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Socialising Shar Pei

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Hi there,

I need some advice from all you rescue pei owners out there!

I've just adopted a beautiful 12mth old pei bitch, you've probably heard of Fudge- thanks Ams!

When I met her she was living with about 12+ other dogs (pei's and other breeds) and was fine, saw her socialising with a bunch of dogs at the dog park and again she was fine... Now at home when I take her for walkies she get's agressive if she even so much as catches scent of another dog!

I've heard that pei's aren't good meeting other dogs on leads, but I can't take her anywhere off lead as she won't come back to me! So I'm in a pickle, she's such a beautiful girl and LOVES people, but I really want to socialise her with other dogs so we can go on a nice calm walk down the beach, rather than an over enthusiastic, agressive, growly, wrench-my-arm-out-of-it's-socket kind of walk.

I can't ask my vet for help because they don't really like pei's, so I don't feel like I would get fair answer..

Any advice would be much appreciated, I love my little girl and Ams, you're not getting her back! hahaha :D

Thanks guys!


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Try and met with a trainer, ask Ams for a recommendation

Do you have friends that have dog friendly dogs

I have Seb who come from SPR and he is not too keen on other dogs either

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You need to go back to the rescue and get them to help you. A dog doesnt go from social to extreme aggressor over night. Yes there is some settling in period and adjustment but I think you need to have a look at your whole situation before the habit sticks.

If they have no answers get in touch with K9Pro if you're in NSW

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You need to go back to the rescue and get them to help you. A dog doesnt go from social to extreme aggressor over night. Yes there is some settling in period and adjustment but I think you need to have a look at your whole situation before the habit sticks.

If they have no answers get in touch with K9Pro if you're in NSW

I agree with this.... oh, and change vets, now. If they don't like peis... not much use depending on them 120% ,IMO :)

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CFS for the moment stop taking her out for walks and concentrate on teaching her to come to you in your yard. Your trainer should be able to help you with this. If she can't then give me a call and I'll go through the steps with you.

Mental stimulation (ie training) will actually tire her out more than physical exercise. My next days off are 7th and 8th of December which are a Tues or Wed. If either of those days suit I can come down and visit and see if I can work out what is happening cause as you've pointed out she certainly wasn't having that reaction here.

I guess it is important to remember she came from down that way so she may also have had some bad experiences down there before she came into rescue. Remember too she will pick up on your emotions so if you are expecting a reaction from her as you approach other dogs then she will pick up on that. Given your prior experience with Sid I can understand you being a little apprehensive when other dogs are around.

eta Oh and :) to the forum :(

Edited by Ams
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Your trainer should be able to help you with this. If she can't then give me a call and I'll go through the steps with you.

i'll be blunt - if a trainer cannot train a basic recall you need to find someone else.

I was being polite. :) CFS (both of em cause I'm not sure which posted) are wonderful peeps. They had a highly recommended trainer work with them with Sid the Chinese Crestie cross I had in care but his behaviour whilst there meant he was unsuitable to stay. Fudge was placed with them as whilst in care she presented as a soft and easy girl.

CFS just so you know. Nekhbet is one of the highly praised trainers on this forum so if advice is given it is certainly worth it's weight in gold.

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