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How Fussy Is Your Oh Pertaining To Dogs Inside The House


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:laugh: That would be my hubby who has a sleep-in with two newfies and a Golden cross on the bed.......And mine also lets the dogs in after a swim, but he does give them a towel dry first.

Our dogs are definitely indoor dogs, we both love them inside

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Dont use shotguns you need something pretty big for a cow and a shot gun wouldn't cut it. When we have had to put down cows we use a 243, sheep we use a .22 rifle.

I get a butcher to shoot ours so that I know it is done correctly, or my BIL or FIL who are all very experienced in using firearms and shooting livestock. I don't use them myself.

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A friend of mine just called to let me know what you posted and I found it tooooooooooo funny. She was laughing so hard herself! :laugh:

That's pretty funny, a "friend" called to let you know what was in your thread :) :)

I know a psychologist (through uni, same school) who truly believes that all people who have tattoos and piercings are screaming out for attention and are very insecure, have to wonder how this affects her counsel to them, she already has formed an opinion of their personality before she has even met them :happydance:

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I don't have an OH.

That's possibly because I'd never put up with one that wouldn't allow my dogs in the house. :)

Couldn't have said this better myself ! If I did have an OH who was fussy about dogs in the house.....I'd be packing his little bags and showing him the door ! :thanks:

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For the first several years I was with OH he was a PIG in the house and never even knew we owned such a thing as a mower or had a laundry, you know, the room where dirty clothes go (no , faeries do not place clean , ironed clothes on hangers ready for you to wear.......)

ANYWAY, even though he was a crap untrained OH, he still cracked at dogs in the house. :thanks::) I'd never had outside pets and it really HURT, so I had them in when he was away, at work etc. Eventually, after a couple of years, I made it known that I would put up with just about anything, but the pets had to be INDOORS and seeing as he was rather juvenile and often acted like a 2 year old, I was 'in charge' of the kids.

To enable this to work I did everything including carting water, landscaping acres, etc.(yes it does sound bad, but at least I got my own way with the things that are important to me, and I like knowing I can do everything anyway)

In the last 3 or so years he has almost matured and is a great cook so he does the cooking :) sleeps with 4 cats, and 2 dogs, and I nearly (but not quite) have him trained in other areas. It has taken about 27 years, next time :rofl::) (never) I'm getting one that is ready to go and does not need hard work.

Our dogs swim nearly every day so our place is always pretty filthy, just how I like it...

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For the first several years I was with OH he was a PIG in the house and never even knew we owned such a thing as a mower or had a laundry, you know, the room where dirty clothes go (no , faeries do not place clean , ironed clothes on hangers ready for you to wear.......)

ANYWAY, even though he was a crap untrained OH, he still cracked at dogs in the house. :):) I'd never had outside pets and it really HURT, so I had them in when he was away, at work etc. Eventually, after a couple of years, I made it known that I would put up with just about anything, but the pets had to be INDOORS and seeing as he was rather juvenile and often acted like a 2 year old, I was 'in charge' of the kids.

To enable this to work I did everything including carting water, landscaping acres, etc.(yes it does sound bad, but at least I got my own way with the things that are important to me, and I like knowing I can do everything anyway)

In the last 3 or so years he has almost matured and is a great cook so he does the cooking :rofl: sleeps with 4 cats, and 2 dogs, and I nearly (but not quite) have him trained in other areas. It has taken about 27 years, next time :rofl::) (never) I'm getting one that is ready to go and does not need hard work.

Our dogs swim nearly every day so our place is always pretty filthy, just how I like it...

Beautiful story Monah, gives one hope that all is not lost. I guess with patience I may end up winning with my hubby. :thanks:

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A friend of mine just called to let me know what you posted and I found it tooooooooooo funny. She was laughing so hard herself! :thanks:

I know a psychologist (through uni, same school) who truly believes that all people who have tattoos and piercings are screaming out for attention and are very insecure, have to wonder how this affects her counsel to them, she already has formed an opinion of their personality before she has even met them :)

well I have a son with a disability and he (and us) sees a psychologist who has helped us to teach him social skills and manage his behaviour.

I honestly don't know where we would be without her; she has made our lives so much better and I am so glad that i made the decision to ask her for help.

