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Would like to know other breeders opinions please - Hypothetically speaking of course

If someone used your stud dog for a litter and you chose to take a puppy instead of the stud fee and then the other puppy the breeder didn't want so you paid for it as you liked that puppy also. Then both puppies didn't turn out, were too small etc.. and breeder told you to pet them out.. One home was perfect the other you thought was perfect until 1 week after puppy buyer got puppy she whinged it was eating it's poo. You offered to take pup back but puppy owner said no.

Then 3 weeks after that puppy buyer contacts you to say that puppy has urine infection and is constipated so you ring their vet, vet tells you that puppy doesn't have a urine infection or is constipated, he actually seems to have a sore back and has put him on pain relief etc.. The vet said he would ring you in a week to let you know how puppy is and you don't hear from vet or owner and the next thing you hear is that puppy has died and puppy owner wants her money back. The puppy owner had puppy for 6 1/2 weeks, he was healthy puppy before leaving. You speak to puppy owner vet and he can't give a daignosis as he hadn't seen puppy for 12 days. Vet also said puppy didn't have a autopsy so as you didn't breed the puppy do you refund the money? as well as without determining what is wrong with puppy do you refund???

Your opinios would be greatly appreciated..

This is all Hypothetically speaking of course!

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Well its not "Hypothetically speaking" at all as it would be difficult to create such a convoluted story IMO.

All who breed who owned aside, it boils down to a pup was sold that died after 6.5 weeks. In the absence of any contact or vet contact and no autopsy I would offer them a partial refund.

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Firstly, sort out how the puppy died.

Secondly, if the death is legitimately warranting a refund - if the pup was in your name and you sold the dog, then IMHO it's your responsibility to provide a refund - it's nothing to with the breeder at that point in time.

Thirdly, just a question which could change what I said in my "secondly" comments - did the pup go straight from the breeder to the puppy buyer or did the pup go from your home?

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As the seller of the puppy I guess you are the one that would have to deal with this.

Given the initial complaint & refusal to return puppy, false information re urine infection & constipation & no feedback on the sore back, which they didn't tell you about, & obviously they did not go back to the vet again, you can check on that.

I would not do anything.

There is something you have not been told here + the lies. Whole thing does not sound right.

You will never know why this puppy died & it is probably not available for autopsy now.

I offer a really good health guarantee on puppies but would not be happy with this information.

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Thanks everyone for your comments.. The puppy came to my home from breeders home then i got second vaccination and vet check etc then left a couple weeks after to his new home. He was 3 1/2 months old when i sold him. As for what he died from i can't say as all i got was an email from puppy buyer saying puppy had died and puppy buyer wants a refund. Prior to this email i spoke to puppy buyer which puppy buyer informed he had urine infection and constipation which then her vet informed me it was a sore back. I ahve tried ringing and emailing puppy buyer but no reply.

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Do you have an address for the puppy buyer (I would assume so)?

Write a formal letter requesting a copy of the autopsy (or report of some sort from the Vet) within a certain time frame.

Thanks yes i do have an address for puppy buyer so will give that a go... The vet had done a letter to say it's visits to him but he said he can't send it to me due to privacy law. So as you can imagine i am getting very suss....

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Thanks everyone for your comments.. The puppy came to my home from breeders home then i got second vaccination and vet check etc then left a couple weeks after to his new home. He was 3 1/2 months old when i sold him. As for what he died from i can't say as all i got was an email from puppy buyer saying puppy had died and puppy buyer wants a refund. Prior to this email i spoke to puppy buyer which puppy buyer informed he had urine infection and constipation which then her vet informed me it was a sore back. I ahve tried ringing and emailing puppy buyer but no reply.

So the 'hypothetical' was not exactly hypothetical - does it seem that there are often people coming onto Dogzonline and asking these hypothetical questions - and often they seem to be members who have only joined recently....

mmmmmm perhaps I just have a suspicious mind but I really do think if there are people out there who have genuine questions or are after information for studies or whatever then perhaps it would be besty for all concerned to just say so.

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Thanks everyone for your comments.. The puppy came to my home from breeders home then i got second vaccination and vet check etc then left a couple weeks after to his new home. He was 3 1/2 months old when i sold him. As for what he died from i can't say as all i got was an email from puppy buyer saying puppy had died and puppy buyer wants a refund. Prior to this email i spoke to puppy buyer which puppy buyer informed he had urine infection and constipation which then her vet informed me it was a sore back. I ahve tried ringing and emailing puppy buyer but no reply.

So the 'hypothetical' was not exactly hypothetical - does it seem that there are often people coming onto Dogzonline and asking these hypothetical questions - and often they seem to be members who have only joined recently....

mmmmmm perhaps I just have a suspicious mind but I really do think if there are people out there who have genuine questions or are after information for studies or whatever then perhaps it would be besty for all concerned to just say so.

Does it matter if it was hypothetical question or not??? It is about asking for experienced breeders opinions what they would do in this sort situation...

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Thanks everyone for your comments.. The puppy came to my home from breeders home then i got second vaccination and vet check etc then left a couple weeks after to his new home. He was 3 1/2 months old when i sold him. As for what he died from i can't say as all i got was an email from puppy buyer saying puppy had died and puppy buyer wants a refund. Prior to this email i spoke to puppy buyer which puppy buyer informed he had urine infection and constipation which then her vet informed me it was a sore back. I ahve tried ringing and emailing puppy buyer but no reply.

So the 'hypothetical' was not exactly hypothetical - does it seem that there are often people coming onto Dogzonline and asking these hypothetical questions - and often they seem to be members who have only joined recently....

mmmmmm perhaps I just have a suspicious mind but I really do think if there are people out there who have genuine questions or are after information for studies or whatever then perhaps it would be besty for all concerned to just say so.

Does it matter if it was hypothetical question or not??? It is about asking for experienced breeders opinions what they would do in this sort situation...

"Well its not "Hypothetically speaking" at all as it would be difficult to create such a convoluted story IMO."

My quote. :laugh: IMO it is better to be honest and state This is the situation I am in ....... what would you do.

Shit happens, and is often outside our control. But being honest is within our control.

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