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My Pooch The Fish Lover..

Polgara's Shadow

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This is the second time he's done it...

...saved the life of our big yellow fish!

The first time we were down the back having a barbie and we heard a splash. Thought nothing of it until Vulcan rushed to the pond and started yipping. The big yellow fish had jumped clean out of the temporary pond and Vulcan was yipping at it to get back in :thumbsup: We popped him back in and covered the temporary pond until we did the pond extension.

In the meantime weve significantly extended the pond. Fast forward to today. I've pulled up the driveway and opend the gates, expecting Vulcan to wait for the gates to open and jump in the car like he usually does. But no he takes off to the pond. I open the gates and he rushes back to jump in the car. I let him in. I pull up the driveway and open the car door. He bolts out back to the pond. Me curious walks across to the pond and finds the same yellow fish gasping for life flopping around on the dirt. It's a fair jump to get up on the dirt outside of the pond! Not a tooth mark to be seen on the fishy either.

I picked the poor bugger up and held him in the stream till he looked like he was ready to swim again and let him go. Seems to be doing ok now. It's my favourite fish too!

If it wasn't for Vulcan it would probably have been at least half an hour before I wandered out to look at the fish and by then it might have been too late.

Yay Vulcan ;) :laugh: ;) :thumbsup:

Anyone else got a hero dog story?

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Not so much a hero story, but I think it's definitely worthy of a mention... When I first got my dog and he was only tiny, I spent a lot of time down on the ground playing with him etc. Anyway, one day because I was down on all fours, I happened to notice something shiney between the wall of the veranda thingy and the floor, almost tucked into it. Turned out to be a $10 000 + engagement ring. I would have never noticed it had I not happened to be down on my hands and knees in that spot, and that would have never happened if not for the dog, so I'm very grateful, and he has pretty much paid for himself lol.

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that's an excellent that he saved your fish twice :thumbsup:

My dog is of the hero variety :laugh: since my daughter developed diabetes she has begun to alert us to low blood glucose levels.

we are so proud of her; she is most definitely a canine hero ;)

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