWED well that happened when i was a child...as an adult i negotiate and compromise. i have an equal relationship with my partners.

moselle i think you are kidding yourself about your relationship and if you are a psychologist you would know whats going on

BTW what was your PhD in?

PhD-Master of Clinical Psychology and NO I am not kidding myself about my marriage at all. That is the ONLY disagreement that we have, that gives me reason to smile....and we do laugh and kid around a fair bit. In the field that I work in.....I heard more than my fair share as well as hearing stories from my friends.....and you know what? I consider myself very lucky indeed :thumbsup:

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I think when we feel that someone is adamant about something (especially when in a partnership) we could interpret it as not being allowed. There are things I’m adamant about and my hubby may see it as him not being allowed because he wouldn’t have my approval. And vice versa. I wouldn’t call that being controlling. There is always something. You may get divorced and find a partner that loves all 7 dogs indoors but he has something else that you don’t like. It’s up to the individuals whether they can live with their differences or not.

We have veto rights in this house. Everyone has the right to put their foot down if it's something that really matters to them. It works well because we don't use it very often. Sometimes something isn't vetoed, but so strongly discouraged that the other backs down anyway. A few years ago I got a stern talking to by some workmates for declining to go on a field trip to look for marsupial moles amongst other things because the OH didn't want me to go. The fact was, he was caught up with work and couldn't come with me and very much wanted to. He was honest and said I could go, but it would make him very disappointed that he would miss out. :thumbsup: In some relationships it wouldn't be a big deal, but it is in ours. Dynamics are always different and we do practically everything together. My workmates couldn't understand why I was letting him push me around, but I wasn't. I was just listening to him, which is what people do for loved ones. Anyway, he adores the dogs and it warms my heart. He was resistant about getting the first one, worried about the commitment, but now they are like his kids. Right now he's telling Erik that he brings joy into his life and makes him happy. Awwww. I grew up in a house where my dad always fought my mum on any animal-related purchase and didn't even know how to feed them. I love that my OH shares their care with me. I do the grooming and training, but we take turns feeding and we walk them together. He pays most of the vet bills and I buy food and medication. He has even taught them a few tricks. :)

That is what a good partnership is all about, being DOGMATIC about things is not conducive to a happy relationship. And you are right, everyone has the right to put their foot down when it comes to certain issues, that is the only and I mean the ONLY thing that he comments upon, that isn't something to be frowned upon as far as I am concerned; having said that.....there are a couple of things that I wasn't happy about and he did his best to accommodate my wishes :laugh:

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you really just need to train him, and all will be fine, or put him out in thekennel.

That's actually a great idea, have a man-cave built, you know, just a lined shed with electricity, a couch and a fridge. :laugh: He can stay out there on agreed nights and you can have dogs on the bed. :)

I have a Stafford that sleeps on the bed but since we went away she often prefers her crate on the floor, it's cooler at floor level and I would prefer it if she wasn't jumping down off the bed in the mornings now she is an old lady. The red-coat (Toller) would just have the locks changed while I was at work and take over the house if I EVER let him sleep on the bed so - we don't go there. He prefers under a table or bench or somewhere strange like that....

I can see how 7 dogs might drive him a bit batty..but the marks on the car/floor whatever as a constant would drive me nuts and I would have to tell him to stfu and get over it.

SO I have learned from this thread that since I thought boys farting in bed was a given, and I don't really mind if the dogs are crated in the room...I am the perfect girlfriend!! :thumbsup::)

Ah.....nope, I can't have deep and meaningfuls with dogs as much as I love them :) . BTW, he came home from work yesterday, walked in the door with cavalier following suit, lol. He didn't bat an eyelid, went to the kitchen with cavalier in tow, made himself a cup of tea for the both of us, came back to the loungeroom for a chat, cavalier sat next to him and occasionally got up to place her paws on his lap and he told her what a beautiful little girl she was :) He then went on to say that he would love to have her on the bed if she weren't shedding so much then went on to ask where I kept the brushomatic so that he could take responsibility in brushing the hair off the bed :) To say that I was stoked is an understatement, talk about coincidences.....oh, and he has no idea about this thread :)

Oh...and to those two or three posters that are labelling him a "control freak"......you are laughable. After he had his cup of tea, he went out to check on the horses, gave them a carrot each and a couple of biscuits of lucerne each, fed the dogs some chicken frames, came back inside and cooked a mean vegetable lasagne with chips and a salad. He rang me from work at lunchtime to see how I was feeling as I told him that I had a headache that morning, he told me that I should take it easy and that he would be cooking the dinner and so he did, that is some control freak....and he did all of this whilst I was lying down on the sofa watching telly.

Edited by Moselle
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So I'm guessing aliens posted this without your knowledge? :) Why write it if it isn't true?

