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Digital Rev On You Tube


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I have been watching this channel on Youtube for ages now and its hysterical. Digital Rev, the same people that sell cameras in Hong Kong do lots of camera and lens reviews on Youtube. The latest one compares Canon lenses for clarity, bokeh, colour fringeing etc of the 50mm 1.2l, 1.4 and 1.8. :o

The reviewer Kai describes the 1.2L lens as "a bokehlious, aperture monster, camera porn material, weather seal, sexy hunk of glass, with a red ring on it" :o

Some of my other favourites are when Kai strips a Nikon and paints it Pinkgenta ( Pink/Magenta ) and renames it a Pinkon!!

Check it out and have a laugh and check out the camera reviews if on the market for a new camera. :laugh:

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