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Retrieving Ability Tests For Gundogs


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Agreed! I was thrown in the deep end with Lablover's help and, whilst I was nervous, am now hooked :confused: Started shaping a formal retrieve this week with Miss E. Whether I can pull off the training is another question but I'll give it a shot!

I would have loved an experience like you had, you lucky duck!! ;)

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This sounds like something that I would like too do! I don't have enough skill/time too train to proper competing level, so this is a good alternative as the dogs I want to trial with have the necessary temperaments to do it well!

You sound like me RS! Capable dogs, not so capable owners :confused:

FHRP - Do you have any more details of the training day in Victoria?

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This sounds like something that I would like too do! I don't have enough skill/time too train to proper competing level, so this is a good alternative as the dogs I want to trial with have the necessary temperaments to do it well!

You sound like me RS! Capable dogs, not so capable owners :confused:

FHRP - Do you have any more details of the training day in Victoria?

I'm guessing if you are a member of the VGC - you will find out about it.

It would be great if they could run more training days though.

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Whether I can pull off the training is another question but I'll give it a shot!

You will do fine. You love camping and travelling also. Travelling and travelling and travelling!!!

That said all, you will be surprised how much can be done at a quiet park and with a training program in short amounts of time.

SD, starting walking singles next week with Em! (Gaining confidence/success at a young age is very important)

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Does anyone know if they would accept a Lab x who obviously has Lab in her?

No, the Test is open to associates that are determined a single gundog breed only, not crossed with a gundog or two (or more) different gundog breeds.

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That said all, you will be surprised how much can be done at a quiet park and with a training program in short amounts of time.

Any chance such a training program is written down somewhere for newbies like myself to work on? :)

If I'm going to get anywhere, I need to figure out how to do it on my own as I can't be relying on others all the time :o

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Does anyone know if they would accept a Lab x who obviously has Lab in her?

No, the Test is open to associates that are determined a single gundog breed only, not crossed with a gundog or two (or more) different gundog breeds.

Going back to what twoblackdogs said about getting her Associate Lab a conformation certificate, do you think this is what we need for our Associate gundogs to take part? I'd like to get Millie assessed somehow to state she is in fact a purebred Lab (just not pedigree :o), but not sure how to go about it.

Edit: at least I hope she's purebred for this purpose. It would be nice to find out.

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FHRP - Do you have any more details of the training day in Victoria?

It was posted to the OzObedience list a little while ago:

Should you be interested, or know of someone who might like to find out more about RATG and Retrieving come along to KCC Park on 12th December '10 for " Big Day Out for Dogs". Melway 128 J12

There will be expert tuition for you & your dog on Retrieving, plus 'fun' displays of RATG and Retrieving demonstrations by experienced Gundogs.

So perhaps it's not a "training day" as such.... but it's a step in the right direction :o

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Whether I can pull off the training is another question but I'll give it a shot!

You will do fine. You love camping and travelling also. Travelling and travelling and travelling!!!

That said all, you will be surprised how much can be done at a quiet park and with a training program in short amounts of time.

SD, starting walking singles next week with Em! (Gaining confidence/success at a young age is very important)

Howdy stranger :o I'm so excited - feel like a kid at Christmas :) I like the sound of taking the next step - will chat soon. Her general confidence has gone through the roof the last week or two which is great. She ADORES training too.

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This sounds like something that I would like too do! I don't have enough skill/time too train to proper competing level, so this is a good alternative as the dogs I want to trial with have the necessary temperaments to do it well!

You sound like me RS! Capable dogs, not so capable owners :o

FHRP - Do you have any more details of the training day in Victoria?

It was posted to the OzObedience list a little while ago:

Should you be interested, or know of someone who might like to find out more about RATG and Retrieving come along to KCC Park on 12th December '10 for " Big Day Out for Dogs". Melway 128 J12

There will be expert tuition for you & your dog on Retrieving, plus 'fun' displays of RATG and Retrieving demonstrations by experienced Gundogs.

So perhaps it's not a "training day" as such.... but it's a step in the right direction :)

Yes! Come along for sure - there will be demos and an opportunity to chat with retrieving people. Emily's breeder will be there (along with her sire who is on holidays with her) so I'll be getting some father-daughter pics. I'll be there with Ziggy doing an obedience demo on the Dally stand as well.

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That said all, you will be surprised how much can be done at a quiet park and with a training program in short amounts of time.

