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How Fussy Is Your Oh Pertaining To Dogs Inside The House


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Then why do you think that women who hunt are all rednecks, and those who chose to grown and kill their own meat are heathens? Those ideas are pretty dated. That combined with what you have posted sounds like you allow the men in your life to control you.

I really think you are acting a little delusional today.......who ever said that women who kill their own meat are "heathens"?????? :rofl: ;)

I don't think religion has anything to do with hunting, :thumbsup:

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You said your husband doesn't allow you to do something, you started the thread asking for comments, don't be surprised when you get them. You used the words not allowed, this means he dictates to you, thus controlling your actions. You even said he'd leave if you didn't do what he said. Your own words.

You are too ridiculous for words, sounds as though you need to build a bridge, just get over it, will ya?

THe only complaint my hubby has is about having more than two dogs in the house! That is not to say that he controls me in every facet of our marriage! I have learnt to compromise when it comes to this ONE issue, aside from that he is wonderful in every way, a more considerate man and loving man would be hard to find.

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Sorry, heathen was my version of your description of stomach turning. You have actually said women who hunt turn your stomach, and can't remember the exact wording of the way you described people who kill their own meat. It is just a very outdated view of women, so I was wondering if it was correlated with your OH saying you are not allowed to do something, which to me also seems to be an outdated concept.

But have to go out now and take my tertiary educated ass down to feed the critters we are raising for the freezer :thumbsup:

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Not nice to have you own thread railroaded is it Moselle? - now you know how other people feel when you enter their thread and go off on a tangent :thumbsup:

It is no surprise Aziah given the line of work that I am in. :rofl: I expected no less. It's ridiculous how some people just harbour grudges forever! THe difference between myself and a couple of other posters is that at least I don't resort to making up stories just to win a point! How pathetic really.... ;)

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Stories, your opinion on women was well documented and you have repeated it here in this thread :thumbsup: So now your OH "not allowing" you to do something is a compromise, not what you said at the start, you even made a thread about it. Here is a tip about forums, if you post something, expect that people will reply, and sometimes you won't like what you hear. :rofl:

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Not nice to have you own thread railroaded is it Moselle? - now you know how other people feel when you enter their thread and go off on a tangent :thumbsup:

Little tearies.

I was under the distinct impression that you had me on the ignore list, doesnt appear to be that way. I was wondering how long before you would make your appearance felt? :rofl: Now, what happened to practicing what you are preaching? Given that I am in a good mood today, I will forego the treated pine and offer you a cuttlebone instead, that should keep you occupied all of 3 mins......thereafter find something else to do rather than pestering me all the time.

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Not nice to have you own thread railroaded is it Moselle? - now you know how other people feel when you enter their thread and go off on a tangent :thumbsup:

Little tearies.

I was under the distinct impression that you had me on the ignore list, doesnt appear to be that way. I was wondering how long before you would make your appearance felt? :rofl: Now, what happened to practicing what you are preaching? Given that I am in a good mood today, I will forego the treated pine and offer you a cuttlebone instead, that should keep you occupied all of 3 mins......thereafter find something else to do rather than pestering me all the time.

Raz probably does have you on ignore - she wasn't replying to anything you'd written in what you've quoted...just my post ;)

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Stories, your opinion on women was well documented and you have repeated it here in this thread :thumbsup: So now your OH "not allowing" you to do something is a compromise, not what you said at the start, you even made a thread about it. Here is a tip about forums, if you post something, expect that people will reply, and sometimes you won't like what you hear. :rofl:

HA??? You are on a tangent, RJ....just relax and smell the roses, lol. Ideally I would have preferred to have a couple more dogs in the house but having said that doesn't indicate that I am feeling miserable about it all. Being happy in a relationship is about compromising. The thread is based upon curiosity as to what other blokes are like when it comes to this issue. There are things that I don't like my OH doing and guess what? he is more than obliging ;)

Edited by Moselle
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Ideally I would have preferred to have a couple more dogs in the house but having said that doesn't indicate that I am feeling miserable about it all. Being happy in a relationship is about compromising. The thread is based upon curiosity as to what other blokes are like when it comes to this issue. There are things that I don't like my OH doing and guess what? he is more than obliging :thumbsup:

It's obviously quite a problem for you or you'd not have started a thead about it, it's ok for you to feel that way but comparing your OH to our OH's won't change your situation.

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Stories, your opinion on women was well documented and you have repeated it here in this thread :thumbsup: So now your OH "not allowing" you to do something is a compromise, not what you said at the start, you even made a thread about it. Here is a tip about forums, if you post something, expect that people will reply, and sometimes you won't like what you hear. :rofl:

I will have you on the ignore list after this thread as it seems that this is nothing short of a merry go round of bullshit.

I am a woman.....what have I said, on this thread, that proves negative towards women? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ! The only comment that you found insulting was that I don't take to women hunters, so keep on casting stones, why don't you??? That was some time ago and you are still obsessed with it!

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I was under the distinct impression that you had me on the ignore list, doesnt appear to be that way. I was wondering how long before you would make your appearance felt? :thumbsup: Now, what happened to practicing what you are preaching? Given that I am in a good mood today, I will forego the treated pine and offer you a cuttlebone instead, that should keep you occupied all of 3 mins......thereafter find something else to do rather than pestering me all the time.

This is a public forum. I'll post in any thread I like. I wasnt responding to you - I was responding to Aziah. I am really curious though - where did you become a Psychologist?

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Heck my OH is wanting me to get a second because he loves my doggie so much - he was always a cat person... but now he will be forever more a small dog (Maltese) person... he can't stop telling everyone they should get one :rofl: even talked his parents into getting a Maltese X from the RSPCA :thumbsup:

If I said I didn't want the dog on the bed I think I would have mutiny from the OH and the dog ;)

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I was under the distinct impression that you had me on the ignore list, doesnt appear to be that way. I was wondering how long before you would make your appearance felt? :thumbsup: Now, what happened to practicing what you are preaching? Given that I am in a good mood today, I will forego the treated pine and offer you a cuttlebone instead, that should keep you occupied all of 3 mins......thereafter find something else to do rather than pestering me all the time.

This is a public forum. I'll post in any thread I like. I wasnt responding to you - I was responding to Aziah. I am really curious though - where did you become a Psychologist?

Last reply to you, Aziah, Rev. Jo and you will be on my ignore list as it seems that you all have a chip on your shoulder.

I have worked as a psychologist for 20 yrs. Don't care to figure out what you are inferring by asking me "where" I have become one, that is none of your business.

You might as well be talking amongst yourselves now.....or keep yourself occupied as to how you are going to go about killing your own meat!

Edited by Moselle
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