My hubby is extremely fussy, he loves dogs but is adamant that no more than two dogs are allowed in the house, one of them is my 10yo maltese, the fact that she doesn't shed is an added plus, the other is a chihuahua x, she sheds only marginally. He would never allow big dogs in the house. I opened the front door once and another dog waltzed into the house, he saw red :) . He made a big song and dance about nothing. The dog was inside for a mere few seconds and was then escorted out, no big deal. If he sees a small amount, and I mean...small amount, of dog hair he will bring my attention to it :thumbsup: If I take my maltese or my chihuahua x in the car with me and they leave small paw marks on the windows he points it out to me accompanied by a comment or two. He doesn't like the idea that I give my maltese a tid bit from my plate, he says that she should be eating from her food bowl :laugh:

Please please tell me what your OH is like?

EDited to say that I don't let the dogs eat directly from my plate but sometimes I will pick a small amount of food and give it to her directly and she eats it off my fingers in a way that my fingers don't touch her mouth at all.

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So I'm guessing aliens posted this without your knowledge? :) Why write it if it isn't true?
My hubby is extremely fussy, he loves dogs but is adamant that no more than two dogs are allowed in the house, one of them is my 10yo maltese, the fact that she doesn't shed is an added plus, the other is a chihuahua x, she sheds only marginally. He would never allow big dogs in the house. I opened the front door once and another dog waltzed into the house, he saw red :) . He made a big song and dance about nothing. The dog was inside for a mere few seconds and was then escorted out, no big deal. If he sees a small amount, and I mean...small amount, of dog hair he will bring my attention to it :thumbsup: If I take my maltese or my chihuahua x in the car with me and they leave small paw marks on the windows he points it out to me accompanied by a comment or two. He doesn't like the idea that I give my maltese a tid bit from my plate, he says that she should be eating from her food bowl :laugh:

Please please tell me what your OH is like?

EDited to say that I don't let the dogs eat directly from my plate but sometimes I will pick a small amount of food and give it to her directly and she eats it off my fingers in a way that my fingers don't touch her mouth at all.

I am compelled to ask you something.....are you dense or still not ready to build a bridge and accept the fact that I do not appreciate hunters :) Just get over it RJ. OOh yea, I wrote that post BUT I have also added MULTIPLE times that that is the only complaint that my hubby makes so therefore I do consider myself blessed overall. AMEN, lol.

Edited by Moselle
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The way these threads get derailed. As for talks about Moselle being a 1950s housewife, stereotyping much? :thumbsup:

I'm currently single (uh, sort of) and live with my family (parents, 19yo sister and 15yo brother). My previous OH was a bit of a grot with the dogs - more than happy to have them on the bed though! When we shared beds, I put my foot down at one dog, because Carl stays in one position all night, doesn't snore or fart (much :)) and doesn't get hair through the bed. Mischa prefers sleeping in her own bed. His two dogs (chi and foxy x) are INSISTENT about sleeping in the bed but they squirm all night and drive me crackers! So we compromised, the chi was allowed on the bed but the foxy had to sleep in his bed on the floor.

I like my space when I sleep, he likes to have the dogs practically clinging to him. His choice! :laugh: My OH fed the dogs from the table, too, which I don't disagree with, but I at least make them work for a treat and would rather give them leftovers with dinner than feed them off my plate.

When I'm on the couch, Carl sits BESIDE me rather than ON me. Unless I lie down, he waits to be invited up and he is allowed to sleep on my back. Mischa occasionally wants a cuddle but generally sits on her stack of pillows. Scout and Neo have to be TOUCHING YOU EVERYWHERE when they're on the couch which personally I can't stand! He also lets them climb everywhere in the car including the front which I find to be dangerous.

I'm house/dogsitting this month so when he returns they will have manners, god damnit. :)

Edited by Hanna Gibbs
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So I'm guessing aliens posted this without your knowledge? :) Why write it if it isn't true?
My hubby is extremely fussy, he loves dogs but is adamant that no more than two dogs are allowed in the house, one of them is my 10yo maltese, the fact that she doesn't shed is an added plus, the other is a chihuahua x, she sheds only marginally. He would never allow big dogs in the house. I opened the front door once and another dog waltzed into the house, he saw red :) . He made a big song and dance about nothing. The dog was inside for a mere few seconds and was then escorted out, no big deal. If he sees a small amount, and I mean...small amount, of dog hair he will bring my attention to it :thumbsup: If I take my maltese or my chihuahua x in the car with me and they leave small paw marks on the windows he points it out to me accompanied by a comment or two. He doesn't like the idea that I give my maltese a tid bit from my plate, he says that she should be eating from her food bowl :laugh:

Please please tell me what your OH is like?

