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How Do You Get Past The Heartache Of Not Having A Dog?


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How awful for you, and so heart breaking, at least there is light at the tunnel, even though it will take a bit of time. It was great that your very much loved dog ended up in such a great home and the breeder has been kind enough to offer you another dog down the track :thumbsup: .

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Bluefairy, I feel your pain and I'm sorry to read of your dillema with the Lead and having to part with your pup, I think I have an inkling where you may live, have you always lived there? as your first dog seemed to live to a reasonable age,and do your neighbours have dogs and are ok. if you are where I think you are I have relatives that have had dogs that live there and have had the Lead problems in the yard as well, and their dog lived to a good age.

I hope you get your yard sorted soon by the offender, and you can have a pet once again.


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Thank you everyone so much,

We have thought of having the new pup inside, like the cat, but I'm not sure how to make that work. Zoe was a mainly indoor dog, only going out for toilet breaks and the occasional play.When we got Zoe (a pug) OH had filled all under the decking, the yard was fenced, and we had removed all non friendly dog plants. We were just about to start buying the plants from a list for the Fairy Garden (for the grandkids). We have removed a large section of the soil and replaced it with sand for the above ground pool we hope to have put up for next summer. The yard is a smallish one so we have been working on ways to either replace the soil or cover it over with pavers. Its a work in progress, its a slow process but a safe garden area is the goal.

I keep telling myself I did the right thing for Zoe, but it doesn't help much, its like losing her as well. I know our next dog will be so wanted, so prepared for, and so loved....I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, its the waiting thats the hardest.

Thank you all for understanding. It has been so nice just to get it out there, to speak it out loud.

Unfortunately I can't volunteer to walk any dogs, as I have a bad heart and exercise is a big no no. Thats why we chose a Pug, they don't care if you are a couch potato or an exercise nut, they will love you and love doing what you do :dancingelephant: plus she was small so she was easy to handle. A lot of thought went into getting her with me in mind.

I will be hanging around DOL, and I always read the Pug Thread so I get my fix every now and again :dancingelephant:

Thank you again


PS ~ Lablove - My older dog was penned down the back of the yard on a 1 acre block (away from the house that was buried). She was allowed to run over the whole yard every day or two, but penned up in the afternoon for the night. So she didn't really spend as much time in this area as the 11mth old pup. We have since subdivided the block and the yard we sold is safe. The vet told us she would have tested Zoe for lead poisoning if we lived in the town your thinking of, but as we live the other side of the ranges she didn't think. And because we didn't think about all this until the end, our only thought was to get Zoe out of there before she got worse. It all makes sense now, I just hope we can get this fixed.

Edited by Bluefairy
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I am so sorry to hear this BF. :dancingelephant:

I applaud you and respect you for putting your pups health and wellbeing first.

Seriously I couldn't imagine life without a dog. I have had them all my life. Growing up as a kid and now as an adult. My life just wouldn't be the same without them. It must be so hard for you.

Is there no way you could get an inside dog take him/her for walks daily (around the block, or to a park maybe?) just a thought.

Wishing you the best of luck.

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I don't want to alarm you, especially as you say you have no option of moving. But what about your own health? Can it be affected by this contaminated soil? For those reasons, I'm glad that you're gradually working with the sand and/or pavers.

Is there a government agency that would provide support for how you can deal with a problem like this. It's also a community problem as soil is picked up by the wind, runs off with rain & there are callers to your house.

I think you're doing the best you can in a heartbreaking situation.

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Guest belgian.blue
I had a rabbit to get me through. ;) Before that, I had some herb plants. I lavished so much attention on those plants. :( It wasn't the same, but it got me through.

A rabbit is a good idea, they can easily live indoors! Mine does :o He hops around the spare room with my cat.

Nothing can replace the love a dog gives, do you have friends you can visit who have dogs you can cuddle?

I went four years without a dog in my life, after losing my heart girl .. it wasn't fun at all.


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I lost my big boy 2 months ago and I cry everyday, his bed is by the back door still and there are reminders of him everywhere. I am a little different to you as I can go get another dog but we only want another CASD and there is only one breeder that I want another from. I will be waiting a long time possibly years for another and that hurts too but we have made the decision and are commited to it. I am hoping to get a pup from a mating from his brother, at least that way he will still be a part of our family even if it is just a genetic link. This time we are hoping to get 2 as they are such an amazing breed that I can not ever imagine another breed fitting so perfectly into our home and family.

I do have another little fluff bum but she is very ill and it is only a matter of time before I lose her but I keep pushing that loss to the back of my head as it will be absolutely soul destroying when the time comes.

Pardon my ignorance - but can I ask what a CASD is please?

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I lost my big boy 2 months ago and I cry everyday, his bed is by the back door still and there are reminders of him everywhere. I am a little different to you as I can go get another dog but we only want another CASD and there is only one breeder that I want another from. I will be waiting a long time possibly years for another and that hurts too but we have made the decision and are commited to it. I am hoping to get a pup from a mating from his brother, at least that way he will still be a part of our family even if it is just a genetic link. This time we are hoping to get 2 as they are such an amazing breed that I can not ever imagine another breed fitting so perfectly into our home and family.

I do have another little fluff bum but she is very ill and it is only a matter of time before I lose her but I keep pushing that loss to the back of my head as it will be absolutely soul destroying when the time comes.

Pardon my ignorance - but can I ask what a CASD is please?

Hi Randcmoore31,

My guess would be that CASD stands for Central Asian Shepherd Dog :rofl:

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