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Something To Cover The Gaps In Paling Fence.

Kaffy Magee

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Im shifting to a new house and the palings on the fences have quite wide gaps between them. Not wide enough that any of the dogs could put any part of their body through but wide enough that they can see things going on in the neighbours yard. If the neighbours or their dogs(one has one dog the other has 3) are outside my dogs might bark at them if they can see them through the fence. So I want to put something up to cover the gaps. I know I can get that brush screen fencing stuff but was wondering if there was any alternatives, something more solid, short of replacing the fences. I have never had neighbours with my dogs before so I want to do everything possible to minimise any reasons to bark. My dogs will sleep indoors at night, to limit any possible reasons for barking and contact with cane toads but will spend some time outside during the day.

My dogs are not a breed that barks often, so if I can just limit any visual stimulant via the fences, I should be right. Any suggestions much appreciated :eek:

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Kaffy, I'd be thinking the same as you. For that purpose... shutting out view thro' fence... some people just use rolls of that dark plastic weed matting.

But I'd be looking at that screening stuff made up of rolls of bamboo 'poles'....which is rolled out & attached along the fenceline. Comes in various heights. Pics of what I'm talking about on this page...scroll way down. (I have no idea about the company on the website....just wanted the pics).


Edited by mita
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We put the bamboo up as a visual screen.

If you want to attach something solid, like panels of colourbond, you would need to make sure the whole fence was sound enough to carry that weight.

Another idea is to just buy more palings, and nail one over each gap from the solid side of the fence.

You moved to cane toad territory? That is also cyclone territory and that is the reason why fences in QLD are often built with gaps rather than being solid panels like you would have in the southern states. Consider that and also the effects of local flash flooding before making the fence solid.

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I used the black weed matting to stop my dogs seeing out the driveway until I put up a colourbond gate . They would bark otherwise.

I moved from a country place with no neighbours to a new area. At first the dogs did want to fence run with the dog next door but they got over it. It helped that I spoke to the neighbours and if needed they would just calm my dogs over the fence and it was oK. Are your dogs the type that will get used to dogs next door?

If I moved near someone with dogs I might try and talk to them about letting the dogs meet somewhere else or walk together so that they get over each other?

Hope you find something. Colourbond etc is OK if you only have 1 small area of fencing to improve, otherwise a bit costly.

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You can have palings put over the gaps. Or do it yourself. We have 'double' palings with no gaps.

The fences here are like that for cost. It's cheap. I loathe it, no privacy etc.

In darwin they have cyclone fencing for cyclones.

The bamboo stuff is not bad, my mum has it. It does have a 'shelf' life though so if you want long term and tough, go with extra palings. :laugh: xxx

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