EDited to say that I don't let the dogs eat directly from my plate but sometimes I will pick a small amount of food and give it to her directly and she eats it off my fingers in a way that my fingers don't touch her mouth at all.

I am compelled to ask you something.....are you dense or still not ready to build a bridge and accept the fact that I do not appreciate hunters :) Just get over it RJ. OOh yea, I wrote that post BUT I have also added MULTIPLE times that that is the only complaint that my hubby makes so therefore I do consider myself blessed overall. AMEN, lol.

Where did I mention hunting :) My post is about your first post and my confusion over how you made a thread about something then halfway through when you didn't get the replies you wanted you changed your story? It was a big enough deal to make a thread about, to help you a bit I've bolded the bits that stood out to everyone. You even said you thought he'd leave you over it, I'm not making this up, you said it no one else did :) :)

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My OH is a neat freak. Before we got our dogs he used to get really antsy about anyone making a mess. Having people stay was a headache as he used to get so tense.

Now, he's done a complete change around! Although he doesn't like it, he's no longer stressing about the tumble weeds, the mud on the floor, the slobber on the walls, the hair everywhere and the chew marks on the furniture as a result of Henschke chewing the table leg, the dining room chair, the phone and the stairs as a pup. He also ignores the scratch marks on the front door that is produced daily by Henschke when we come home from work. He just cleans the door of mud/dirt and repaints periodically.

However, we have both agreed that for people who like the house 'orderly', perhaps the choice of dog was not correct; in the future we will look at smaller, non-shedding breeds. :)

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So I'm guessing aliens posted this without your knowledge? :) Why write it if it isn't true?
My hubby is extremely fussy, he loves dogs but is adamant that no more than two dogs are allowed in the house, one of them is my 10yo maltese, the fact that she doesn't shed is an added plus, the other is a chihuahua x, she sheds only marginally. He would never allow big dogs in the house. I opened the front door once and another dog waltzed into the house, he saw red :cry: . He made a big song and dance about nothing. The dog was inside for a mere few seconds and was then escorted out, no big deal. If he sees a small amount, and I mean...small amount, of dog hair he will bring my attention to it :) If I take my maltese or my chihuahua x in the car with me and they leave small paw marks on the windows he points it out to me accompanied by a comment or two. He doesn't like the idea that I give my maltese a tid bit from my plate, he says that she should be eating from her food bowl ;)

Please please tell me what your OH is like?

EDited to say that I don't let the dogs eat directly from my plate but sometimes I will pick a small amount of food and give it to her directly and she eats it off my fingers in a way that my fingers don't touch her mouth at all.

i am quite confused with moselle's posts because they are often contradictory.

makes it hard for me to know what one is the truth and which ones to believe :)

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So I'm guessing aliens posted this without your knowledge? :) Why write it if it isn't true?
My hubby is extremely fussy, he loves dogs but is adamant that no more than two dogs are allowed in the house, one of them is my 10yo maltese, the fact that she doesn't shed is an added plus, the other is a chihuahua x, she sheds only marginally. He would never allow big dogs in the house. I opened the front door once and another dog waltzed into the house, he saw red :cry: . He made a big song and dance about nothing. The dog was inside for a mere few seconds and was then escorted out, no big deal. If he sees a small amount, and I mean...small amount, of dog hair he will bring my attention to it :) If I take my maltese or my chihuahua x in the car with me and they leave small paw marks on the windows he points it out to me accompanied by a comment or two. He doesn't like the idea that I give my maltese a tid bit from my plate, he says that she should be eating from her food bowl ;)

Please please tell me what your OH is like?

EDited to say that I don't let the dogs eat directly from my plate but sometimes I will pick a small amount of food and give it to her directly and she eats it off my fingers in a way that my fingers don't touch her mouth at all.

I am compelled to ask you something.....are you dense or still not ready to build a bridge and accept the fact that I do not appreciate hunters :) Just get over it RJ. OOh yea, I wrote that post BUT I have also added MULTIPLE times that that is the only complaint that my hubby makes so therefore I do consider myself blessed overall. AMEN, lol.

oh oh, i am confused again, what do hunters have to do with this thread? i like hunters, they are at least ethical about eating meat, they actually kill the animals they eat, better than pretending the animal magically arrives on a white styrofoam plate in the grocery store

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So I'm guessing aliens posted this without your knowledge? :cry: Why write it if it isn't true?
My hubby is extremely fussy, he loves dogs but is adamant that no more than two dogs are allowed in the house, one of them is my 10yo maltese, the fact that she doesn't shed is an added plus, the other is a chihuahua x, she sheds only marginally. He would never allow big dogs in the house. I opened the front door once and another dog waltzed into the house, he saw red :) . He made a big song and dance about nothing. The dog was inside for a mere few seconds and was then escorted out, no big deal. If he sees a small amount, and I mean...small amount, of dog hair he will bring my attention to it :) If I take my maltese or my chihuahua x in the car with me and they leave small paw marks on the windows he points it out to me accompanied by a comment or two. He doesn't like the idea that I give my maltese a tid bit from my plate, he says that she should be eating from her food bowl ;)

Please please tell me what your OH is like?