Any chance such a training program is written down somewhere for newbies like myself to work on? :)

If I'm going to get anywhere, I need to figure out how to do it on my own as I can't be relying on others all the time :o

RS - there are heaps of good books/DVDs out there too. As a complete novice I have only touched on a very few (and will be raiding Lablover's library) - Dogwise has a lot of retrieving books if that's any help.

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Can anyone recommend particular titles to purchase that demontrate positive methods for training retrieving and that explains things for a complete newb? Each time Borders has a 30% off sale I keep thinking I should see if they have any retrieving books :o

Oh, and DVD's! I'm more of a visual person, so if there were any DVD's to demonstrate how to teach things that would be even better! :)

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Can anyone recommend particular titles to purchase that demontrate positive methods for training retrieving and that explains things for a complete newb? Each time Borders has a 30% off sale I keep thinking I should see if they have any retrieving books :o

Oh, and DVD's! I'm more of a visual person, so if there were any DVD's to demonstrate how to teach things that would be even better! :)

RS - I think (happy to be corrected) that most of the retrieving books focus on 'forced retrieves' etc which is the common method of training in the USA. I recently purchased a book called "Positive Methods for Gundogs" from Dogwise, which applies clicker training and positive reinforcement principles to tried and true drills and steps for retrieving dogs. I'm really enjoying it but I don't think it's necessarily a step-by-step guide as the authors admit to not having tried all the techniques. However, it does teach you the basics of retrieving and then gets you thinking outside the square. It's a book that requires you to be very proactive rather than just blindly apply the methods if that makes sense. I'm sure Lablover, FHRP et al. could recommend some books/DVDs. Will mention it to LL if she doesn't come back to this thread.

ETA: If you would like, RS, I will post my training progress with Miss E. If there isn't a retrieving thread, we'll start one.

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Thanks TSD. Yes I heard most of the books were forced methods, hence me trying to seek out some positive methods :laugh:

I was just thinking that we need a Retrieving Training Talk Thread as every other sport just about has one here :) I think it would be a great central place for us DOLers to chat a bit about retrieving :o I would love to be kept up to date with Emily's retrieving training :laugh: If I can pull my finger out, I will keep those interested up to date on Ruby's progress towards perhaps entering a trial one day :laugh:

Now who wants to start the new thread? :provoke:

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FHRP - Do you have any more details of the training day in Victoria?

It was posted to the OzObedience list a little while ago:

Should you be interested, or know of someone who might like to find out more about RATG and Retrieving come along to KCC Park on 12th December '10 for " Big Day Out for Dogs". Melway 128 J12

There will be expert tuition for you & your dog on Retrieving, plus 'fun' displays of RATG and Retrieving demonstrations by experienced Gundogs.

So perhaps it's not a "training day" as such.... but it's a step in the right direction :bottom:

OK Thanks for that!

Not sure if I can make it, but will try, so may see some of you there :banghead:

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For Victorians!! This was just posted on the Australian Working Retriever BB

A demonstration and practice day for the new Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs has been organized for Sunday 20th March at KCC Park Cranbourne. 10AM - 3PM. Everyone and their gundogs are most welcome. Flyers are being sent to obedience clubs, gundog clubs, and whoever else we can think of and we are hoping on a good turnout. On the same day the Weimaraner Club of Victoria will be conducting their Restricted to Gundogs Obedience Trials 1 x am and 1 x pm . If you are entering the trials please come along when you have a break and have a go at this new event especially for gundogs.

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Lucky Victorians! :D

Still hoping this comes to WA - I've been putting some more work into Millie's retrieving now that I know Associate Gundogs are eligible :rofl: She's coming along nicely and had her first go with a thrower on Wed, she was a very good girl :laugh:

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For Victorians!! This was just posted on the Australian Working Retriever BB

A demonstration and practice day for the new Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs has been organized for Sunday 20th March at KCC Park Cranbourne. 10AM - 3PM. Everyone and their gundogs are most welcome.

can poodle x's come?

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For Victorians!! This was just posted on the Australian Working Retriever BB

A demonstration and practice day for the new Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs has been organized for Sunday 20th March at KCC Park Cranbourne. 10AM - 3PM. Everyone and their gundogs are most welcome.

can poodle x's come?

Poodle x's aren't permitted to compete in either Retrieving Trials or Retrieving Ability Tests, they are open to Gundogs only. I'm sure you would be welcome to attend information and training days as an observer, but 'working spots' may be limited to Gundogs only.

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