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Dog Fight


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It's been a bad evening tonight my Akita has just attacked my fox terrier and my fox terrier might die.

I am very sad and my partner now wants me to get rid of my Akita so I might be loosing both dogs.

I'm going to have a hard time talking her around she doesn't understand that dogs simply fight sometimes and it doesn't mean he is aggressive. :thumbsup:

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I hope your fox terrier pulls through ok

Must have been scary, did you see it?

Yea mate I heard the poor fella screaming I had to lift my akita off the ground and choke him to get him to let go.

It's very upsetting.

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I'm very sorry for you, I hope your dog survives.

Dogs do sometimes squabble, however if one of them is getting this seriously hurt, it's more than a squabble. If your foxie survives (or even if he doesn't) I'd suggest you consider getting a behaviourist in to help find out what's going on with your Akita. Your partner might also be happier with you keeping the Akita if they can see you're doing something to make the Akita less likely to hurt another dog again.

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I'm very sorry for you, I hope your dog survives.

Dogs do sometimes squabble, however if one of them is getting this seriously hurt, it's more than a squabble. If your foxie survives (or even if he doesn't) I'd suggest you consider getting a behaviourist in to help find out what's going on with your Akita. Your partner might also be happier with you keeping the Akita if they can see you're doing something to make the Akita less likely to hurt another dog again.

My akita is a gentle giant that loves kids and the rest of the family. The foxy is a very dominant male and he started it.

Normally my Akita walks away but i suppose he fought back this time.

It's been years since I've broken up a dog fight.

I've never had to lift a dog for so long to stop aggression. I lifted him and twisted his collar then pinned him on his side till he calmed down.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your Foxie.

It's not 'just' a fight though when such damage is caused that one dog needs serious medical treatment and may die.

Time for a Behaviourist I think if you want to have the dogs living together if the Foxie pulls through.

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I'm very sorry for you, I hope your dog survives.

Dogs do sometimes squabble, however if one of them is getting this seriously hurt, it's more than a squabble. If your foxie survives (or even if he doesn't) I'd suggest you consider getting a behaviourist in to help find out what's going on with your Akita. Your partner might also be happier with you keeping the Akita if they can see you're doing something to make the Akita less likely to hurt another dog again.

My akita is a gentle giant that loves kids and the rest of the family. The foxy is a very dominant male and he started it.

Normally my Akita walks away but i suppose he fought back this time.

It's been years since I've broken up a dog fight.

I've never had to lift a dog for so long to stop aggression. I lifted him and twisted his collar then pinned him on his side till he calmed down.

Sorry to hear about the poor Foxy, you did well with the collar twist to administer a release and commend you for the action. Dominant little dogs can be a pain in the butt for large dogs and given that Akita's not unlike other breeds that have genetic fighting drive, they can strike back when they have had enough and sadly the little dog will come off 2nd best. Hope the Foxy comes through it ok to start some behaviour reshaping on him. I don't see from what we know that anything is wrong with the Akita and probably lost his cool for good reason. The heavy correction and alpha roll would have helped set a boundary of consequence to fighting already, hope all goes well :thumbsup:

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How scary for you. So sorry that you had to witness it (though lucky you were home). I hope your little Foxie pulls through and is ok. I agree with what others have said regarding getting a behaviourist in.

Hugs to you and your family, for a terrible situation. :champagne:

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Thanks guys.

The foxy pulled through $1200 vet bill and I'm rehoming the foxy. He was my fathers dog before he passed away so we took him in.

Getting a behaviorist in would be a waste of time the little foxy is very old and set in his ways.

They have gotten along in the past ok but asking that 2 males get along together that haven't grown up together is a big ask.

My akita is not aggressive and must have simply had enough of getting crap from the little dog.

He has been socialized a lot and attends obedience training and is very gentle with the family.

I actually feel a little let down because he doesn't bark and anybody that comes into the yard gets licked to death and he rolls over on to his belly for pats.

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Thanks guys.

The foxy pulled through $1200 vet bill and I'm rehoming the foxy. He was my fathers dog before he passed away so we took him in.

Getting a behaviorist in would be a waste of time the little foxy is very old and set in his ways.

They have gotten along in the past ok but asking that 2 males get along together that haven't grown up together is a big ask.

My akita is not aggressive and must have simply had enough of getting crap from the little dog.

He has been socialized a lot and attends obedience training and is very gentle with the family.

I actually feel a little let down because he doesn't bark and anybody that comes into the yard gets licked to death and he rolls over on to his belly for pats.

It's good to hear the Foxy survived. I think the problem more is the size difference of the dogs. If the Foxy was a GSD or Rotty for example and could handle it's self physically against the Akita, it often results in a bit of a scrap more so than severe injury infliction with the big versus small scenario. Males of similar size, the less dominant one's don't generally have a go and will submit to bullying. The worse fighting combo's I have always found are a dominant male and dominant bitch together, and the bitch will hold a grudge too :champagne:

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siks3, sorry to hear this story, I've heard many similar ones. There are often signs that there will be trouble and we can't afford to ignore them especially when there is such an enormous size disparity. Once the big dog decides to have a go, the small one will never win and usually not survive.

I do agree that you should rehome one of them certainly and never have them together again because the foxy won't have forgotten. I rescue and rehome foxies in particular and know them well!

I don't agree with you saying that asking two males to get along together because they haven't grown up together is a "big ask". I've had well over 100 foster dogs in the last few years, mostly males - partly because there are more males than females and party because I prefer them. I currently have 5 males - none of them grew up together and they all get along very well. Three are mine, two are fosters.

Of course sometimes you do bring home a dog with an issue but that has been as rare as twice for me. I try and check their temperaments very thoroughly whilst at the pound.

I also recommend extreme care with two dogs of different sizes - people run into trouble for all sorts of reasons, they expect dogs to eat together and the dog they bring home is food aggressive. Toys, beds - they can all be issues for the territorial dog and it is nothing to do with size - some of the posters may like to blame small dogs but that is simply unfair.

Edited by dogmad
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What an awful situation for you.

I am glad your little Foxie is okay.

I have owned Dobes in the past and eventually they have just had enough ( when another dog picks and picks and picks) and fight back which of course results in severe injuries, especially when the dog is much smaller.

IT is a good decision to rehome the Foxie as the both will never forget and I am quite sure will never be able to be run together without injury or worse.

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