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Bloody Marauding Dogs


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I could hear big dogs barking in that voice they use when they've got something bailed up, like they're calling for back up. I drove down to where I thought it was coming from and sure enough I could just see through the bush from where I was standing on the road side, a kangaroo and joey standing in the dam. I couldn't see the dogs but I roared anyway at them to piss off and cracked my trusty stock whip a few times. They've gone silent so I hope they've left the roos alone. It gets harder and harder for the native wildlife here to just live their lives and it pisses me off.

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Yes, have known of a few dogs that have been drowned by Kangaroos.

They are actually quite scary if they are big and are really close. We had one come at us once while walking the dogs. 5 barking dogs and 4 people and this bloody thing stood tall and came to us instead of running away. No doubt what his intentions were!

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leaving aside the question of protecting our wildlife

what is wrong with people letting their dogs just wander willy nilly wherever not to mention the dangers of being run over for the dogs themselves. Don't they care about them! My dogs escaped for 5 minutes last night when kids left the front door open and I was panicking about that, not only for their own safety (even though I live in a quietish area) but the nuisance they were causing for my neighbours by running through their front yards.

and that's not even putting our native wildlife into the equation, wildlife that has the right to live a peaceful and quiet life with what little land they have left.

Just makes me angry :) ;) :)

Oh and my dogs normally aren't that bad if the front door is left open and normally do come back, it's just the foster dog thought the bid for freedom was wonderful and two of my dogs manners just went straight out the window (my coolie was a good boy and stayed home :laugh: )

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A doe & joey would be easy prey. :laugh: Does are not usually robust enough to drown/damage a dog.

Can you report them?

They've gone quiet now, I suspect I frightened them off. I didn't actually see the dogs either so I wouldn't be able to identify them. I thought about climbing through the fence to get a look at them but then thought I dont know whether they'd have a go at me so decided against it. I've had roaming dogs threaten me on my own property so would rather not take the risk.

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