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I was lucky enough to take Kaleb away to work with me this week to Port macquarie and Coffs.. We had a great time!

However my stress levels are still at an all time high panicking about ticks!

I always use spot ons fortnightly, even though we don't live in a high risk area for ticks, also put a Preventic collar on him.. so you would think that I should be fairly calm.. in addition..

I only let him walk on the beach, in parks (mown short!) or on the footpath - to avoid tick habitats..

I then spent at least an hour searching him each night for the little buggers! - Kaleb was loving the extended massage sessions! I am still searching 3 days after arriving home - just in case!

I had a couple of conversations with Pet owners in the area that are not doing anything about ticks! :D I could not believe it!

Anyways, - hats off to all of you that live with the stress of paralysis ticks every day.



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