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Musings On Dap


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The units can get really hot, it worried me too at first, but they never caught fire or stopped working, so now I just ignore them.

I think in a strange, multiple dog environment that is really stressful, like a vet clinic or a shelter, so many dogs are throwing off stress hormones that one little diffuser can't compete with the compounded history of stress.

In individual homes on one dog who is in a familiar environment, better results can be seen on some dogs. I think it is more effective on mild to moderate situational anxiety, and not a cure for full blown phobias.

I use them at dog daycare when a new client comes in, particularly if the owner describes their dog as timid or it is a breed that tends to stress easily. Some new dogs that I don't expect to seem to settle easily. That may be a DAP effect, but since I don't know the dogs beforehand I can't really say.

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I got DAP diffuser when I first got my Dane and will happily use it again when I feel the need. I was using because I had to go to work and on my return she would almost rip me to shreds with relief I was home, I found it very calming for her used with other training methods I was soon able to walk in the door and be greeted gently and calmly.

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Steve have you tried other calming sprays like the one I posted above?

K9: I havent tried that particular one, but most "remedy" level products vary from no change to a very small change. They of course may be helpful and even more so in conjunction with other things.

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Ok, new foster in today who does not like to be seperated from her humans....

Rescue Remedy - Fail

De-Stress Drops - Fail

DAP on Bandana - Fail

DAP plug in - Fail

DAP spray in room - Fail

That's just the first day, so we'll see how it goes.

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Ok, new foster in today who does not like to be seperated from her humans....

Rescue Remedy - Fail

De-Stress Drops - Fail

DAP on Bandana - Fail

DAP plug in - Fail

DAP spray in room - Fail

That's just the first day, so we'll see how it goes.

Separation anxiety is a long term fix, with or without the help of anxiety relieving products.

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Ok, new foster in today who does not like to be seperated from her humans....

Rescue Remedy - Fail

De-Stress Drops - Fail

DAP on Bandana - Fail

DAP plug in - Fail

DAP spray in room - Fail

That's just the first day, so we'll see how it goes.

Separation anxiety is a long term fix, with or without the help of anxiety relieving products.

Yeah I understand that, every foster dog we have ever taken has seperation anxiety to start with, it's a normal thing for us to deal with, I was simply giving feedback on the Dap in this situation - I wasn't expecting it be a success however some others have had success with it with seperation anxiety.

It's not neccessarily a long term fix, given boundaries and treated accordingly they can get through it fairly quickly, others can take longer.

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I've had good results using DAP with one of my dogs who had chronic anxiety issues, however I was doing a number of things at the time to treat the problem so I don't know exactly what worked how well. It is my opinion though that a change in diet saw a greater and more lasting improvement.

I have also used nervatona spray on him and a number of other dogs for various reasons and I did see some improvement, as did almost every owner of the dogs I used it on.

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I have used the DAP plug in before with great results. I had recently taken on my sisters heeler that was aggressive and anxious due to critical period issues (had no socialization what so ever), no exercise and no rules. I had bought some DAP for my work but ended up using it at home, plugged it in and forgot about it, (by this time the heeler had been with me for around 4 months). I had noticed after about a week that the heeler was a lot more relaxed and not so aggressive, she had also bonded with us a lot more. I didn't know why this had all of a sudden happened until I remembered about the DAP. It didn't fix her 100% as it was critical period issues but with exercise and training she's about 95% better. I also only needed 1 bottle of the DAP as the relaxed behaviors she learnt with the DAP have stuck around without the DAP.

Hope this helps!

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