EDited to say that I don't let the dogs eat directly from my plate but sometimes I will pick a small amount of food and give it to her directly and she eats it off my fingers in a way that my fingers don't touch her mouth at all.

I am compelled to ask you something.....are you dense or still not ready to build a bridge and accept the fact that I do not appreciate hunters :cry: Just get over it RJ. OOh yea, I wrote that post BUT I have also added MULTIPLE times that that is the only complaint that my hubby makes so therefore I do consider myself blessed overall. AMEN, lol.

Where did I mention hunting :)My post is about your first post and my confusion over how you made a thread about something then halfway through when you didn't get the replies you wanted you changed your story? It was a big enough deal to make a thread about, to help you a bit I've bolded the bits that stood out to everyone. You even said you thought he'd leave you over it, I'm not making this up, you said it no one else did :cry: ;)

Why would you say that I didn't get the replies I wanted :) I started a thread to see what other people's OH's are like. I don't have a problem with the responses at all, in fact I quite enjoyed reading through the posts. I haven't changed my story at all.....I just responded to 3 posters who insisted that my hubby is a control freak, just because he does not want more than 2-3 dogs in the house does NOT make him a control freak.

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Hi all, nice to hear everyone's experiences of dogs / partners ;)

I'm wondering if maybe I misinterpreted Moselle's post. I interpreted "allowed" as being meant in a lighthearted way? For example I might say "My OH isn't 'allowed' to watch a certain tv show every night of the week because there's a show that I want to watch on Fridays had we only have 1 tv, so he 'lets' me watch my show on Fridays." I would mean that in a jokey way? I thought that that was what Moselle meant? That her husband is a bit uptight regarding certain aspects of the dogs?

I didn't think that she actually meant that he has control over her, and permits her to do certain things.

Like my OH doesn't 'allow' the dog on the bed when he's on the bed, but I don't think of that as controlling. I think of that as compromising - I have the dog on the bed before OH comes to bed.

Not having a go at anyone, just saying how I interpreted Moselle's post and was wondering if anyone else took it in the same way.

Loved the story about the dog zipping around the chair several times before OH noticed :)

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So I'm guessing aliens posted this without your knowledge? :cry: Why write it if it isn't true?
My hubby is extremely fussy, he loves dogs but is adamant that no more than two dogs are allowed in the house, one of them is my 10yo maltese, the fact that she doesn't shed is an added plus, the other is a chihuahua x, she sheds only marginally. He would never allow big dogs in the house. I opened the front door once and another dog waltzed into the house, he saw red :) . He made a big song and dance about nothing. The dog was inside for a mere few seconds and was then escorted out, no big deal. If he sees a small amount, and I mean...small amount, of dog hair he will bring my attention to it :) If I take my maltese or my chihuahua x in the car with me and they leave small paw marks on the windows he points it out to me accompanied by a comment or two. He doesn't like the idea that I give my maltese a tid bit from my plate, he says that she should be eating from her food bowl ;)

Please please tell me what your OH is like?

EDited to say that I don't let the dogs eat directly from my plate but sometimes I will pick a small amount of food and give it to her directly and she eats it off my fingers in a way that my fingers don't touch her mouth at all.

I am compelled to ask you something.....are you dense or still not ready to build a bridge and accept the fact that I do not appreciate hunters :cry: Just get over it RJ. OOh yea, I wrote that post BUT I have also added MULTIPLE times that that is the only complaint that my hubby makes so therefore I do consider myself blessed overall. AMEN, lol.

Where did I mention hunting :)My post is about your first post and my confusion over how you made a thread about something then halfway through when you didn't get the replies you wanted you changed your story? It was a big enough deal to make a thread about, to help you a bit I've bolded the bits that stood out to everyone. You even said you thought he'd leave you over it, I'm not making this up, you said it no one else did :cry: ;)

Why would you say that I didn't get the replies I wanted :) I started a thread to see what other people's OH's are like. I don't have a problem with the responses at all, in fact I quite enjoyed reading through the posts. I haven't changed my story at all.....I just responded to 3 posters who insisted that my hubby is a control freak, just because he does not want more than 2-3 dogs in the house does NOT make him a control freak.

maybe not but he sure sounds inconsiderate about your feelings even to the point that you said he would leave you over the dogs....sounds very unstable relationship to me and you do make him sound like he is controlling you with the threat of leaving you.

i am confused yet again

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