So isn't that amazing! I guess there are good psychologists and not-so-good psychologists! Who would have thought :)

Edited by raineth
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I think when we feel that someone is adamant about something (especially when in a partnership) we could interpret it as not being allowed. There are things I’m adamant about and my hubby may see it as him not being allowed because he wouldn’t have my approval. And vice versa. I wouldn’t call that being controlling. There is always something. You may get divorced and find a partner that loves all 7 dogs indoors but he has something else that you don’t like. It’s up to the individuals whether they can live with their differences or not.

We have veto rights in this house. Everyone has the right to put their foot down if it's something that really matters to them. It works well because we don't use it very often. Sometimes something isn't vetoed, but so strongly discouraged that the other backs down anyway. A few years ago I got a stern talking to by some workmates for declining to go on a field trip to look for marsupial moles amongst other things because the OH didn't want me to go. The fact was, he was caught up with work and couldn't come with me and very much wanted to. He was honest and said I could go, but it would make him very disappointed that he would miss out. :thanks: In some relationships it wouldn't be a big deal, but it is in ours. Dynamics are always different and we do practically everything together. My workmates couldn't understand why I was letting him push me around, but I wasn't. I was just listening to him, which is what people do for loved ones.

Anyway, he adores the dogs and it warms my heart. He was resistant about getting the first one, worried about the commitment, but now they are like his kids. Right now he's telling Erik that he brings joy into his life and makes him happy. Awwww. I grew up in a house where my dad always fought my mum on any animal-related purchase and didn't even know how to feed them. I love that my OH shares their care with me. I do the grooming and training, but we take turns feeding and we walk them together. He pays most of the vet bills and I buy food and medication. He has even taught them a few tricks. :)

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My OH doesn't mind the dogs inside but only the little ones are allowed on the lounges (otherwise there is no room for us!) and Barkley (malteseXshih tzu) is the only one allowed to sleep on the bed, Acheron (Dobe) sleeps in our room on his own mat and the other 3 sleep outside, but all 5 are allowed inside right up until bed time.

Heck , we even let the dogs lick our plates after we've finished eating sometimes and dog lick (face, feet, legs and even nostrils if you're not careful!) is a normal part of every day.

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My OH is pretty easygoing, he loves the dogs and doesn't mind them inside the house (as long as they behave themselves of course).

I guess he wouldn't appreciate my Whippet that flies past your head like the Concord , over the kitchen table, where you are seated. Clears the back of the lounge, sticks the landing and looks at you as if to say " WHAT?" :thanks:

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OH winges occaisionally but I'm sure it's just so I know he is still there LOL.

Dog hair is an issue in our place as all 3 dogs are inside pretty much whenever they chose.

I only winge when he writes notes with his walking stick in the rug on the lounge floor in the dog hair :)

Hair on our clothes ca be a bit of an issue.Our dogs are ot allowed on furiture or beds without being asked.

He does threaten that they will sleep outside but it is a hollow threat. Whe they need to go out during the night

he will wake up and let them out and you can hear him talking to them like they are babies lol, but in the morning

he will winge loudly that they woke him up in the middle of the night how dare they :thanks:

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My OH is pretty easygoing, he loves the dogs and doesn't mind them inside the house (as long as they behave themselves of course).

I guess he wouldn't appreciate my Whippet that flies past your head like the Concord , over the kitchen table, where you are seated. Clears the back of the lounge, sticks the landing and looks at you as if to say " WHAT?" :thanks:

As long as nothing was destroyed in the process, it would be ok :)

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you really just need to train him, and all will be fine, or put him out in thekennel.

That's actually a great idea, have a man-cave built, you know, just a lined shed with electricity, a couch and a fridge. :) He can stay out there on agreed nights and you can have dogs on the bed. :)

I have a Stafford that sleeps on the bed but since we went away she often prefers her crate on the floor, it's cooler at floor level and I would prefer it if she wasn't jumping down off the bed in the mornings now she is an old lady. The red-coat (Toller) would just have the locks changed while I was at work and take over the house if I EVER let him sleep on the bed so - we don't go there. He prefers under a table or bench or somewhere strange like that....

I can see how 7 dogs might drive him a bit batty..but the marks on the car/floor whatever as a constant would drive me nuts and I would have to tell him to stfu and get over it.

SO I have learned from this thread that since I thought boys farting in bed was a given, and I don't really mind if the dogs are crated in the room...I am the perfect girlfriend!! :thanks::)

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OH used to believe dogs were outside animals... until we got Shyla! He cuddles with her on the bed and I often turn around while putting my make up on in the ensuite to seeing them having a cuddle sesh on the bed, with Shyla lying where I would be, with her head on my pillow.

So I think answers the question :thanks:

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