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Fish Hook Scare


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I took both dogs down to the river bank while hubby and a friend went out on the kayak. I was there to get some photos of them and exercise the dogs.

We walked around for a bit and then went back down the the little sandy beach area they have made to meet hubby and friend as they came back in. The dogs of course were sniffing around, and Obi (4 month old puppy) was very excited and it was all much fun, because there were several other people and dogs around. I didn't think anything of it, until I looked down and saw fishing line coming out of his mouth.

I immediately checked his mouth and saw a fish hook, but with him being excited and squirmy I didn't get a good look, and he seemed to be trying to spit it out and wasn't able to, so I assumed it was stuck in his tongue or something. I called hubby over, who had a look in his mouth, and then told me the hook wasn't stuck at all, and reached in to grab it, just as Obi swallowed it.

We then of course rushed him home, called the emergency vet, who said to bring him in right away and do not let go of the fishing line. So I put Obi in his crate, tied the line to the handle, and then we headed off. Obi gets really carsick, and threw up 3 times on the way there, and when we got there I told the vet nurse he might have vomited it back up, so she checked the crate and there it was! Yay:)

We were thinking the worst, that he would have to have emergency surgery and all that, so we couldn't believe how lucky he was. The vet nurse said to just keep an eye on him, but if he eats normally and seems fine otherwise it's all good:) And he's had some treats since we got home, and the poor thing was so exhausted he went straight to sleep.

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Yeah lotto ticket sounds like a good idea:)

I am still really annoyed that someone left a hook with bait on it (which was why he ate it in the first place) at a beach area where there is always heaps of people, kids and dogs, it's very popular with families who just hang out there, or people who do water sports etc.

And last time I was down there with just my other dog, she cut her paw quite badly, I assume on a piece of glass or something. It was a blood bath and she limped for a week, so I am never taking my dogs down there again.

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