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Photo Hosting Sites


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I have always used Photobucket for hosting my pics, but was wondering what others use? Is Flickr more 'highly regarded' by photographers, are there other recommended sites ? Do any sites alter the photos at all during upload, e.g. compress them further etc. :laugh:

Your thought are appreciated :eek:

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Pretty much all of the sites do something to your images - compressing or sharpening (flickr for this one).

flickr is very interactive, moreso than photobucket, I think. Lots of groups to join and ways to connect with others.

I had a flickr account but don't use it anymore. I use photobucket at the moment. For me, photobucket makes it easier to share images and put up multiple images in blogs and posts because their file names make sense so you can simply copy paste one and then change one little thing in the code. With flickr, each image gets a special code and so you have to click, click, copy, paste over and over and over again. This drove me mad.

I think they are all fine and you can't go too wrong. Decide how you'll use them and what you want and that should help narrow it down for you.

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I don't put up heaps of pics.. and prefer flickr. Photobucket is too complicated for me most of the time :)

For uploading to DOL- I just grab photos off my computer..and emailing- Picasa does that ,as I use gmail.Most of my friends are on flickr- so we can share images/comments .It is also customisable -choose friends/family etc to view images.

Edited by persephone
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Photobucket is too complicated for me most of the time :)

Hehehe this makes me chuckle as I was just being grumpy about it this morning! They have recently changed their format when you first log in and I don't particularly like it either (it really doesn't seem like an improvement to what used to be totally straight-forward and intuitive) but I still like the ease of sharing by using the code way more.

Also check the free limits. I haven't checked flickr recently (at least six months, I'd guess) but I know that I hit my free limit really fast but never have hit the free limit on photobucket. And free for me is essential - I don't want to pay for this service, honestly.

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Thanks guys :rofl:

Hehehe this makes me chuckle as I was just being grumpy about it this morning! They have recently changed their format when you first log in and I don't particularly like it either (it really doesn't seem like an improvement to what used to be totally straight-forward and intuitive) but I still like the ease of sharing by using the code way more.

Also check the free limits. I haven't checked flickr recently (at least six months, I'd guess) but I know that I hit my free limit really fast but never have hit the free limit on photobucket. And free for me is essential - I don't want to pay for this service, honestly.

lol, yup when I logged onto it the other day it was a case of wtf! the first time, but got used to it now :rofl:

I have to admit to paying for photobucket, but $39 for two years is worth it to me to get rid of those annoying adverts :)

Ok, so basically if I want to join somewhere like POTN, photobucket quality is acceptable - I won't be laughed out of town for not using Flickr or an alternative :rofl::(

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I use photobucket solely for forum uploads etc....I would never ever bother displaying photos on it.

I think if you want to show people all your photos etc then Flickr is a better option.

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most of the images I put here are from photobucket. can't stand dealing with the upload limit and i detest the little attached thumbnail instead of the full sized image when you attach an image to a post :thumbsup:

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